These are the INFJ forums!

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Variable Hybrid
I've noticed that there are a lot of other types here, and we welcome you guys. We really do. But, we need those of you who are not INFJs to keep something in mind - these are the INFJ forums.

From time to time, we're going to say or do things that are not what you would say or do. We don't think quite the way any other type does. And that's precisely the point. We need a place where we can feel like we're interacting with our own kind. This is not typology central. If you're here to learn about us and understand us better, great. But, please don't try to force your reality or sensibilities upon us. We have our own.

Think of this place like a refuge for the rare and elusive INFJs, a wide open place where you get to observe us as we live and behave as we do in the wild. This is to help the almost extinct INFJ population, and is solely for the benefit of the INFJs, and those who seek to learn from us. If you come into the refuge, you're coming into our territory, so be wary. It's not a zoo, and we're not in cages for you to tap on the glass and annoy us. We're not here for your amusement.

Here are a few things you're going to have to accept about us.

1. We can be very judgmental. We are J types, after all. Don't be surprised when we have a strong opinion. Most importantly, don't give us flack for having one. You might notice, we rarely give each other flack over it - because we understand and accept this about one another.

2. We sometimes make very sweeping blanket statements.
If your reality can't include the understanding of trends, and has to focus on exceptions, please don't bother us with it. We ALWAYS understand that there are exceptions. Our minds are designed to see the most likely patterns. Babbling on about the obvious exceptions just muddies the topics.

3. We can in fact say that.
If we say something that you don't agree with, don't tell us "You can't say that". We can, and we did. Not only is this our forum, we have the right to say whatever we want, believe whatever we choose, and feel however we like. This is a forum devoted to how we INFJs do all of these things. You'll do much better to take notes and learn something about us than to tell us we're wrong, because we're not wrong on our own forum.

4. If you're not helping, you're part of the problem.
Please keep an attitude of helping the endangered INFJs. Feel free to ask us questions, but for the love of goodness, don't bicker with us about our opinions. If you haven't noticed, we don't bicker. Bickering is toxic to INFJs. We love to help. We really do. We encourage inquiries. But, seriously, don't bicker with the INFJs. It's the equivalent of tapping on the glass for us.
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In a way, this reminded me of INTPcentral, but I totally see what you're talking about.
Nicely said. I don't think that much needs to really be added to that. Well thought out and well written. I have noticed that we INFJ's do not bicker amounst ourselves (for the most part--see I don't need to say that here as it's understood!). Most of the bickering is between INFJ's and another types. This doesn't mean we can't be asses, and wrong, like any other type. But I follow your message and second it!
I think the source of this problem is closer than we think. Shai and TLM are both ENTP's.
We're just pieces in one of their dark, obscure games.
And stop coming in here to hunt for INFJ boyfriends or girlfriends, for christs sake. Its creepy.
What does that meeeean!?!?

At first I was thinking "No! No! don't say that! sshhh!"
then I thought "Oh"
"Infj conflict avoidance."
Carry on then.
Think of this place like a refuge for the rare and elusive INFJs, a wide open place where you get to observe us as we live and behave as we do in the wild. This is to help the almost extinct INFJ population, and is solely for the benefit of the INFJs, and those who seek to learn from us. If you come into the refuge, you're coming into our territory, so be wary. It's not a zoo, and we're not in cages for you to tap on the glass and annoy us. We're not here for your amusement.

why am i bothered by this language?
Someone has to keep you lot honest though! :wink:
why am i bothered by this language?

Because you're not an animal and you're more than capable of standing up for yourself?
I've noticed that there are a lot of other types here, and we welcome you guys. We really do. But, we need those of you who are not INFJs to keep something in mind - these are the INFJ forums.

From time to time, we're going to say or do things that are not what you would say or do. We don't think quite the way any other type does. And that's precisely the point. We need a place where we can feel like we're interacting with our own kind. This is not typology central. If you're here to learn about us and understand us better, great. But, please don't try to force your reality or sensibilities upon us. We have our own.

Think of this place like a refuge for the rare and elusive INFJs, a wide open place where you get to observe us as we live and behave as we do in the wild. This is to help the almost extinct INFJ population, and is solely for the benefit of the INFJs, and those who seek to learn from us. If you come into the refuge, you're coming into our territory, so be wary. It's not a zoo, and we're not in cages for you to tap on the glass and annoy us. We're not here for your amusement.

Here are a few things you're going to have to accept about us.

1. We can be very judgmental. We are J types, after all. Don't be surprised when we have a strong opinion. Most importantly, don't give us flack for having one. You might notice, we rarely give each other flack over it - because we understand and accept this about one another.

2. We sometimes make very sweeping blanket statements.
If your reality can't include the understanding of trends, and has to focus on exceptions, please don't bother us with it. We ALWAYS understand that there are exceptions. Our minds are designed to see the most likely patterns. Babbling on about the obvious exceptions just muddies the topics.

3. We can in fact say that.
If we say something that you don't agree with, don't tell us "You can't say that". We can, and we did. Not only is this our forum, we have the right to say whatever we want, believe whatever we choose, and feel however we like. This is a forum devoted to how we INFJs do all of these things. You'll do much better to take notes and learn something about us than to tell us we're wrong, because we're not wrong on our own forum.

4. If you're not helping, you're part of the problem.
Please keep an attitude of helping the endangered INFJs. Feel free to ask us questions, but for the love of goodness, don't bicker with us about our opinions. If you haven't noticed, we don't bicker. Bickering is toxic to INFJs. We love to help. We really do. We encourage inquiries. But, seriously, don't bicker with the INFJs. It's the equivalent of tapping on the glass for us.

If you're not an INFJ, you are visiting here. Please treat these forums with the respect you would (or at least should) treat someone else's home, and please consider us your hosts.

As a long time forum mod and admin I wouldn't agree with a statement like this usually. But this isn't the usual statement and I think holds a lot of truth and a lot of merit. Von has been wise to say what I think needs to be said with out pushing everyone out.

For the record I don't want other types to leave. I like having you guys here. So please don't leave. This is not about pushing you away.

But this forum purpose is for INFJs to deal with issues. That we have and yes that may inlucde, types we don't get along with, rants , be INFJ'y, be angry, emo, and whatever we need to cope with these issues. I don't want anyone to leave. But I want to be able to use this forum for its intended purpose.

I want people to let me be INFJ while I'm here and stop trying to tell me to be something I'm not.

In a way, this reminded me of INTPcentral, but I totally see what you're talking about.

No there is a difference I want other types here I just want people torealize that we aren't different and thats ok.

I don't want to shut down the forum to just us. But I want to be able to speak my mind without getting bitched at for what I need to say. or for being who I am.

Thats all I want.
And stop coming in here to hunt for INFJ boyfriends or girlfriends, for christs sake. Its creepy.

Yes thank you Billy this has been bugging the living hell out of me. I don't go to other forums trolling for booty. I would appreciate we didn't have it here.

We still people like any other type.

One more thing I think this needs repeating. WE are J types and we judge and I'm sick of being told when I say something that I can't do that because of exceptions. As Von mentioned I'm well aware thank you.

I hope we can clear the air a little bit. Because lately I've been less willing to come and just let my INFJness out.
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but, the infj forums are my home. when I came here, originally, I thought I was an INFJ. I have the most posts here than any of those other forums. I don't want to be outed cause I'm not 'one of you' when I came here originally I was greeted like I WAS one of you, and for a while you all embraced me and then all of the sudden I was a 'different type' and somehow inferior.
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