Sure you're an INFJ?

Poetic Justice

I have tested as ENTJ, INTJ and INFJ. after much research I have found myself to be an INFJ. On every single test I've done I have scored 88 for N and 1 for J. The others have varied. I'm not sure of the significance of the N being so high and the J being so low. And it is also strange that these never change, whilst the others do. Does the 1 in J mean that I am almost a P?

I have read multiple description of each type, and I am almost positive that I am an INFJ. But I sometimes doubt.
Do you think that my J being so low means that I do too?
It means you have a very, *very* sliiiight preference for J. But it doesn't mean you're not just means out of all the INFJs who took that particular test, you happen to be in the tail-end of the bell curve. :D

I understand how you feel, though. I used to test INTJ and sometimes now I'll test INFP. Once I even typed INTP. But it's all about how you function and how you feel about it. The "best fit" is sometimes between the lines.
I understand how you feel, though. I used to test INTJ and sometimes now I'll test INFP. Once I even typed INTP. But it's all about how you function and how you feel about it. The "best fit" is sometimes between the lines.

I know what you mean. My thinking that I'm an INFJ is based entirely on the descriptions of that type, not the test. I usually test as an ENTJ
I am quite sure that I am an INFJ---there has been a point in my life where i've wondered how close I am to being an INFP though. After some thought, I realized that although I wasn't an uber "strong" INFJ, but INFJ nonetheless. It's just I also have some INFP traits inside as well. I guess that accounts for having an INFP mom!! :)
How many of you INFJ's scored low on J, or think you might be P. Is this a common thing. I have read INFP's description and I definately relate to it. But I still feel I am more an INFJ

Is there any INFP's here who think they might be J's? Carrie?
Bear in mind that the type descriptions are for Mature Dominant, Maturing Supporting types, which are typically in their mid twenties.

Remember your age, how you were when you were younger, or just read a description on your current maturity to tell.
Bear in mind that the type descriptions are for Mature Dominant, Maturing Supporting types, which are typically in their mid twenties.

Remember your age, how you were when you were younger, or just read a description on your current maturity to tell.

I don't know what you mean by that
as you age your functions mature. the general descriptions are of a... example ENTP - Ne Ti Fe Si

Mature Ne
Maturing Ti
Immature Fe
Nonexistant Si

That's around the age of 22ish. You're 46. You should be developing your final function around now, so the descriptions of the INFJ types wouldn't fit you. no matter what type you were.
I believe the tests vary since most online tests are quite short. And I believe the full MBTI test also can give outcomes one is not fully satisfied with since one easily will think of how one is expected to behave. The best result one will get from reading books describing the sixteen types thoroughly and try not to get distracted by convictions of what is popular or normal. The test will then only be a confirmation or an indication. But I think I believe there are really four preferences and sixteen types, and that every one of us has a preference for being one of them.

If the test gives you a low Judging score you should consider finding litterature expressingly describing the difference to Perceiving and judge according to what you think. It is years since I did that myself. I believe I will re-read what I have of litterature in 2009 and rediscover my type. Myself I might rotate a little between my preference for Feeling and Thinking. But then again I was raised in the Army.

You're 46. You should be developing your final function around now, so the descriptions of the INFJ types wouldn't fit you. no matter what type you were.

I most certainly am not 46! I'm 28. Have I filled in my date of birth wrong?
My god! look how many years I've aged in the last few minutes! Stop it, I'll be dead soon!
I have now changed my profile to display my age
I have no doubt of me being an INFJ, my tests for each letter are each very high (the highest being N, which is in the upper 80's usually). Everything else is almost alwasy over 50.

Even of you call the test unrelaible, no descripton hits me more dead on then the one for INFJ's
If you're unsure what type you are, consider the dominant/secondary functions.

INFJs rely mostly on Ni (introverted intuition) and Fe (extraverted Feeling). INTJs are Ni and Te (extraverted thinking), while ENTJs are Te and then Ni.

In any case you probably are very strong on Ni. If you're constantly testing strong for it, then I'd suspect INXJ more then anything. You just have to determine if you're more a thinker, liking cold, hard facts and logic, or if you're a feeler, being more in tune with the feelings around you, and find yourself being right about something and not being able to trace a path as to just know you're right!
There's a brief explanation of the Ni function, with links to the other functions. Here are the dominant functions for the types you test as:

INFJ- Ni (introverted intuition) followed by Fe (extraverted feeling)
INTJ- Ni followed by Te (extraverted thinking)
ENTJ- Te followed by Ni.
I always thought of myself as more of a logic person. But then I read the descriptions of INFJ. I do just know things without knowing how. I get "feelings" about things. I just didn't realise that everybody doesn't do that. I'm pretty sure I'm an INFJ
INTJ's tend to intuit situations and data - they "know" their information is correct. INFJs intuit people - they know what people are thinking, imagining, dreaming, etc.

Are you better with data, or people? That's the real question.