The absurdity of supporting sports teams

enfp can be shy

people vs the bad people?
This has so many layers, but let's start with the simplest one: If the team is strong, why does it need you to support it? It's gonna win anyway. If it's weak, why support it, it doesn't deserve to be hailed for being weak. Sounds to me as terribly nonsensical as praying to god who should be doing great without your prayer anyway... or he doesn't exist anyway.

So, really, what's up with all that? How do people even associate themselves with such an abstract entity as the team (or some individual athlete: same story). So, they won, so what does it have to do with you? So, they lost, so what does it have to do with you? Hooligans breaking each other's skulls for things like that? 0.o I find it quite amazing and hard to believe, but it's true!
I would make a distinction between scholastic and professional sports teams here. In some cases, the team is full of your friends/colleagues. In most cases, people are just supporting the professional teams within their geographical area.
Some people support a team because it's their national team and because they are patriotic.

Some people support a winning team because they enjoy seeing people play good and even artistically.

Some people support a loosing team because they just like to give "support", I guess.

I personally support a good game.
There is a big difference between supporting a team and believing your support directly results in a change in the outcome. Overall, giving the support can add pressure on them to do well, but ultimately it is up to them to follow through. It's an emotional investment, which for some adds to the experience.
I hate watching sports, my father and brother are huge into it, theyre both also ogres. I just never got how the guys who gave everyone the most shit for being gay were the ones who loved to rub all over each other while watching a bunch of sweaty men man handle one and other. I kid I kid, but seriously thats a funny distinction. I remember thinking that when I was in fact on and the captain of the highschool football team. Oh the glory.

But I do hate watching sports, I just cant seem to revel in some complete strangers' achievements. Winning some game seems too pointless to blip on my care radar.

I do usually watch the superbowl or some championship game, but not for the game, usually just to be with my friends.

I dont mean for this to sound like I am against athletics, hell no I was a big time athlete growing up, dont forget Se is one of the standard traits for INFJs and it is for me for sure, I have awesome reflexes and when I shut my mind off I go into autopilot mode and I am very good at moving around quick and stealthy.

I would much rather participate then watch I guess.

it also annoys me when people who never played a sport are huge fans of watching said sport... I dunno something about that stings me.
it also annoys me when people who never played a sport are huge fans of watching said sport... I dunno something about that stings me.

hmm, isn't that the same as watching a movie, but never actually acting in one?
hmm, isn't that the same as watching a movie, but never actually acting in one?
hmm I dont think so. Movies are productions by a specific company, the prospect of being in a major motion picture is quite low.

Compared to a game that was played in every school, in every division, every age group... like... how could you have missed football or basketball and then suddenly learn to love it when you were way too old to play? Thats crazy!
hmm I dont think so. Movies are productions by a specific company, the prospect of being in a major motion picture is quite low.

Compared to a game that was played in every school, in every division, every age group... like... how could you have missed football or basketball and then suddenly learn to love it when you were way too old to play? Thats crazy!

What I meant is that someone can simply enjoy the entertainment that it provides.

But I have to say that you'd enjoy watching the sport more if you play it, I play basketball and tennis (and other sports) and I enjoy watching a good game. However I'd rather watch it live than on TV.
Billy, you're certainly welcome to your opinion, but that's how you feel about it, period. It's a matter of taste. My taste is what? It's just a diversion, like any other diversion or hobby. Imagine how boring it would be if we all liked the vry same things!
Compared to a game that was played in every school, in every division, every age group... like... how could you have missed football or basketball and then suddenly learn to love it when you were way too old to play?
By being in a wheelchair, for example. Most anyone can learn the rules of a sport and enjoy seeing it played, but not everyone can take part.
We are just indulging our tribal instincts, humans are tribal beings, it's better to indulge those instincts in an outlet like sports than taking it into other areas of life.

Also there is the vicarious thing going on:

"When you catch a ball, you get a rush of adrenaline. When you see an expert athlete also catch the ball, the mirror-neurons system proffers up this representation of catching the ball, and if you have some emotional attachment to that action, you will get an emotional response."
'The reason we watch sport is because we're watching people do things that we couldn't do, but we get a sense of the brain providing you with a sense that you're doing the action.'—David Shore, McMaster University
In other words, if you're a soccer fan watching a game, your body may go through the motions of kicking the ball even though you're not playing.

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Also I heard somewhere that just watching someone do something skillful over and over improves your own skill level. It's amazing how we are such social creatures and learning machines.
Billy, you're certainly welcome to your opinion, but that's how you feel about it, period. It's a matter of taste. My taste is what? It's just a diversion, like any other diversion or hobby. Imagine how boring it would be if we all liked the vry same things!

I dont think I would be bored if less people liked sports and more people liked horror movies... In fact I think I would be less bored. But you are right those are my personal opinions.
Because it is enjoyable for people who like to socialize.
Also I heard somewhere that just watching someone do something skillful over and over improves your own skill level. It's amazing how we are such social creatures and learning machines.

It really is. I can see it in myself. When I watch someone ski, I am noticing all the motions they go through (not completely consciously). How their legs are posistion, what angle, how sharply, all of the small details. When I then in turn go and ski, I try to reflect that. After watching the winter olympics I noticed a very small change in the way I skiied, and it was much more controled and ordered.