The Forum Goal & Fitness Club - Week One


All right, ready or not, the day has arrived! Today is the start of the first week of our twenty-one day self-discipline, fitness and goal oriented program. Every day, you are encouraged to post your individual goal sheets and then come back and edit them in the evening to see how well you did with keeping your goals. It's like the to-do list you're accountable for!

We do this for twenty-one days. No slacking. No whining (okay, maybe a bit of whining) and for all you people starting on a healthy lifestyle, no cheating!

This week, I want you guys & girls to think about the following:

Why do I want to accomplish this/these goal(s)? What will happen if I give up half-way? What will happen if I carry my goals to completion?

Every day, remind yourself what you're doing this for. Why you're sweating like a sinner in church peddling away on the stationary bicycle, and why you have to say "no" to those delicious, otherwise innocent-looking cookies.

If you think it will help you, put up an affirmation of your goal somewhere where you can see it. "I am doing [such and such] because...."

Good luck this week! :D

NOTE: You don't have to make a new post every time you accomplish an activity for the day. If you feel the need to do that, just go back and edit the post where you posted your goals for the day by adding what you've done. You can also keep a list, or a mental list of your activities and simply come back to update your daily post at the end of the day or make a new post with a summarized list of your daily accomplishments, whichever you prefer. The idea is not to clutter up the forums with status updates every two minutes. lol.

Other Note: Wyst has been kind enough to compile a summary of clean eating. If you're feeling a little hard-pressed for healthy food choices, or you're about to head out to the grocery store, check out this post.
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Editing my goals to be more specific-er:

5 times a week - thirty minutes of cardio
3 times a week - weight training or fitness class of choice
3 balanced meals, and lots of fruits and water-based veggies as snacks in between
Lots of water and herbal tea
5+ servings of fruits and veggies a day
No processed foods. Scratch that: limit processed foods.


I want to:
1. Train for my first 10K evah!!! hm. Must identify said 10K and remind self why running races is fun.
2. Increase energy level to meet demands of life and feel better.
3. Firm up various unmentionable body parts.

Why do I want to accomplish these goals?
1. So I can be fit and energetic enough to take my children (and someday grandchildren, maybe) to places like Disney World and the Ngoro Ngoro crater
2. Because I do not want to be a middle-aged couch potato
3. To reduce risk of diseases like cancer
4. I want to enjoy life and all it has to offer

What will happen if I give up halfway
1. General self loathing
2. Feeling ugly and unloveable
3. Lethargy and irritability, which will hurt both me and people I love

What will happen if I carry my goals to completion
1. I'll be very proud that I can run a 10k
2. I'll be nicer to my family and friends and more fun to be around, because I feel better
3. I will look better in my bathing suit

Did Endurance Blast class; ate okay, I guess, didn't really pay attention. Met exercise goals.

Wednesday: Day off exercise

Had to work late and worked through lunch, so after tucking the boys in, I went for a jog around the neighborhood and did push-ups and stretches. I usually snuggle both boys for an hour or so until they fall asleep, and I nearly fall asleep too, because snuggling is soooooooooo relaxing, and I like to bond with them and rub their backs to relax them. I usually spend my evenings this way -- can't complain! But, tonight I told them that mommy needed to exercise, which I did. They didn't complain much, because they were both tired out. Spring evenings are so warm and beautiful; I jogged around watching the stars come out and a little fingernail of a moon appear. It's so wonderful to enjoy this weather and not have to be piled under a bunch of nasty, itchy winter clothes. That was enjoyable.

I did not skip breakfast as I usually do.
Meal 1, whole wheat bagel with a little cream cheese.
Meal 2, soup and salad
Meal 3, Tacos from taco bell. That was not good. Well, it was good but seriously, I've got to quit that sort of thing!

30 mins of cardio, 15 minutes of weight training. Need more veggies/fruits, but had salad & french onion soup for lunch.

What can I do that will personally ensure that I maintain this same level of excitement and motivation over the next twenty days? What gets my engines gunning every time?

Well, I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I know what it's not.

It's not competition, or self-flagellation, or desperately trying to be something I'm not that keeps me motivated.

It's... joy... for lack of a better word. And knowing that health helps you tap into that joy. And fun! I like showing off a little, too, mostly to myself, and feeling proud, for instance, that I can run for a pretty long time, and I can do a split, and I actually have something resembling biceps. Little ones. And all you people help keep me motivated too, as well as my children and family. That's what it's all about.

