The Cube.


Passing through
The Cube.

I don't think I've seen this test here before. It's much like other imagination tests, with a few quirks thrown in.

ETA: Oops! Forgot one important detail.

You are in a desert and you see a cube.

1) The cube

How big is the cube?
What is its color? What do you think about that color?
How far away is it from you?
Is it transparent? Can you see what is inside?
How big is the cube compared to the desert? What is the ratio?

2) There is a ladder.

Is the ladder leaning on the cube?
What is the color of the ladder? What is it made of?
What impression does it give you?
What is the distance between the cube and the ladder?

3) There is a horse.

What is the distance between the cube and the horse?
What is the color of the house?
What impression does it give you?
Is it tied? Is there a saddle?

4) There is a storm.

What is the distance between the storm and the cube.
Is it a big storm or a small storm?
Is it passing by or staying?

5) The flowers.

How many flowers are there?
Where are the flower?
What are the colors of the flowers?
How do you feel about the flowers?

Answers (don't peek! Do the questions before you read the answers!)

Cube : The cube represents yourself. How you think about the cube reflects how you think about yourself. For example, you may think the cube is made of yellow stones. Yellow may give you a feeling of warmth and stone may give you a feeling of strength. Then, it means that you believe that you are a strong and warm person. The distance between you and the cube reflects your understanding about yourself. If the cube is far away, then it means that you do not feel close to your inner self. If the cube is transparent, that means you let people see through you. People can read your mind easily. The ratio of the cube to the desert is how you think about yourself in this world. The bigger the ratio, the bigger your ego is. A small ratio means that you recognize that you are just one part of this world and there are many other things out there beside you.

Ladder : The ladder represents your friends. If the ladder is leaning against the cube, then it means that your friends depend on you. If the ladder is supporting the cube, that means you depend on your friends. The distance between the ladder and the cube indicates if you feel close to your friends or not. Again, how you feel about the ladder reflects how you feel about your friends (e.g.. what you feel about the color of the ladder and the material it is made of).

Horse : The horse is your lover. If the horse is close to the cube, then it means that you are close to your lover. If the horse is tied or has a saddle on it, then it means that you like to control your lover. As before, the impression of the horse reflects the impression you have of your lover.

Storm : The storm is the obstacle in your life. If the storm is close to the cube or stationary, then you are always experiencing hardship in your life. If the storm is small, then it means the obstacle in your life is quite small.

Flowers : The flower represents your offspring. If the flower is close to the cube, that means you are close to your children. Again, what you feel about the flower indicates the feelings you have towards your children.
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1.) The cubes is the size of china. It's blue and it gives me an impression of peace and serenity. I'm right next to the cube. It's transparent but it has blue borders and inside of it there's a bright red heart. The cube is obviously greater than the desert.
2.)The ladder isn't leaning to the cube. The ladder is made of water and it has a liquidy, plastic appeareance. The ladder is about 5 feet from the cube.
3.) There's no horse
4.)The Storm is inside the cube but it's a small storm and it's staying there.
5.) Flowers are around the cube, there's about 3 million flowers for each side of the cube. There are jade and yellow flowers. It represents the cube's energy source.

Edit: I just looked at the answers. This test is scary lol
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1) The cube

How big is the cube? - It is 434000 fathoms (26 rooms) on each side, totaling 17,576 rooms.
What is its color? What do you think about that color? - It is metalic grey and well lit. I am neutral about it.
How far away is it from you? - I am in the cube.
Is it transparent? Can you see what is inside? - I am inside the cube. The cube is similar to a rubix, made of smaller cubes and well lit so I can see inside.
How big is the cube compared to the desert? What is the ratio? - The cube encompasses the desert. The cube can contain everything.

2) There is a ladder.

Is the ladder leaning on the cube? - There are four ladders in every side of the cubic rooms, and six sides. Therefore there are 421,824 ladders, and they're welded onto all the walls
What is the color of the ladder? What is it made of? - Metallic Grey, it is made of steel.
What impression does it give you? - The ladder is cold, utilitarian but without emotional response.
What is the distance between the cube and the ladder? - As previously stated, the ladders are everywhere in the cube.

3) There is a horse.

What is the distance between the cube and the horse? - The Horse is Immediately outside the path from the cube.
What is the color of the horse? - It is a lightly palomino coloured horse.
What impression does it give you? - It is resting.
Is it tied? Is there a saddle? - It is not tethered to anything, but it has a comfortable blanket on its back, but no bridle, reins or bit.

