Superpower Test.



You're powers are 72% Mental, 56% Emotional, and 11% Physical!

I hope you aren't in this super power thing for the attention, cause you've got the least flashy power. But for no flash you got a world of possibilities. You can read minds, control other's minds, and cause complete havoc on a person's mind. And few will ever know it's you who's bringing a room full of bad guys to their knees. It's a blessing and a curse, really.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Illusions, they can learn from your ability to directly affect a person's mind, and not first the sense. Telekinetics, they can learn to heighten their powers of the mind by your example.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Flight, their ability to go anywhere in the world and your ability to go anywhere mentally makes for a team with few secrets they are unable to discover. Super Speed, their quick lifestyle and your ability to process things at the speed of the mind makes a team with great communication.

If you want someone more dominant, try a Teleportation, their true mastery over going anywhere instantly will open your mind to new tactics.

Avoid Invulnerability, their expectation of being invulnerable will be crushed by your ability to invade their mind. There will be major trust issues and jealousy.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 72% on Mental, higher than 68% of your peers.

  • You scored 56% on Emotional, higher than 35% of your peers.

  • You scored 11% on Physical, higher than 3% of your peers.
Gravity Control
You're powers are 72% Mental, 61% Emotional, and 67% Physical!
This is a fun power and great for controlling groups of enemies. Crush them with tremendous gravitational pulls or suspend them in the air. You yourself can make gigantic leaps with this power by reducing gravity for yourself, and you can fall saftly from any height. Since this power is very indirect in its damage potential, you might want to start working on bluffing your opponents, though.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Blast, you can teach them how indirect ways can disable an enemy. Size Control, you can teach them how size can be affected by gravity. Time Control, you can teach them how to better control certain aspects of their power.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Elemental Control, your control of gravity and their control of matter go so well together. Invisibility, your ability to manage enemies makes their job very effective.

If you want someone more dominant, try a Explosive, their all-out nature will show you how to use your powers to devestating effect.

Avoid Dazzle, their ability to distract enemies brings nothing new to you, but your different ways will cause tension.
Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You scored 72% on Mental, higher than 68% of your peers.

You scored 61% on Emotional, higher than 46% of your peers.

You scored 67% on Physical, higher than 84% of your peers.
Explosive :pray2:
You're powers are 44% Mental, 67% Emotional, and 33% Physical!

You've got a lot of power that you're ready to release at any moment in a big explosion. The good news? You kick butt with this power. The bad news? You kick everyone's butt within range. Enemies, friends, innocents, they're all vulnerable to your power. Also, be careful about setting limits. You have so much power that it probably doesn't cross your mind that you could break yourself by not stopping to rest.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Elemental Control, you can teach them how to use their element to it's full destructive force Gravity Control, you can teach them how best to situate enemies for maximum effect. Invisibility, you can teach them when it's best to be quite noticeable, and not.

If you want someone your equal, try another Explosive, your understanding of the unique power will do wonders.

Due to your power, few mentors could teach you anything of use.

Avoid Luck, cause luck and explosives never mix well.

You're powers are 72% Mental, 33% Emotional, and 56% Physical!

You've got a lot of power that you're ready to release at any moment in a big explosion. The good news? You kick butt with this power. The bad news? You kick everyone's butt within range. Enemies, friends, innocents, they're all vulnerable to your power. Also, be careful about setting limits. You have so much power that it probably doesn't cross your mind that you could break yourself by not stopping to rest.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Elemental Control, you can teach them how to use their element to it's full destructive force Gravity Control, you can teach them how best to situate enemies for maximum effect. Invisibility, you can teach them when it's best to be quite noticeable, and not.

If you want someone your equal, try another Explosive, your understanding of the unique power will do wonders.

Due to your power, few mentors could teach you anything of use.

Avoid Luck, cause luck and explosives never mix well.
Laser Eyes

You're powers are 44% Mental, 83% Emotional, and 39% Physical!

While this power may seem a lot like blast, it has two significant differences. First, it's a very precise power. You can ever so gently singe your name in cotton or recklessly blow away solid steel barriers. Secondly, it is very accurate. You shoot exactly what you see, and you shoot it at the speed of light. Plus, who doesn't love someone who can take out enemies with a glare?

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Elasticity, you can teach them about precision shots from a distance. Flight, you can teach them about accurate fly-by attacks. Force Shield, you can teach them about placing their powers in shots most advantageous.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Size Control, a team with accurate attacks and lots of utilityis a well-rounded team. Time Control, you'd make a team with accurate attacks and defense, plus lots of utility.

