The Director Who Films Your Life

Sofia Coppola

Your film will be
60% romantic
31% comedy
26% complex plot

$ 20 million budget.

With few films under her belt (The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, Marie Antoinette) as a writer/director, she's already highly respected and connected -- her dad, Francis, directed all The Godfather movies and Apocolypse Now. Sofia's good at making the romantic drama that is your life with poignant sullen moments of introspection. You saw how she stylishly handled Marie Antoinette's life, no? And who didn't have at least a lump in the throat at the end of Lost In Translation? She's already won one Academy Award for her writing, now she'll be the first woman to receive one for directing -- YOUR FILM!


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 60% on action-romance, higher than 75% of your peers.

  • You scored 31% on humor, higher than 37% of your peers.

  • You scored 26% on complexity, higher than 15% of your peers.

  • You scored 20% on budget, higher than 8% of your peers.
Roger Corman

Your film will be 50% romantic, 22% comedy, 40% complex plot, and a $ 25 million budget.

An action-complex tale about a complex character that is you. Corman was responsible for a very early Jack Nicholson film, 1963's The Terror (Francis Coppola was associate producer), filmed in three days! The actor who plays you will emote complexity like Jack ... maybe Christian Slater or Gwyneth Paltrow. Also, Roger filmed the original Little Shop of Horrors film -- which in the 1980s was the basis for a hit Broadway musical and another film. All his films were shot for mere thousands of dollars, sometimes completed within the week. Roger knows talent, and knows how to keep costs down with complex stories such as your life story. His versions of Edgar Allen Poe stories are considered classics (The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum), and also directed Deathsport and Bloody Mama in the 1970s. Oh, yeah, man, this guy will make your film a cult classic!

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 50% on action-romance, higher than 30% of your peers.

  • You scored 22% on humor, higher than 8% of your peers.

  • You scored 40% on complexity, higher than 71% of your peers.

  • You scored 25% on budget, higher than 28% of your peers.
Sofia Coppola

Your film will be 71% romantic, 31% comedy, 35% complex plot, and a $ 38 million budget.

With few films under her belt (The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, Marie Antoinette) as a writer/director, she's already highly respected and connected -- her dad, Francis, directed all The Godfather movies and Apocolypse Now. Sofia's good at making the romantic drama that is your life with poignant sullen moments of introspection. You saw how she stylishly handled Marie Antoinette's life, no? And who didn't have at least a lump in the throat at the end of Lost In Translation? She's already won one Academy Award for her writing, now she'll be the first woman to receive one for directing -- YOUR FILM!


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 71% on action-romance, higher than 98% of your peers.

  • You scored 31% on humor, higher than 37% of your peers.

  • You scored 35% on complexity, higher than 51% of your peers.

  • You scored 38% on budget, higher than 82% of your peers.

I'd want supernatural elements in my film. I'd want powers. :mjedigr:
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Roger Corman

Your film will be 51% romantic, 33% comedy, 38% complex plot, and a $ 19 million budget.

action-complex tale about a complex character that is you. Corman was responsible for a very early Jack Nicholson film, 1963's The Terror (Francis Coppola was associate producer), filmed in three days! The actor who plays you will emote complexity like Jack ... maybe Christian Slater or Gwyneth Paltrow. Also, Roger filmed the original Little Shop of Horrors film -- which in the 1980s was the basis for a hit Broadway musical and another film. All his films were shot for mere thousands of dollars, sometimes completed within the week. Roger knows talent, and knows how to keep costs down with complex stories such as your life story. His versions of Edgar Allen Poe stories are considered classics (The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum), and also directed Deathsport and Bloody Mama in the 1970s. Oh, yeah, man, this guy will make your film a cult classic!

Bah! I'd say Terry Gilliam..
Edward D. Wood, Jr.

Your film will be 51% romantic, 24% comedy, 33% complex plot, and a $ 26 million budget.

Ed Wood will get your film done waaaaay under budget, and will likely make it into a classic film of all time -- for all the wrong reasons. Let's face it, your life isn't terribly exciting to begin with, and it needs some camping up. His resume includes classics such as Plan Nine From Outer Space and Glen or Glenda? He's not afraid to tackle controversial topics, and may insist on portraying a transvestite in your film -- even if you've never seen a transvestite before. He was immortalized in the Academy Award winning Tim Burton film, Ed Wood -- go see it.
Roger Corman

Your film will be 51% romantic, 21% comedy, 39% complex plot, and a $ 22 million budget.

An action-complex tale about a complex character that is you. Corman was responsible for a very early Jack Nicholson film, 1963's The Terror (Francis Coppola was associate producer), filmed in three days! The actor who plays you will emote complexity like Jack ... maybe Christian Slater or Gwyneth Paltrow. Also, Roger filmed the original Little Shop of Horrors film -- which in the 1980s was the basis for a hit Broadway musical and another film. All his films were shot for mere thousands of dollars, sometimes completed within the week. Roger knows talent, and knows how to keep costs down with complex stories such as your life story. His versions of Edgar Allen Poe stories are considered classics (The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum), and also directed Deathsport and Bloody Mama in the 1970s. Oh, yeah, man, this guy will make your film a cult classic!
Sofia Coppola

Your film will be 57% romantic, 33% comedy, 37% complex plot, and a $ 32 million budget.