4) There is a storm.

What is the distance between the storm and the cube. - The Storm is the cube.
Is it a big storm or a small storm? - The storm is small.
Is it passing by or staying? - The storm is passing, but is a regular occurrence

5) The flowers.

How many flowers are there? - There are no flowers.
Where are the flower? - There are no flowers.
What are the colors of the flowers? - Oh fine, the flowers are purple and white.
How do you feel about the flowers? - I am getting annoyed of these imaginary flowers.

SHAIEDIT: I just read the answers. This test is awesome.
The Cube.

You are in a desert and you see a cube.

1) The cube

How big is the cube? The size of a small house
What is its color? Blue What do you think about that color? It creates a stark contrast to the desert
How far away is it from you? The distance varies I appear to be getting closer
Is it transparent? Yes kind of Can you see what is inside? The silohuette of a person in the lotus position.
How big is the cube compared to the desert? Its as if the desert were a movie screen and the cube was in the center.

2) There is a ladder.

Is the ladder leaning on the cube? yes
What is the color of the ladder? white What is it made of? bamboo
What impression does it give you? it is long and elegant
What is the distance between the cube and the ladder? The ladder is on the cube

3) There is a horse.

What is the distance between the cube and the horse? The horse is under the cube
What is the color of the horse? Chestnut brown
What impression does it give you? Restless majesty
Is it tied? Is there a saddle? Yes There is a cloth maybe. The horse is pulling away from the tie

4) There is a storm.

What is the distance between the storm and the cube. The storm is at the cube
Is it a big storm or a small storm? Small
Is it passing by or staying? Passing

5) The flowers.

How many flowers are there? Ten aboot
Where are the flower? Next to a post
What are the colors of the flowers? white also
How do you feel about the flowers? Like they are a nuisance
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You are in a desert and you see a cube.

1) The cube

How big is the cube? medium large
What is its color? red
What do you think about that color? bright, warm
How far away is it from you? few feet in the distance
Is it transparent? no. Can you see what is inside? no.
How big is the cube compared to the desert? What is the ratio? small / 1:1,000

2) There is a ladder.

Is the ladder leaning on the cube? yes
What is the color of the ladder? brown What is it made of? wood
What impression does it give you? it's resting firmly on the cube
What is the distance between the cube and the ladder? they are touching

3) There is a horse.

What is the distance between the cube and the horse? few miles away
What is the color of the house? brown w/ white streaks
What impression does it give you? Quiet, silent, unaffected, independent
Is it tied? no. Is there a saddle? no.

4) There is a storm.

What is the distance between the storm and the cube. in the far distance - a couple miles
Is it a big storm or a small storm? big storm approaching
Is it passing by or staying? it's staying

5) The flowers.

How many flowers are there? 12 flowers
Where are the flowers? in front of the cube
What are the colors of the flowers? yellow, pink, white
How do you feel about the flowers? bright, warm, etc.
The Cube

-It is 3 inches in width, height, and depth(cube duh)
-It's a kind of black marble with white swirls... which gives me an ominous feeling and sense of trepidation.
-I cannot see inside.
-um the ratio between the cube and the desert... 1000000:1?

The Ladder

-The ladder springs out of the ground and arcs over the cube going back into the ground, at its peak of about 12 feet
-It's been twisted and gnarled into the shape of a ladder using branches and cores of the trunk from a Yew tree... a tree considered by the Greeks to be a portal to the underworld. Also a tree of longevity and rebirth.
-It gives me a sense of wonder and awe, and exhilarating to the touch.
-the equidistant radius from the cube to the arc of the ladder is 12 feet.

The Horse

-The Horse is about 100 feet away
-It's various shades of green and brown, as it is made of plants, vines, trees.
-There is something both frightening and soothing of its presence.
-No ties, no saddles... it looks more like a creature from a fantasy novel.

The Storm

-The Storm surrounds us, we apparently in the eye where there is still some light.
-It is the kind of storm to end lives... to end the world even. Beyond the likes of any that's been seen before.
-It circles me with the most ominous, dense, black clouds I've ever seen.

The Flowers

-There are a few tiny withered flowers on the ladder rungs and sides
-I can't tell what they are they are too withered.
-They are the color of decay and rot.
- I feel empathy and wish they would spring to life again.

*reads answers*

Um... I guess I need therapy? :P
horse is eating flowers!
You are in a desert and you see a cube.

1) The cube

The cube can fit into my hand. It has many colors unarranged. I think that the colors are pretty but that they should be in order. It is very close, by my feet. It is not transparent however. The ratio is small but still it is epic.