If you want someone more dominant, try any of these for mentors: Elemental Control, their control of multiple sources of elements might make you figure out how to accurately use your power on multiple targets. Invisibility, their subtle ways will teach you how your accuracy can be used with little notice.

Avoid Super Senses, their pinpointing nature will bug you when they're already on enemies before you can spot them.
(From a week ago or so):


You're (AAAGH! "Your"!) powers are 89% Mental, 44% Emotional, and 28% Physical!

(See Raccoon Love's post for the rest, there's no point in putting it up twice. =P)
Size Control
You're powers are 61% Mental, 50% Emotional, and 67% Physical!

You can control the size of yourself and have limited control on other things? You can shrink down to the size of an ant and infiltrate almost anywhere, or grow as large as a building and wrestle with giant monsters. It's not an easy power to have, but there's a lot you can do with it. You can compliment just about any team, being both the tank and the infiltrator; just not at the same time.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Elasticity, your own sense of spatial distortion will help them understand their powers. Invulnerability, your abilities will help them understand when it's simply not about shrugging off attacks.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Laser Eyes, you'd be a team of precise abilities, both offensively and utility. Time Control, seriously, what's better than control over time and space?

If you want someone more dominant, try any of these for mentors: Elemental Control, their control over existing matter will help you know how to manipulate the same matter to maximum effect. Gravity Control, their control over weight will help you understand how your control of mass might work best.

Avoid Illusions, their alteration of the perception of reality only contests your alteration of reality itself.
Laser Eyes
You're powers are 50% Mental, 67% Emotional, and 44% Physical!

While this power may seem a lot like blast, it has two significant differences. First, it's a very precise power. You can ever so gently singe your name in cotton or recklessly blow away solid steel barriers. Secondly, it is very accurate. You shoot exactly what you see, and you shoot it at the speed of light. Plus, who doesn't love someone who can take out enemies with a glare?

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Elasticity, you can teach them about precision shots from a distance. Flight, you can teach them about accurate fly-by attacks. Force Shield, you can teach them about placing their powers in shots most advantageous.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Size Control, a team with accurate attacks and lots of utilityis a well-rounded team. Time Control, you'd make a team with accurate attacks and defense, plus lots of utility.

If you want someone more dominant, try any of these for mentors: Elemental Control, their control of multiple sources of elements might make you figure out how to accurately use your power on multiple targets. Invisibility, their subtle ways will teach you how your accuracy can be used with little notice.

Avoid Super Senses, their pinpointing nature will bug you when they're already on enemies before you can spot them.

Controllable laser eyes? Instead of Cyclops-style where I'm confined to a visor for the rest of my life? I can dig it. I'm suddenly a bit worried about mirrors though.
Size Control
You're powers are 61% Mental, 50% Emotional, and 67% Physical!

You can control the size of yourself and have limited control on other things? You can shrink down to the size of an ant and infiltrate almost anywhere, or grow as large as a building and wrestle with giant monsters. It's not an easy power to have, but there's a lot you can do with it. You can compliment just about any team, being both the tank and the infiltrator; just not at the same time.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Elasticity, your own sense of spatial distortion will help them understand their powers. Invulnerability, your abilities will help them understand when it's simply not about shrugging off attacks.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Laser Eyes, you'd be a team of precise abilities, both offensively and utility. Time Control, seriously, what's better than control over time and space?

If you want someone more dominant, try any of these for mentors: Elemental Control, their control over existing matter will help you know how to manipulate the same matter to maximum effect. Gravity Control, their control over weight will help you understand how your control of mass might work best.

Avoid Illusions, their alteration of the perception of reality only contests your alteration of reality itself.



You're powers are 72% Mental, 67% Emotional, and 56% Physical!

Better than sneaky, you can turn completely invisible. Great for infiltration and espionage missions, it doesn't lose effectiveness on the battlefield. The enemy can't hit what they can't see, and your ability to distract the enemy with covert strikes makes you a valuable resource to any team. Also a fun super power for practical jokes.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Laser Eyes, you can teach them the subtle use of their power. Teleportation, you can teach them the importance of unseen travels. Time Control, you could make their ability to slip past people in time more effective.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Elemental Control, their overt nature makes your covert nature more effective. Gravity Control, their ability to control enemies makes your job that much more easier.

