"Things i wish i knew before i met and worshipped you?"


This is about having the chance to vent or say something about former, current, or future partners before meeting them, dedicating your life to them, or worshipping the ground they walk on. :m155:

Similar to the Dear so and so thread but a little different.

in humorous/harmless fashion of course.

NOTE: please keep terms of endearment delightful. Thx.

Please keep the names of the persons you are speaking of anonymous, out of respect (even if you think they don't deserve it)
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To the woman I will marry someday but haven't met yet,

I wish I'd figure out that you, like me, are imperfect. You'll never be able to complete me just like I'll never be able to complete you.

I wish I'd figure this out so I could remove you from the pedestal I've put you on (that you're not even on). If I could do this, I'd be able to move on to other things and enjoy life, continue learning and challenging myself while I wait for you instead of being miserable without you.

I'm not ready to meet you yet. I'm sorry.
Very very simply, I wish I knew we couldn't fit together. Apparently, trying to run all kinds of complicated pessimistic simulations in my head in advance is still not reliable enough.
Yeah... sorry about that. It feels great expressing it but it probably hurts like hell upon hearing it.
Dear current bf...

I wish I knew your secret before I decided to date you...

Your addiction has hurt you a lot, and it has gotten in the way of our intimacy and trust. Your passion and depth of emotion when you let yourself go there, is what clinched me in the first place, and is what has me staying with you still.

I hope you get better someday, I miss you sometimes. Keep on working at it hun...
dear you,

I wish I knew you would only live a year once I fell in love with you, I wish I knew that before my heart had to bear this torment. but if i knew...would I still love you...Its probably true...that i would...still love you...
I wish I knew you were just as broken and depraved as I am...
Would one of you stop persuing me this is getting tiring. Whats wrong with being friends anyway. I can only be with one of you someone has got to give up.


Would one of you stop persuing me this is getting tiring. Whats wrong with being friends anyway. I can only be with one of you someone has got to give up.



Making the boys cry again?
I wish I would have known that you'd never come to a single show in the span of 5 years. I wouldn't have wasted all that time writing shitty songs about you.
I wish I could've talked to your first American ex-girlfriend and realized that you were slime. I also wish my friends had the balls to tell me the whole truth about how much of a dick you were to them. Half-truths weren't enough.
I wish I'd known how little we have in common a long time ago. It would have been a lot easier on all of us. I don't see anyway this can continue, we are both miserable now. I'm praying for all of us.
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Dear lovely,

I wish I'd rescued me, before I tried to rescue you. I wonder if I should have let my need to save the day get in the way? Could I have loved you better, just by staying away? I wonder what your life woud be like without me. Would you be you? Would you be happy - more than now? Would it be him instead of me? I wonder, did you need rescuing at all - or was it just me...?
Dear lovely,

I wish I'd rescued me, before I tried to rescue you. I wonder if I should have let my need to save the day get in the way? Could I have loved you better, just by staying away? I wonder what your life woud be like without me. Would you be you? Would you be happy - more than now? Would it be him instead of me? I wonder, did you need rescuing at all - or was it just me...?

Dearest you,

I wish I knew you were a butthole.


PS I had the last laugh.
Dear you,
aaa aaaaaa aa aaaa aaa aaaaah!!! :m163:

Dear X,

I really wish I had never met you. I handled myself poorly in our relationship. You handled yourself worse, to say the least. You do not know everything about me. I was not going to change who I am to please you. You were never "in love with me". You were in love with the person you wished for me to become. I never loved you, and I will not be sorry for not loving you after a week and a half.

You are not very attractive, and good luck finding someone who will wait until marriage for you. No guy wants to hear about your million ex-boyfriends and how much you hate all of them, and I really feel sorry for whatever unfortunate fool gets to hear about how horrible a person I am from you.

I wish that the moment when we found our differences wouldn't become a moment where we held on those differences.

Your faithful traitor