2) There is a ladder.

The ladder is brown and made of wood, and is leaning on the cube. It seems safe and stable. There is no distance.

3) There is a horse.

The horse is a white horse who is about 50 feet away. It is very glowing and exceptional from other horses. It is not tied but wears a saddle.

4) There is a storm.

The storm is on its way, with very strong winds perhaps even a tornado. It is quite big but is passing.

5) The flowers.

There are flowers EVERYWHERE. They are in every possible bright color, in my arms and I spread them in the air. I think the flowers are really pretty.

Hahah great mind test, loved it.
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1) The cube
The cube is enormous, perhaps two stories on a side, and glistening silver in the sun, as if chrome-plated. It is levitating several feet above the ground, and balanced on one of its corners, so that I can see all of its outer surfaces if I walk around it at my current distance. I have plenty of room to do so, as the desert appears perfectly flat all the way to the horizon in all directions.

2) There is a ladder.
The ladder is lying on the ground, about ten feet to the right of the bottom corner of the cube, but still in its shade. It is a rich brown color, resembling cherry wood, and is of simple, rounded design, with no hinges or collapsing parts.

3) There is a horse.
A lightly speckled gray horse with a white mane is galloping past the cube about a hundred yards to my left, and will soon pass behind and out of my field of vision. It has no rope, saddle or any other equipment on it.

4) There is a storm.
The storm is huge and dark gray, with vaguely visible flashes of lightning within. It is several miles away, so I can see its full height, but it is blowing in quickly from my left, and will arrive fairly soon.

5) The flowers.
There are about two dozen pale purple and yellow flowers growing around the ladder. Along with the tufts of unrealistically healthy grass growing with them, they are the only vegetation in sight.

It's quite interesting to read all the different ways people have imagined these objects, but I doubt they provide any real insight on our inner thoughts. I made no associations between myself and the cube, the ladder and my friend(s), or my lover and the horse.
I've done this before. I got insane answers. I'll go again:

1) The cube
How big is the cube? 7 feet
What is its color? What do you think about that color? Charcoal grayish. Cold.
How far away is it from you? 4 steps
Is it transparent? Can you see what is inside? Translucent. Inside is charcoal gray too.
How big is the cube compared to the desert? What is the ratio? The desert is neverending.

Note: I actually see 1 primary cube, but that cube is rapidly teleporting in and out to other locations on the desert. It's teleporting in and out so quickly that it almost appears as though there multiple cubes.

2) There is a ladder.
Is the ladder leaning on the cube? No.
What is the color of the ladder? What is it made of? Brown wooden.
What impression does it give you? Old and unreliable.
What is the distance between the cube and the ladder? 3 feet

3) There is a horse.

What is the distance between the cube and the horse? 3 feet
What is the color of the house? brown
What impression does it give you? reliable, useful, and fun
Is it tied? Is there a saddle? not tied, yes saddle

4) There is a storm.
What is the distance between the storm and the cube. Far
Is it a big storm or a small storm? big
Is it passing by or staying? staying

5) The flowers.
How many flowers are there? millions of daisies
Where are the flower? everywhere
What are the colors of the flowers? yellow
How do you feel about the flowers? joyful
) The cube

How big is the cube? It's about an inch on each side
What is its color? What do you think about that color? It's dark blue, pleasing to me.
How far away is it from you? Only a few feet in front of me
Is it transparent? Can you see what is inside? it's opaque, solid, nothing in it.
How big is the cube compared to the desert? What is the ratio? tiny tiny. the dessert is vast.

2) There is a ladder.

Is the ladder leaning on the cube? no, it is flat on the ground.
What is the color of the ladder? What is it made of? light tan, wood.
What impression does it give you? doesnt really give an impression
What is the distance between the cube and the ladder? a few feet

3) There is a horse.

What is the distance between the cube and the horse? 20+ feet
What is the color of the house? dark brown
What impression does it give you? It is sort of just there, I find horses unappealing
Is it tied? Is there a saddle? It is free with no saddle

4) There is a storm.

What is the distance between the storm and the cube. the storm is off in the distance, with the fringe just overhead
Is it a big storm or a small storm? big storm
Is it passing by or staying? about to pass over

5) The flowers.

How many flowers are there? a small field.
Where are the flowers? waaaaay off in the distance
What are the colors of the flowers? pink
How do you feel about the flowers? sort of a sense of longing, I would like to go see them.

