[PUG] - The Left's Difficulty Accepting Election/Referendum Results | Page 8 | INFJ Forum

[PUG] The Left's Difficulty Accepting Election/Referendum Results

The problem with your questions is that they dont play into a narrative people want to think about or address. Change "white" to "black" and you might blow up this forum with responses.
Cold hard truths are not what people want. They want fluffy easy lies.
Unfortunately the only place you will likely get answers to your questions is in an echo chamber. A term thats been used alot around here as of late.
Best of luck.

Yes I understand. It seems that if we want to heal we need to understand what others are saying. Both sides need to talk it out. Not everyone will agree. But talking is better than fighting. One must learn how to deal with their thoughts. Not everything one thinks is correct. It's good to take it to the people and ask them. If you cannot ask questions and get answers how will anyone understand? How will we all get along if we won't communicate?
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Yes I understand. It seems that if we want to heal we need to understand what others are saying. Both sides need to talk it out. Not everyone will agree. But talking is better than fighting. One must learn how to deal with their thoughts. Not everything one thinks is correct. It's good to take it to the people and ask them. If you cannot ask questions and get answers how will anyone understand? How will we all get along if we won't communicate?
I have personally tried and tried. There is no reason and no rational thought many times to what people base decisions on. Many times they cant evsn explain it themselves and this takes the form of anger when they try to.
I have spent years upon years trying to have conversations that will help me understand. To this day I am no closer.
If you ever make headway, let me know.
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It's kinda simple-- don't go into a conversation with your mind already completely made up. If you find you consistently can't talk to people who you disagree with, it's because you are not listening. If someone becomes emotional and angry, don't get defensive back... Try to empathize. Our leaders would prefer we are at each other's throats and blaming each other for our country's problems instead of them.
I have personally tried and tried. There is no reason and no rational thought many times to what people base decisions on. Many times they cant evsn explain it themselves and this takes the form of anger when they try to.
I have spent years upon years trying to have conversations that will help me understand. To this day I am no closer.
If you ever make headway, let me know.

I understand that too I have kids that are teens. It seems that even they when confronted with the facts would rather believe there own flawed thinking. That is a problem. A learning problem. A willingness to be blatantly ignorant in the face of the facts.

The worst part about this for me is watching people believe the lie of the two party system that only represents it's own self interests. They keep playing the people against one another. They are very successful at it. It's why Wikileaks's is needed to show how they really think of the public they say they care about.

Hillary called the trump supporters Deplorables. Is that how you win them over by insulting half the country? You want peace but you say nothing about your people rioting?

Well that's how you take over a country. You get the people fighting then you can bring the military in to quash it and then take over. America has been doing this in the Middle East under pres O. And B. It looks like they want to do it here. The worst thing for all Americans is for us to fight one another when it's our government that is creating the problems.

If trump is a failure he's gone in four years. But who are we going to get next. America is on shaky ground her hypocrisy is ripe and ready to pick.
This video, I feel is extremely important for people to listen to, especially the hard left. Ignore his accusations of it being entirely the left's fault because factually it is both sides that have culpability. Everything else he is saying here is representative of the anger of the right and needs to be heard and absorbed. The extreme left has been getting out of hand for years. Trump is simply a reaction to it.

This video, I feel is extremely important for people to listen to, especially the hard left. Ignore his accusations of it being entirely the left's fault because factually it is both sides that have culpability. Everything else he is saying here is representative of the anger of the right and needs to be heard and absorbed. The extreme left has been getting out of hand for years. Trump is simply a reaction to it.

Ha said what I have been thinking and saying! Thanks for the share!!!
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This video, I feel is extremely important for people to listen to, especially the hard left. Ignore his accusations of it being entirely the left's fault because factually it is both sides that have culpability. Everything else he is saying here is representative of the anger of the right and needs to be heard and absorbed. The extreme left has been getting out of hand for years. Trump is simply a reaction to it.

That was a breath of fresh air. That was like a good South Park episode. Can this dude be our next president?
Im going to interject and point out that in places like Africa only the parents are to blame. They have kids knowing the horror of a life they will have. Offered contraceptives, not to keep them from reproducing but to give them a choice in how many children they have, they refuse citing more ofren than not their religion doesnt allow for it. Im sorry but thats the truth of it.

In this world, providing people the things they need or want is what makes it go around. If you dont have the ability to provide anything like this, there are no other options for you. Africa has very little of what the world wants.

That is not the case. They do not regard their lives as horrible. They regard their lives as normal because they have never experienced anything else. Furthermore, in many countries (including the two I visited), arranged marriages are the norm, so it is society that is expecting them to have kids. Women are taken out of high school once a husband is found for them because the top priority for women in their society is to have children.

The issue is less with their religion than with patriarchy and their extremely backwards views on women. Religion reinforces those things, but really the issue is that women are not allowed to receive an education, which would not be as much of an issue if there were more infrastructure and opportunities to incentivize keeping girls in school.

And Africa is one of the biggest continents in the world. They have tons to offer.
That is not the case. They do not regard their lives as horrible. They regard their lives as normal because they have never experienced anything else. Furthermore, in many countries (including the two I visited), arranged marriages are the norm, so it is society that is expecting them to have kids. Women are taken out of high school once a husband is found for them because the top priority for women in their society is to have children.

The issue is less with their religion than with patriarchy and their extremely backwards views on women. Religion reinforces those things, but really the issue is that women are not allowed to receive an education, which would not be as much of an issue if there were more infrastructure and opportunities to incentivize keeping girls in school.

And Africa is one of the biggest continents in the world. They have tons to offer.

President O and Secretary C supported removing Gaddafi. Which has ruined a country that was no threat to America. His death is on our hands. The president will not get the blame for the bombs that we used to kill their children. To bomb there cities to oblivion we the American public are guilty. And we will be held responsible for what our government does because we failed to stop it. We are too concerned with are stupid daily shit to care about what others are doing on our behalf. We forget what others are doing for us. We the public should absolutely be able to walk through every government office and see everything that is there we paid for it. It belongs to the people.

He has a different view of whats going on. And I tend to believe him. Since his facts add up when you add Wikileaks to the mix. All citizens of the USA need to really start looking at who they vote for and what they are voting for. This is no joke...