Did 30 minutes of cardio, various weight training including assisted pull-ups, plus I mowed the lawn! Everything is covered with pollen outside and my eyes itch. Achoo.

Have not been doing so well with the food, as I am completely unorganized. I love Taco Bell. I realized I am not eating nearly enough vegetables, and just grabbing things whenever I can, and skipping meals, and not staying hydrated. All this is somewhat ironic, as I was somewhat of a Nutrition Nazi when I was a stay-at-home mom, and I do really enjoy cooking and I actually like to eat vegetables and unprocessed "clean" foods. So one of my new goals is to make some kind of healthy food plan, and it has been helpful bringing this fact to light, as I had not noticed it before.

We all have that part of ourselves that sometimes intends to sabotage our progress. What are some of the blocks that you've faced so far and how did you overcome their resistance?
Lack of preparedness seems to be a big obstacle, which I have not yet overcome. If I'm going to really make a commitment to healthy eating I need some kind of plan to make it easier to fit into my life.
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But... everyone... question: Should we post our activities here in this thread? It seems a little much to alert everyone in cyberspace that I've just eaten breakfast... should we have a blog for this, or is there a better way to handle it? Otherwise this thread will just keep getting bumped to the top all the time and I'm not sure that's what everyone really wants. (?)

LOL. No, this isn't twitter. You don't need to tell everyone you just ate breakfast. Just list your daily goals at the beginning of your day, and if you'd like, you can come back to edit your post every time you complete an activity, or you can write down or keep a mental list of what you've eaten and update your post with an edit at the end of the day. Or, you know, just give us an overview of whether or not you've accomplished all your goals.
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Yesterday was good.

I kept to my diet and despite being wiped out from work and job search stuff, I still made myself do 3 circuits of my body weight stuff. Adding the 4th set will be tougher than I thought.

For me, I've got the strength but not so much the muscular endurance to make it through a full fourth set... yet.

I'll see if I can find my before pic I took several weeks ago when I got serious with my diet. Might post it here but I don't want to offend anyone by posting a shirtless pic of me here. If needed I can post it on my 'forever broke' thread... let me know.
Something's not matching up here... What is your definition of 'processed', Janet? I'm not trying to criticize!!! I just want to help you look AWESOME for summah time :m027:

A whole wheat bagel with cream cheese isn't that bad, Wyst. It's ~ 10 grams of protein with the cream cheese, and it's the only thing she's had this morning. And while it technically counts as a processed food, in my discussions with Janet, we didn't discuss cutting out her grains (so long as they're not white). She's got the rest of the day to fill up on veggies and fruits and lean protein :)

Let's maybe keep an eye on our own plates for now. If something is not working for someone, they can definitely make adjustments to their regime.
Why do I want to accomplish this/these goal(s)?
1. Physical Health
2. Mental Health
3. Weight Loss
4. Appearance

What will happen if I give up half-way?
I will be stuck with the same old goals staring me in the face until I get the motivation to move forward.

What will happen if I carry my goals to completion?
I will be able to advance forward with a tougher regime and enjoy the benefits of feeling healthier and being in better shape.

Goals for the next week.

  • 5 days - 30 minutes intense cardio
  • Discover healthy foods to purchase.
  • Buy enough groceries to cover healthy meals for the week.
  • Avoid roommate's crud foods.
  • Make lunches to take to work.
  • Eat micro portions more often (Speed up metabolism)
Something's not matching up here... What is your definition of 'processed', Janet? I'm not trying to criticize!!! I just want to help you look AWESOME for summah time :m027:

LOL! Thank you. You'll need more than good nutrition advice for that lofty goal, however! But I'll take whatever help I can get!

I am not sure what my definition of "processed" is... Honestly, I just had a giant thing of cream cheese that I got from Costco and it seemed wasteful not to use it. Normally breakfast for me is coffee. I need to go to the grocery store, actually, and stock up on more unprocessed things.

FWIW, I really want to BE healthy, not just look good for summer.... Not that I'd complain if that happened.
Let's maybe keep an eye on our own plates for now. If something is not working for someone, they can definitely make adjustments to their regime.

Sure thing! That's why I asked what her definition of processed was. My defintion is far more strict than most people's.

Sorry Janet!! :m142:
Sure thing! That's why I asked what her definition of processed was. My defintion is far more strict than most people's.

Sorry Janet!! :m142:
It's okay, I was not at all bothered. And if you care to share your definition of processed this might be a good place to do it.