Edit: After reading the answers, very interesting indeed.
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1) The cube

the cube is much larger than me and suspended in midair some distance above the ground. i am standing not far from it at all, within its immediate vicinity. in a sense the cube is completely transparent as the sky is visible through it but it is also opaque in the sense of being a contained, solid structure concealing something within that is invisible. it seems somehow to distort the aspect of the sky visible through it, like a mirage, but it is possible to correct that distortion of perception in the mind. i feel curious about the inside and feel that i should be in there rather than out here. the desert stretches illimitably in all directions.

2) There is a ladder.

the ladder is long and also suspended in midair. it leans towards the cube but they do not touch. the ladder stretches towards a door in the cube. i'm not sure whether i would be able to reach the ladder if i were to try. the ladder is black, smooth, and shiny, like opaque glass, but of another material that i can't identify. i'm slightly intimidated by the ladder.

3) There is a horse.

the horse is standing at a respectful distance from the cube but seems to be sympathetic with it. the horse is very large for a horse and is not restrained or saddled or bridled in any way. it is pale (rather than bright) white and seems to glow. it is watching me in a receptive way. it is not hostile.

4) There is a storm.

the storm is around the cube. it is part of the sky but it is involved in the cube. the cube absorbs it in a way that it seems that it is both continuous with the storm external to the cube, and that the cube has a storm of its own that is an echo that is happening inside it. the cube still seems as though it has its own interior space in addition to the space that is involved with the outside world.

5) The flowers.

no flowers - but if there are, they're very small and bright and flourishing amongst rocks.

edit: same as mohican said. it is interesting to read people's responses and think about my own in the stated terms but while i was answering the questions i was building my own symbolic narrative as to what the elements meant.
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1) The cube

How big is the cube? Fairly big, wouldn't know what to compare it to but it's comfortably big.
What is its color? What do you think about that color? It's red. Which feels like strength with a tone of stubborness.
How far away is it from you? Halfway between me and the halfway point.
Is it transparent? Can you see what is inside? Nope, a smooth and solid gloss surface.
How big is the cube compared to the desert? What is the ratio? An average size. It's not incredible puny in comparison but nor does it block half the desert from sight.

2) There is a ladder.

Is the ladder leaning on the cube? Yes
What is the color of the ladder? What is it made of? A light coloured stained wood.
What impression does it give you? I find it's a comfort. The ladder shares the focal point with the cube.
What is the distance between the cube and the ladder? They are touching.

3) There is a horse.

What is the distance between the cube and the horse? The horse is standing close beside the cube.
What is the color of the house? Medium brown.
What impression does it give you? Independant and caring and I care about it. I like having it there.
Is it tied? Is there a saddle? Nope

4) There is a storm.

What is the distance between the storm and the cube. Far in the distance.
Is it a big storm or a small storm? Big/medium, I feel it could be bigger
Is it passing by or staying? Stationary

5) The flowers.

How many flowers are there? 3
Where are the flower? At the base of the cube
What are the colors of the flowers? White with yellow centres.
How do you feel about the flowers? Loving, warm

EDIT: Hmmm... that worked out surprisingly well. Could be because I'm in a pretty simplistic state of mind and can't be bothered to imagine up anything more complex or over think as I usually do.
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1) The cube

This cube is quite large. About the size of a shopping mall and as high as it is long. It looks like a combination of stone and metal, and is balanced on just one corner. About 100 yards or so away. The cube has no sides, just edges and is hollow, with innumerous miniature cubes floating around inside it and never bumping into each other. Some venture outside the cube but return again shortly after. It is very curious looking. I wonder about it's purpose. The desert stretches farther than I can see, so I am unsure as to what ratio it is.

2) There is a ladder.

The ladder is inside the cube, with several mini-cubes swirling around it. It looks like it's the same material as the cube and same color. Perhaps it leads somewhere important?

3) There is a horse.

The horse is fairly close to the cube standing right outside it. What house? Ah you mean horse The horse is white, and it seems to be fairly calm. It is munching on grass that seems to be growing outward from the cube. There is no harness or saddle on it.

4) There is a storm.

It appears to be many miles off. I'm unable to tell which direction it is moving at this point, but there are numerous large cumulonimbus clouds. I can see the lightning flashes but there's no thunder.

5) The flowers.

I don't see any, but there is grass around it(which the horse was snacking on), and a tree on one side.

I liked it, but it still freaked me out. :p
Justification for always wearing shoes! But yeah, that movie was freaky.
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