The Truth About Government


Community Member
This government is a squatting, lugubrious devil divested now of even the necessary practice of sublime politics and gorged to decadent rotundness, it's pestalent belly over-running it's belt-line as it's paunchy and pasty benefactors stuff it with ill gotten gains and the lympha of dead innocents.

It can be said of all hierarchy, royal and democratic (for there is no free democracy) that the leader, the beast trundles neatly up a pyramid of militantly minded youth ground to pulped and bullet ridden meat in the gormless, witless machine of his ambition. This gestalt of illness, this plague bearing psyche absconds with power by cruel amorality and a stark willingness to unmake better persons for the pitiful sake of the right to give direction to his fellow man.

Then a time circles round that the sickening monster, having fed mightily upon it's neighbors, it's poor people, and at last upon itself, must weaken. Another noble soul takes up that finest and most tragic of human enterprises, revolution. He slays that demon and takes his place at the feeding hole, ready to feast.

There is nothing left for us. We, the masses, gnashing our teeth, weeping, tearing our hair and flesh must either die as martyrs or live to see ourselves become the villains.
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Sometimes I wish we were all park benches, and all of our problems that lay on us like food, were dissolved by an invisible entity. And we could just sit there, soaking in the perennial shade of absolution and peace.

I also wish the first post made more sense than the statement I just made.

I also wish I could be an astronaut and blast off to my bed in 3.... 2..... 1.....
This government is a squatting, lugubrious devil divested now of even the necessary practice of sublime politics and gorged to decadent rotundness, it's pestalent belly over-running it's belt-line as it's paunchy and pasty benefactors stuff it with ill gotten gains and the lympha of dead innocents.

It can be said of all hierarchy, royal and democratic (for there is no free democracy) that the leader, the beast trundles neatly up a pyramid of militantly minded youth ground to pulped and bullet ridden meat in the gormless, witless machine of his ambition. This gestalt of illness, this plague bearing psyche absconds with power by cruel amorality and a stark willingness to unmake better persons for the pitiful sake of the right to give direction to his fellow man.

Then a time circles round that the sickening monster, having fed mightily upon it's neighbors, it's poor people, and at last upon itself, must weaken. Another noble soul takes up that finest and most tragic of human enterprises, revolution. He slays that demon and takes his place at the feeding hole, ready to feast.

There is nothing left for us. We, the masses, gnashing our teeth, weeping, tearing our hair and flesh must either die as martyrs or live to see ourselves become the villains.

So true true...

With the exponential increases in population - do you think the intervals between revolutions will get greater and greater. Or do you think the revolutions will never come now.

As we stagger into a world hegemony, I think nothing will happen amongst the masses for we have no clear idea of "Who" to revolt against. Gone are the days of the symbols of power and greed. It seems to me the Powerful in this world are like the Hydra: Lop off one head and 2 more appear to replace it.

This description of goverment is classic!
It must suck for yall to live in this kind of world.
This government is a squatting, lugubrious devil divested now of even the necessary practice of sublime politics and gorged to decadent rotundness, it's pestalent belly over-running it's belt-line as it's paunchy and pasty benefactors stuff it with ill gotten gains and the lympha of dead innocents.

It can be said of all hierarchy, royal and democratic (for there is no free democracy) that the leader, the beast trundles neatly up a pyramid of militantly minded youth ground to pulped and bullet ridden meat in the gormless, witless machine of his ambition. This gestalt of illness, this plague bearing psyche absconds with power by cruel amorality and a stark willingness to unmake better persons for the pitiful sake of the right to give direction to his fellow man.

Then a time circles round that the sickening monster, having fed mightily upon it's neighbors, it's poor people, and at last upon itself, must weaken. Another noble soul takes up that finest and most tragic of human enterprises, revolution. He slays that demon and takes his place at the feeding hole, ready to feast.

There is nothing left for us. We, the masses, gnashing our teeth, weeping, tearing our hair and flesh must either die as martyrs or live to see ourselves become the villains. what you're saying is you don't very much care for governments at all?

Think you may want to come down a little off of that high you got from the TSA thread :P

Barnabas said:
It must suck for yall to live in this kind of world.

Did you really have to go as far as to say "yall" *shudders* you realize that it's supposed to be "y'all" *shudders again* which is short for "you all" *shudders* which is just horrible.
Reminds me alot of some 19th century accounts, too. Maybe not so much before that as folks would have been thrown in the dungeon, beheaded, or impaled long before they had a chance to write much down. what you're saying is you don't very much care for governments at all?

Think you may want to come down a little off of that high you got from the TSA thread :P

Did you really have to go as far as to say "yall" *shudders* you realize that it's supposed to be "y'all" *shudders again* which is short for "you all" *shudders* which is just horrible.

Beg your pardon, boy I tell you what.
Beg your pardon, boy I tell you what.

Now you're just doing it on purpose.

Boy? I hope you realize the top part is for Chessie, only the bottom part is for you.
I agree with Barnabus yall.
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I'd imagine something said by a person named Barnabus would be far more moving :P

bad pun is bad.

well I have succeeded in derailing this thread, now off to another. Fair well all.
Whats the matter with yall and southern dialect?

Apparently DimensionX has been conditioned to think that southern dialects = stupid people. Thats the gist of what I got anyways.

Back to the OP I like the government for the most part.
Apparently DimensionX has been conditioned to think that southern dialects = stupid people. Thats the gist of what I got anyways.

I don't think that people that use the southern dialect are stupid, I know people from the Tn and so forth who are quite intelligent, I just can't stand the way it sounds. When I read it, just the way it sounds it just makes me cringe.
I don't think that people that use the southern dialect are stupid, I know people from the Tn and so forth who are quite intelligent, I just can't stand the way it sounds. When I read it I hear myself reading it and it makes me cringe.

I feel the same way about British dialects. and thats not a dig, It just annoys me to some end.
I feel the same way about British dialects. and thats not a dig, It just annoys me to some end.

Which in particular and what particular words? personally I'm not a fan of the Birmingham or Liverpool dialects though I do like how they pronounce the double "o" in simple words like book or cook.