[PUG] - The Left's Difficulty Accepting Election/Referendum Results | INFJ Forum

[PUG] The Left's Difficulty Accepting Election/Referendum Results

Flavus Aquila

Finding My Place in the Sun
Mar 14, 2009
Why does the left in both GB and USA have such difficulty in gracefully accepting democratic elections/referendums?

(Re. Brexit and Trump).

Edit. I have added the pug prefix to the thread, not because I wish the discussion to become pugnacious, but because it seems to have drifted that way. Please try and make original posts peacefully, but if replies are provoking, provoked answers aren't going to be called out.
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I think it's because the left is partially made up of the most historically oppressed groups who fought so fiercely over time for their rights, i.e., gay marriage, and they fear it will be reversed by a leader they see as a lunatic. They are losing what makes their lives worth living. Waking up to find out that you are no longer legally married would be a little upsetting, no?
I'm sorry you feel that way.

In regards Brexit ?

Perhaps it's because it wasn't just the 'left' was it ? I don't think many people would call the former Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron a "lefty".

Every one of the UK's living Prime Ministers, Conservative and Labour supported remaining in the UK. It was a Conservative Prime Minister who negotiated Britain joining the EU (EEC as it was then) and even the current Conservative Prime Minister, who is now negotiating 'Brexit' supported remaining in the EU. Perhaps people left and right, don't want to 'gracefully accept' something that has already led to a large (15 -18%) devaluation in the pound. Perhaps it was because, it was based on gigantic lies on immigration, and EU spending (within hours of the result Nigel Farage the then leader of UKIP was on tv admitting that the promise to spend £350 million pounds a week on the NHS 'was a mistake..')

Perhaps it is because of the terrible rise of racist attacks on people in the UK, who are here legally, working, contributing and paying taxes. Perhaps it's because it was an absurdly over simplistic referrendum (that gave no details at all on the terms of EU exit) which was offered by a Conservative government with a very small majority (still under investigation from the electoral commission) to resolve their own internal struggles. Perhaps it's because of the probable further impoverishment, of millions of ordinary people, who already have a difficult life, especially when major companies either leave the UK or force the government into 'sweet heart' tax deals to stay here.

Opinion polls suggest if there was another vote today ? There would be a clear majority against Brexit.

Millions of people (about 11 million) didn't vote. The majority was 2% (very small). Many people who voted Leave bitterly regret it. As prices skyrocket next year, they will regret it much more. I don't know. People can be so 'touchy' can't they ? Not the like the 'right wing' who having lost the vote to join the EU in the 1970's in an overwhelming majority, never stopped campaigning to leave it... who knows.. It's difficult to say.

As for Donald Trump? I'm British, so not my country and he won the election. It's curious to me, that overall he got according to the official figures less votes than his rival, but that's for Americans. Personally I wouldn't regard American Democrats as 'left wing'. Lastly in regard the EU exit, I will not 'gracefully accept' a number of very dodgy businessmen who are not British, don't live here, and don't pay British taxes, helping fund such a catastrophically stupid decision. If the UK public were properly informed and really resolved to leave the EU, and those who wanted to leave it, had developed an agreed credible exit plan that could be presented to the country, I might have.

Since we don't have anything remotely resembling that ? No I absolutely will not. Neither will millions of other people Left and Right. It's not over by any means. Since we live in democracy people will organize and protest. The day we are not allowed to, will mean it's not a democracy anymore.
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Misleading polls may be one factor. Hillary supporters were shocked. When you start celebrating prematurely, losing really stings.
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Liberals resort to violence when they dont get what they want. But they will condemn war and the people who put their lives on the line e everyday to protect this country. I personally find it disgusting.
Where are our "safespaces" that we need to keep from being killed or beaten up from their tempertantrums?
I dont like what youve said so let me go break this shop owners window, set this car or building on fire, punch this person in the face or seriously injure them. When I tell lies you better accept and believe them, dont question my lies because if you do I am going to ruin your life.
Thats the liberal way and we see it playing out across America right now.
Liberals resort to violence when they dont get what they want. But they will condemn war and the people who put their lives on the line e everyday to protect this country. I personally find it disgusting.
Where are our "safespaces" that we need to keep from being killed or beaten up from their tempertantrums?
I dont like what youve said so let me go break this shop owners window, set this car or building on fire, punch this person in the face or seriously injure them. When I tell lies you better accept and believe them, dont question my lies because if you do I am going to ruin your life.
Thats the liberal way and we see it playing out across America right now.

were your parents more liberal or more conservative
Because we will face increased discrimination, less security, and less support when they implement the changes they are planning, which means poverty, sickness, and death for us. All of us are going to suffer, and thousands of us will die.