If you want someone more dominant, try an Explosive, their attention-grabbing nature might teach you when it's best to actually be seen.

Avoid Super Fighter, their direct nature and lack of subtleness will only irk you.
Super Fighting

You don't have one strong super power, but instead a plethora of smaller super powers that make you an ultimate fighting force. Fast reflexes, extreme endurance, super strength, faster healing, keen senses... While none of these alone are very super compared to people who specialize in one of those, together you dodge fists, take kicks, and dish out the damage.
Time Control

You're powers are 72% Mental, 61% Emotional, and 56% Physical!
You've got the terribly dangerous power of time control. Why so dangerous? Time is a delicate thing. For the most part, you can duplicate many other powers, such as super speed, super reflexes, etc. But, you can also jump time, going back into the past a little bit or forward to the future a little bit. Messing with time this way can be dangerous. Make sure you don't do anything to break the present.

Time Control

You're powers are 67% Mental, 61% Emotional, and 50% Physical!

But my scores are low than Sithious' scores :(
Size Control

You're powers are 44% Mental, 56% Emotional, and 67% Physical!

Hmm, I'm not very mental.

You can shrink down to the size of an ant and infiltrate almost anywhere, or grow as large as a building and wrestle with giant monsters.
Sounds fun :)
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You're powers are 72% Mental, 72% Emotional, and 22% Physical!

Teleportation is the greatest power for getting from point A to point B, bar none. You can teleport behind closed doors, into sealed rooms, or across the world, all in the blink of an eye. You can teleport other objects with you, so that ticking bomb nobody knows how to defuse? Teleport it into space! This is a fun power; just try not to annoy others with it.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Flight, you can show them how movement itself is a viable tactic in a fight. Telepathy, you can show them where knowledge of places far off is quite useful.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Blast, your all-out mobility and their all-out attacks make a threatening force. Energy Aura, your hit and run melee attacks and their slow and steady pace makes for a dynamic team.

If you want someone more dominant, try a Invisibility, they are the masters of not being seen and can teach you things about such.

Avoid Super Strength, your quick and surprising nature clashes badly with their slow, obvious powers.


Fun test! :m168:
You're powers are 83% Mental, 61% Emotional, and 22% Physical!
I hope you aren't in this super power thing for the attention, cause you've got the least flashy power. But for no flash you got a world of possibilities. You can read minds, control other's minds, and cause complete havoc on a person's mind. And few will ever know it's you who's bringing a room full of bad guys to their knees. It's a blessing and a curse, really.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Illusions, they can learn from your ability to directly affect a person's mind, and not first the sense. Telekinetics, they can learn to heighten their powers of the mind by your example.

If you want someone your equal, try any of these for partners: Flight, their ability to go anywhere in the world and your ability to go anywhere mentally makes for a team with few secrets they are unable to discover. Super Speed, their quick lifestyle and your ability to process things at the speed of the mind makes a team with great communication.

If you want someone more dominant, try a Teleportation, their true mastery over going anywhere instantly will open your mind to new tactics.

Avoid Invulnerability, their expectation of being invulnerable will be crushed by your ability to invade their mind. There will be major trust issues and jealousy

You're powers are 67% Mental, 67% Emotional, and 28% Physical!

Teleportation is the greatest power for getting from point A to point B, bar none. You can teleport behind closed doors, into sealed rooms, or across the world, all in the blink of an eye. You can teleport other objects with you, so that ticking bomb nobody knows how to defuse? Teleport it into space! This is a fun power; just try not to annoy others with it.

Lazy win!

You're powers are 61% Mental, 61% Emotional, and 33% Physical!

You've got a lot of power that you're ready to release at any moment in a big explosion. The good news? You kick butt with this power. The bad news? You kick everyone's butt within range. Enemies, friends, innocents, they're all vulnerable to your power. Also, be careful about setting limits. You have so much power that it probably doesn't cross your mind that you could break yourself by not stopping to rest.

If you want someone more submissive, try any of these for sidekicks: Elemental Control, you can teach them how to use their element to it's full destructive force Gravity Control, you can teach them how best to situate enemies for maximum effect. Invisibility, you can teach them when it's best to be quite noticeable, and not.

If you want someone your equal, try another Explosive, your understanding of the unique power will do wonders.

Due to your power, few mentors could teach you anything of use.

Avoid Luck, cause luck and explosives never mix well.