With few films under her belt (The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, Marie Antoinette) as a writer/director, she's already highly respected and connected -- her dad, Francis, directed all The Godfather movies and Apocolypse Now. Sofia's good at making the romantic drama that is your life with poignant sullen moments of introspection. You saw how she stylishly handled Marie Antoinette's life, no? And who didn't have at least a lump in the throat at the end of Lost In Translation? She's already won one Academy Award for her writing, now she'll be the first woman to receive one for directing -- YOUR FILM!
Your result for The Director Who Films Your Life Test ...
Ingmar Bergman

Your film will be 70% romantic, 24% comedy, 40% complex plot, and a $ 41 million budget.

Your life will be portrayed on film as an intense psychological drama, likely with some actresses screaming at the camera (Persona), or maybe a pleasant chess game between the Grim Reaper and a Crusader (The Seventh Seal). This Swedish director's films are intensely scrutinzed and studied in colleges all over the world to this day. This means that most Americans still don't understand his films! Still alive, he released in the U.S. in 2005 his first film in 23 years (Saraband), and he can still take on one more project to make your film biography. If curious, start with his films Wild Strawberries and Smiles of a Summer Night.

So glad, because I would've shot myself in the face if I got Sophia Coppola. People think I'm like that girl in Lost in Translation and it annoys me. I'm not that mean. Ok, I am that mean, sometimes. I probably am just like that, but chattier and a bit friendlier. But I still have that quiet smug introspective quirky thing going on.

I'm just glad i didn't get her because she annoys me.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.

:m068: (My reaction when I got this Director)

Your film will be 46% romantic, 29% comedy, 37% complex plot, and a
$29 million budget (I don't think a movie based on my life would cost nowhere near this much)

Ed Wood will get your film done waaaaay under budget, and will likely make it into a classic film of all time -- for all the wrong reasons. Let's face it, your life isn't terribly exciting to begin with (Gee, Thanks), and it needs some camping up. His resume includes classics such as Plan Nine From Outer Space and Glen or Glenda? He's not afraid to tackle controversial topics, and may insist on portraying a transvestite in your film -- even if you've never seen a transvestite before (WTF? :m187: ). He was immortalized in the Academy Award winning Tim Burton film, Ed Wood -- go see it.

I Wanted ALFRED HITCHOCK! :m106:

You scored 46% on action-romance, higher than 15% of your peers.

You scored 29% on humor, higher than 31% of your peers.

You scored 37% on complexity, higher than 61% of your peers.

You scored 29% on budget, higher than 48% of your
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Ingmar Bergman

Your life will be portrayed on film as an intense psychological drama, likely with some actresses screaming at the camera (Persona), or maybe a pleasant chess game between the Grim Reaper and a Crusader (The Seventh Seal). This Swedish director's films are intensely scrutinzed and studied in colleges all over the world to this day. This means that most Americans still don't understand his films! Still alive, he released in the U.S. in 2005 his first film in 23 years (Saraband), and he can still take on one more project to make your film biography. If curious, start with his films Wild Strawberries and Smiles of a Summer Night.

It would've been nice to get Bergman. Corman's description doesn't really fit.
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Sofia Coppola

Your film will be 57% romantic, 22% comedy, 24% complex plot, and a $ 19 million budget.
Roger Corman

Your film will be 53% romantic, 35% comedy, 41% complex plot, and a $ 28 million budget.

An action-complex tale about a complex character that is you. Corman was responsible for a very early Jack Nicholson film, 1963's The Terror (Francis Coppola was associate producer), filmed in three days! The actor who plays you will emote complexity like Jack ... maybe Christian Slater or Gwyneth Paltrow. Also, Roger filmed the original Little Shop of Horrors film -- which in the 1980s was the basis for a hit Broadway musical and another film. All his films were shot for mere thousands of dollars, sometimes completed within the week. Roger knows talent, and knows how to keep costs down with complex stories such as your life story. His versions of Edgar Allen Poe stories are considered classics (The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum), and also directed Deathsport and Bloody Mama in the 1970s. Oh, yeah, man, this guy will make your film a cult classic!​
Your result for The Director Who Films Your Life Test ...

Sofia Coppola


Your film will be 64% romantic, 22% comedy, 27% complex plot, and a $ 25 million budget.

With few films under her belt (The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, Marie Antoinette) as a writer/director, she's already highly respected and connected -- her dad, Francis, directed all The Godfather movies and Apocolypse Now. Sofia's good at making the romantic drama that is your life with poignant sullen moments of introspection. You saw how she stylishly handled Marie Antoinette's life, no? And who didn't have at least a lump in the throat at the end of Lost In Translation? She's already won one Academy Award for her writing, now she'll be the first woman to receive one for directing -- YOUR FILM!