@Flavus Aquila You have to be sitting in a place of privilege to even ask a question like this. The way things impact you are not how they impact other people. People of color, women, LGBTQ+, disabled, and others had much to lose by Trump winning.

Please check your privilege.
Liberals resort to violence when they dont get what they want. But they will condemn war and the people who put their lives on the line e everyday to protect this country. I personally find it disgusting.
Where are our "safespaces" that we need to keep from being killed or beaten up from their tempertantrums?
I dont like what youve said so let me go break this shop owners window, set this car or building on fire, punch this person in the face or seriously injure them. When I tell lies you better accept and believe them, dont question my lies because if you do I am going to ruin your life.
Thats the liberal way and we see it playing out across America right now.

How is job discrimination not violence? How is denial of medical coverage not violence? How are racism, sexism, and homophobia not violence?

We are already are being subject to violence on a daily basis, and you are surprised that we are upset at the prospect of it increasing against us? We have been suffering from discrimination, living in poverty, unable to access healthcare, and unable to get jobs due to being different. The only thing that made those realities easier for 'different' people (people of color, women, the disabled, LGBTQ+, and other disenfranchised groups) were policies put in place by 'liberal' government, especially President Obama.

Having that stripped away will cause us to suffer and many of us to die.

The fact that you are oblivious to this is a result of your privilege.

@Eventhorizon Please check your privilege.
How is job discrimination not violence? How is denial of medical coverage not violence? How are racism, sexism, and homophobia not violence?

We are already are being subject to violence on a daily basis, and you are surprised that we are upset at the prospect of it increasing against us? We have been suffering from discrimination, living in poverty, unable to access healthcare, and unable to get jobs due to being different. The only thing that made those realities easier for 'different' people (people of color, women, the disabled, LGBTQ+, and other disenfranchised groups) were policies put in place by 'liberal' government, especially President Obama.

Having that stripped away will cause us to suffer and many of us to die.

The fact that you are oblivious to this is a result of your privilege.

@Eventhorizon Please check your privilege.
Of course I dont agree with practically everything in your post. But for the purpose of addressing mine I guess its simplest to say "physical" violence. Im not talking about PERCIEVED mental violence.
Because we will face increased discrimination, less security, and less support when they implement the changes they are planning, which means poverty, sickness, and death for us. All of us are going to suffer, and thousands of us will die.

@Flavus Aquila You have to be sitting in a place of privilege to even ask a question like this. The way things impact you are not how they impact other people. People of color, women, LGBTQ+, disabled, and others had much to lose by Trump winning.

Please check your privilege.
I can't understand why you think passing a personal judgement on me is relevant to the thread.
were your parents more liberal or more conservative
My mother voted Democrat. My father conservative. Both never spoke much about it that I ever knew of.
Of course I dont agree with practically everything in your post. But for the purpose of addressing mine I guess its simplest to say "physical" violence. Im not talking about PERCIEVED mental violence.

There is plenty of physical violence. Women are abused and sexuality assaulted at alarming rates. LGBTQ+ people are assaulted and murdered. Law enforcement is pitted against non-whites. Immigrants face human rights abuses. Haven't you seen the videos of those black men being murdered by police? Or is that not physical enough for you?

Donald Trump preaches hate and encourages his supporters to go out and commit PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.


Some day when I am physically assaulted, I will have people like you to thank.

I can't understand why you think passing a personal judgement on me is relevant to the thread.

Because this thread passes a personal judgement on me just for being who I am. You started it.
There is plenty of physical violence. Women are abused and sexuality assaulted at alarming rates. LGBTQ+ people are assaulted and murdered. Law enforcement is pitted against non-whites. Haven't you seen the videos of those black men being murdered by police? Or is that not physical enough for you?

Donald Trump preaches hate and encourages his supporters to go out and commit PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.


Some day when I am physically assaulted, I will have people like you to thank.

Because this thread passes a personal judgement on me just for being who I am. You started it.

are you gay or transgender or any of the weird xegender stuff that uh exists
There is plenty of physical violence. Women are abused and sexuality assaulted at alarming rates. LGBTQ+ people are assaulted and murdered. Law enforcement is pitted against non-whites. Immigrants face human rights abuses. Haven't you seen the videos of those black men being murdered by police? Or is that not physical enough for you?

Donald Trump preaches hate and encourages his supporters to go out and commit PHYSICAL VIOLENCE.


Some day when I am physically assaulted, I will have people like you to thank.

Because this thread passes a personal judgement on me just for being who I am. You started it.
Lots of emotions, no logic and reason.
I agree with Trump on how protesters need to be dealt with when they get violent.