Keep in mind, however, that I am feeding young children and they bite when their dinner is delayed, so it has to be unprocessed and FAST. That's a bit of a problem in my life.
My Goal's for the upcoming week are;

  • Road Work.
  • Consume more protein and iron.
  • Get my butt down to the boxing gym and make some heads bleed.
  • Try to get some proper sleep (harder than the above three to achive)
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Sure thing! That's why I asked what her definition of processed was. My defintion is far more strict than most people's.

Sorry Janet!! :m142:

Haha, you know, actually Janet put forward a good idea. Wyst, you do have quite a bit of knowledge about nutrition. Perhaps you'd like to put together a list of good food ideas, and a list of bad ideas? Also, any tips you have would be very much appreciated (by myself and others). What do you think?
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Daily Goals
Fat grams: 50g or less
Fruit: 2 servings
Vegetables: 2 servings
Water Intake: 5 qts
A.M. Workout: APK Workout of the Day - 3 easy 400m runs, staying ~75% intensity. Rest 2:00 between each, follow with a long stretch/mobility session.
P.M. Workout: Pull-up progressions 3x2. Push-up progressions 10x2. Legs (lunges, squats & calf raises). Abs (sit-ups, flutter kicks, atomic etc.)
Why do I want to accomplish this/these goal(s)? Because they will increase my awesomeness by 10 points.
What will happen if I give up half-way? My conscience will eat me alive
What will happen if I carry my goals to completion? I’ll have a private bad-dancing party in my bedroom, then I’ll probably set some new goals.:mhula:

Goals Accomplished
Fat grams: 30g
Fruit: 2 servings
Vegetables: 2 servings
Water Intake: 5 qts
A.M. Workout: Did it.
P.M. Workout: Pull-up progressions: Couldn't find my pull-up bar grr.
Push-up progressions: Regular 10x4, Tricep 10x3, Wide 10, Dive Bomber 7.
Legs: Lunges 20 (each leg), Squats 50x2, Calf Raises 30x3
Abs: sit-ups 50x2, flutter kicks 30-4 count, atomic 40
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I'll see if I can find my before pic I took several weeks ago when I got serious with my diet. Might post it here but I don't want to offend anyone by posting a shirtless pic of me here. If needed I can post it on my 'forever broke' thread... let me know.

I won't be offended. Just don't expect me to return the favor.
Oh, nowwww.... I don't really believe that.

I think we should formally outlaw any self-degradating remarks from here on out! Starting with me. I'll let you know when I am capable of it, not yet. WHY is that so hard?
Oh, nowwww.... I don't really believe that.

I think we should formally outlaw any self-degradating remarks from here on out! Starting with me. I'll let you know when I am capable of it, not yet. WHY is that so hard?

Haha - really I'm just setting you all up for the AWESOME progress I've made - I see nothing wrong with being a little down on what I looked like back in January :)

Okaaay... here's my first pic I've ever posted on this forum. lol... what a first.

[no pic]
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Haha, you know, actually Janet put forward a good idea. Wyst, you do have quite a bit of knowledge about nutrition. Perhaps you'd like to put together a list of good food ideas, and a list of bad ideas? Also, any tips you have would be very much appreciated (by myself and others). What do you think?

Ok - I'll try and come up with some basic guidelines for clean eating. That might be the best place to start.
YAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! Round of applause for Wyst, who is braver than I am. Wolf whistles.


You know...

It may be very INFJ touchy-feely of me but I just want every one of you all to know that you really are beautiful NOW, and not just whenever some fitness goals are reached. Revel in your natural hotness.
Why do I want to accomplish this/these goal(s)?
-Weight loss
-Physical health
-Mental health
-More energy
What will happen if I give up half-way?
I may falter, but I will get up and walk it off. I dont plan on giving up!
What will happen if I carry my goals to completion?
I will gain a sense of accomplishment.


AM workout WII Fit Plus - Program
Distance Run
Rhythm Boxing
Lunge Ten reps per leg

PM work out
20 mins on the treadmill

Meal Goals -
Plain oatmeal with Applesauce
Small slice of ham (for protein)

Spinach salad with Cottage cheese, turkey, and broccoli.

Dinner (I have to feed 7 people so my dinners will not sound as healthy as they should be, but I do my best)
Made from scratch Marinara
WHole wheat Semolina Spagetti noodles
Turkey meatballs (also made from scratch)

Small spinach salad with a little EVOO and Apple cider vinegar