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You scored 64% on action-romance, higher than 87% of your peers.
You scored 22% on humor, higher than 9% of your peers.
You scored 27% on complexity, higher than 17% of your peers.
You scored 25% on budget, higher than 28% of your peers.
Your result for The Director Who Films Your Life Test ...
Sofia Coppola

Your film will be 56% romantic, 22% comedy, 34% complex plot, and a $ 21 million budget.

With few films under her belt (The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, Marie Antoinette) as a writer/director, she's already highly respected and connected -- her dad, Francis, directed all The Godfather movies and Apocolypse Now. Sofia's good at making the romantic drama that is your life with poignant sullen moments of introspection. You saw how she stylishly handled Marie Antoinette's life, no? And who didn't have at least a lump in the throat at the end of Lost In Translation? She's already won one Academy Award for her writing, now she'll be the first woman to receive one for directing -- YOUR FILM!
Steven Soderbergh

Your film will be 66% romantic, 9% comedy, 40% complex plot, and a $ 25 million budget.

Filmography: Sex Lies and Videotape, Traffic, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, Erin Brockovich, and various other homemade independent films. He may just want to follow you around for a few months and construct a film out of that. Your humor is either dry or non-existant, but your life is somewhat exciting romantically because you're "bad." At least you'll be surrounded by the best-looking people who will be cast as your friends, who in real life are probably just as good-looking. Then when he wins the Academy Award for your film, he won't have to make anymore "Ocean's" films.

Your result for The Director Who Films Your Life Test ...
Ingmar Bergman

Your film will be 70% romantic, 24% comedy, 40% complex plot, and a $ 41 million budget.

Your life will be portrayed on film as an intense psychological drama, likely with some actresses screaming at the camera (Persona), or maybe a pleasant chess game between the Grim Reaper and a Crusader (The Seventh Seal). This Swedish director's films are intensely scrutinzed and studied in colleges all over the world to this day. This means that most Americans still don't understand his films! Still alive, he released in the U.S. in 2005 his first film in 23 years (Saraband), and he can still take on one more project to make your film biography. If curious, start with his films Wild Strawberries and Smiles of a Summer Night.

So glad, because I would've shot myself in the face if I got Sophia Coppola. People think I'm like that girl in Lost in Translation and it annoys me. I'm not that mean. Ok, I am that mean, sometimes. I probably am just like that, but chattier and a bit friendlier. But I still have that quiet smug introspective quirky thing going on.

I'm just glad i didn't get her because she annoys me.

Can i just say I am not surprised at all that we got the same...

Ingmar Bergman

Your film will be 70% romantic, 27% comedy, 55% complex plot, and a $ 41 million budget.

Your life will be portrayed on film as an intense psychological drama, likely with some actresses screaming at the camera (Persona), or maybe a pleasant chess game between the Grim Reaper and a Crusader (The Seventh Seal). This Swedish director's films are intensely scrutinzed and studied in colleges all over the world to this day. This means that most Americans still don't understand his films! Still alive, he released in the U.S. in 2005 his first film in 23 years (Saraband), and he can still take on one more project to make your film biography. If curious, start with his films Wild Strawberries and Smiles of a Summer Night.
Your result for The Director Who Films Your Life Test ...
Ingmar Bergman

Your film will be 77% romantic, 34% comedy, 39% complex plot, and a $ 49 million budget.

Your life will be portrayed on film as an intense psychological drama, likely with some actresses screaming at the camera (Persona), or maybe a pleasant chess game between the Grim Reaper and a Crusader (The Seventh Seal). This Swedish director's films are intensely scrutinzed and studied in colleges all over the world to this day. This means that most Americans still don't understand his films! Still alive, he released in the U.S. in 2005 his first film in 23 years (Saraband), and he can still take on one more project to make your film biography. If curious, start with his films Wild Strawberries and Smiles of a Summer Night.


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 77% on action-romance, higher than 100% of your peers.

  • You scored 34% on humor, higher than 50% of your peers.

  • You scored 39% on complexity, higher than 67% of your peers.

  • You scored 49% on budget, higher than 98% of your peers.
Your result for The Director Who Films Your Life Test ...
Roger Corman

Your film will be 40% romantic, 33% comedy, 47% complex plot, and a $ 33 million budget.

An action-complex tale about a complex character that is you. Corman was responsible for a very early Jack Nicholson film, 1963's The Terror (Francis Coppola was associate producer), filmed in three days! The actor who plays you will emote complexity like Jack ... maybe Christian Slater or Gwyneth Paltrow. Also, Roger filmed the original Little Shop of Horrors film -- which in the 1980s was the basis for a hit Broadway musical and another film. All his films were shot for mere thousands of dollars, sometimes completed within the week. Roger knows talent, and knows how to keep costs down with complex stories such as your life story. His versions of Edgar Allen Poe stories are considered classics (The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum), and also directed Deathsport and Bloody Mama in the 1970s. Oh, yeah, man, this guy will make your film a cult classic!


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 40% on action-romance, higher than 4% of your peers.

  • You scored 33% on humor, higher than 46% of your peers.

  • You scored 47% on complexity, higher than 89% of your peers.

  • You scored 33% on budget, higher than 65% of your peers.