Spiritual realm


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Last night in chat, we were talking about ghost stories, spirtuality and such...I was asked to share a story, but it was too long for chat.

If you know me, you know I believe in another plane of existence...parallel to ours, sharing it if you will. I believe some of us can communicate with that plane. I can. it sounds all hokey, but its really not.

When I was sixteen, I was in a car accident. A bad one. I should have died. Would have died too.

I was in the passenger seat, my friend was driving. I knew we were going to crash. I knew as soon as we hit the curve. I felt the gravel give under the car, the sudden jerk of the car overcorrecting to the right. I felt the tires leave the ground, and we began our swift decent down the embankment. I took the window out with my head first, as the car rolled down the hill, for a moment I was floating. Suddenly, before the pasenger side hit the ground I was pulled with significant force into the back seat. Again I was suspended. Cuddled up to a warm presence. Protected. The car stopped suddenly with a jolt. A moment later I fell onto the back seat. In a panic I ran up the hill, looked around. and passed out. I woke up in the hospital, I was bleeding, in a brace. the glass in my clothes itched and cut my skin. I had glass in my eye. My ribs were sore. After the scans and tests were done, my eye was flushed, and the blood was off my face. They removed my clothes. I had deep cuts in my back, but more peculiar was the hand shaped bruises on either side of my rib cage. Five raised purple bruises. They hurt. They werent there before the accident...

When I was feeling better, I went to take stock of my wrecked car (the car was mine my friend drove.) It was totaled of course, but the most frightening part...was the passenger seat. The door frame of the car had been impaled into the seat. It would have killed me, almost instantly. It stabbed right into the headrest.
More stories to come...
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WOW, I wish you had pics of the bruises!
Wow. You should write a story about this experience (fictionalize it) and post it in "Write Stuff." I think many would love to read it. You clearly have an eye for description.
I want to hear more of the real thing, so fascinating!!
You have a guarding angel that protects you. It is wise to give offering to it for their protection and show your gratitude.:m168:
I had received a prank phone call when I was really young, like 10 or something, and it was a person that said they were my guardian angel and was dying.

That was a pretty twisted joke!
I had received a prank phone call when I was really young, like 10 or something, and it was a person said it was my guardian angel and it was dying.

That was a pretty twisted joke!

Yea...sounds mean.
You were protected. As you might know, I am a very spiritual person, and this is my interpretation:

You were not meant to die, you were simply meant (for whatever reason), to experience this. Something was around you to insure that you would not be killed in this accident. Since there were a few motions that could have easily done this, something insured that you would be moved into the right location so you would only be minimally harmed.
WOW, I wish you had pics of the bruises!

I used to They have been lost.

Wow. You should write a story about this experience (fictionalize it) and post it in "Write Stuff." I think many would love to read it. You clearly have an eye for description.

I may just do that

You have a guarding angel that protects you. It is wise to give offering to it for their protection and show your gratitude.:m168:

I have four actually, I know the names of two, One I knew in life.

You were protected. As you might know, I am a very spiritual person, and this is my interpretation:

You were not meant to die, you were simply meant (for whatever reason), to experience this. Something was around you to insure that you would not be killed in this accident. Since there were a few motions that could have easily done this, something insured that you would be moved into the right location so you would only be minimally harmed.

I completely agree.
What an awful, awful thing to happen to you, but also what a gift.

It reminds me a bit of NAI's story. Scary stuff!

I also have many ghost stories, and 'psychic impressions' would love to share sometime. :)
That is awesome! Yes, I'd love to hear more as well!
What an awful, awful thing to happen to you, but also what a gift.

It reminds me a bit of NAI's story. Scary stuff!

I also have many ghost stories, and 'psychic impressions' would love to share sometime. :)
Share them that is what the thread is here for. I have more stories I will share too.
Posted via Mobile Device
A little nervous to, but ok. I've seen ghosts all my life. The first time was when I was a little girl in foster care, about 6 years old. There was a lady in a pilgrim outfit stirring a cauldron at the foot of one of the other foster sisters beds. She wasn't scary, like you might, as a child, assume a witch would be (because that's what she looked like to me). She was soothing and comforting, and I would watch her for a long time as I fell asleep. She was there for several years.

