The Forum Gift Exchange


Here's a new game just in time for the holidays. Imagine we're doing a forum gift-exchange. Tell us what you would get for the poster above you (preferably something in line with their personality). Let's get creative!

For Christmas this year, I'd get Solongoton an army of Empire Penguins to aid her in her quest to conquer the world!

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I would get tdht a nre sparkly fedora for her collection!
Posted via Mobile Device
I'll edit for Entyqua.

I'd get Entyqua.... some Greek classics, because she'd probably like them.
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Here's a new game just in time for the holidays. Imagine we're doing a forum gift-exchange. Tell us what you would get for the poster above you (preferably something in line with their personality). Let's get creative!

For Christmas this year, I'd get Solongoton an army of Empire Penguins to aid her in her quest to conquer the world!


For TDHT Kung Fu lessons from Bruce Lee himself (brought back from the dead) to go along with her already stellar form!

I'd get Questingpoet a personal recorder that records his dreams, so he can go to sleep the whole night without having to wake up and write down things he's finding in the dreams. He can watch the records whenever he likes, at the most convenient time for him during waking hour

And a notebook of handmade paper
I'll get QP that landspeeder he always wanted

I'll get Maetel this.
Hours and hours of entertainment, guaranteed.
I'd get Questingpoet a personal recorder that records his dreams, so he can go to sleep the whole night without having to wake up and write down things he's finding in the dreams. He can watch the records whenever he likes, at the most convenient time for him during waking hour

And a notebook of handmade paper

I'll get QP that landspeeder he always wanted


Wow, thanks guys!

Maetal, I didn't know you paid that close attention to my posts. I do have a lot that goes on in my sleep/dreams, so thanks!!

MF, does that come with a light sabre too?? Please, please?! We'll go cruising in East Lansing this Spring term and play Jedi Mind tricks on all the weak-minded underclassmen! ;)
I would get QP a Green Lantern Ring.

Damnit, you're getting the most presents because you keep posting.
Here's a new game just in time for the holidays. Imagine we're doing a forum gift-exchange. Tell us what you would get for the poster above you (preferably something in line with their personality). Let's get creative!

For Christmas this year, I'd get Solongoton an army of Empire Penguins to aid her in her quest to conquer the world!


Thank you TDHT. That was most needed.:m027:

I will return with your gift soon.....

*rides off to conquer*
Thank you TDHT. That was most needed.:m027:

I will return with your gift soon.....

*rides off to conquer*

I would get QP a Green Lantern Ring.

Damnit, you're getting the most presents because you keep posting.

Haha, I didn't even think of that one Shai. I've discovered a racket! The GL power ring is the most powerful object in the Universe. I could use this to create the INFJ utopia on St. Lucia! Yes!! We have a winner!!!!

Solongotgon would receive a contract to design all the fall fashions for Vogue magazine. Your fame will fly far and wide. Ok, no more present hogging for me!!
I'll buy all the comics you're selling, and then give them back to you as a gift.
I would get Shai Gar a tinfoil hat, so that the aliens couldn't steal his brainwaves and discover his masterful well-thought-out plans to take over the world.
For Shai, you get the yellow ring that belongs to Sinestro. Use it as you see fit.


No more presents for me!
I would get Shai Gar a tinfoil hat, so that the aliens couldn't steal his brainwaves and discover his masterful well-thought-out plans to take over the world.

Ok Jlynnr. . . . Not sure what i'd give. Ok, i'll try to be a bit creative. i'd rent the TARDIS from Dr. Who for a century or two, and you could go see other worlds past, present, and future.

Sorry, best i could do. i was trying to come up with something simple and funny but couldn't think of anything. So, hope it works!