I can't list all the times I've seen ghosts, but I can list some of the most memorable. One of the scariest ghost experiences happened when I was a child, in that same home. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night, freezing. I was on the top bunk, and my little brother was on the lower one, the only other foster sister at the time, was on a different bunk. When I woke up, so cold, there was a patch of light, like cars give off, and inside of it I could see three figures - just posted on my wall like a picture almost. One was taller than the other two. The middle one moved towards me fast. He grabbed my left wrist and ankle and started pulling. His claws were deep in my skin. As he pulled, my spirit kind of recoiled - not my body, but my spirit, I don't know how to explain it exactly. It was like I pushed him away and then pulled back from myself. I watched him recoil in return as he was thrown backwards. He walked into the hallway. I didn't go back to sleep at all that night. The next day at school one of the teachers pointed out the claw marks on my wrist. "Who did that to you?" I couldnt' say, because I actually was being horribly abused in that home, but couldn't say the home, and couldn't say a ghost. It was an interesting experience that I've never forgotten.

One of my two (well three) absolute favorites was the time, I was about 16, and my adopted parents took my brother and I to Niagara Falls (Canada), where we stayed in this old hotel. I woke up again in the middle of the night freezing. There was a short figure in a long nightgown and a bonnet standing over me. My adopted mom wore this kind of nightgown, and is also very short. I said, "Mom, what?" The figure held out her hand to me. I reached out my hand to her, and just before I took it, I looked into her eyes - there were none.... I screamed, it dissipated, and my scream woke the family up. My dad woke up and said, "Why is it so freakin' cold?"

I've always wondered what would have happened if I had taken her hand....

Another time a group of friends were at my place doing a seance. I told them that it was silly, that if there was a ghost there, it would let itself be known if it wanted to. Everyone did the seance anyway. Anyway, one girl, who also said she saw ghosts (but as orbs, not as figures like I do), said she saw an orb. I didn't say anything as the rest of the group raced around the house. I just sat back and drank my tea. I looked at the hallway where the group was going to walk out. I saw this guy appear, look at me, put a finger to his lips like he was saying, "Shhhh." He backed into the wall, and when my friends walked out of the room, he popped out, and everyone saw him for a second. It was hilarious. Doubly hilarious for me - because he had let me in on the joke.

I also like it when they play jokes on me. One of my favorites was when I was snowbound and lived alone. In the morning all of my cabinets and drawers were completely open - in 3 rooms of the house. Again, hilarious.

I can also see spirits around people sometimes. One of the most recent ones was with an employee who hated me (never understood why). I saw an old lady in yellow standing next to her all the time. Finally, one day, I couldn't hold it in any longer. Do you believe in ghosts? Why? Because, and I know this will sound crazy, but I think there is a ghost following you. I told her what I saw. She said, "Yellow? Are you sure?" And I described the woman I saw to her. She said that it was most likely her grandmother, who always loved yellow, and wore it whenever she could. Note: this didn't make her like me any better, she just became freaked out by me. One of the reason's I'm uncomfortable sharing my experiences like this. But, at least there's other sensitive people on this forum!

Phew. Ok, now it's someone else's turn!
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I started a simliar thread a while back. Here is a link so I don't have to re-write it.


I have another one very similar to yours Entyqua, but I'll save that for a bit. I do indeed believe in Guardian Angels though (see my Avatar)!
My mom was always saying there was someone in her room at night, just watching her, at the foot of her bed.
Everyone would just roll their eyes but nobody took it too seriously.
We went on a vacation once and she and I ended up in the same bedroom in a hotel. In the middle of the night she called my name and said, "Can you see it?" And sure enough there was something - like a shimmering figure in a white cloak - standing at the end of the bed. "I see it!" I rushed over to her bed and we hugged each other, scared but not threatened but mesmerized. My dad must have heard us and came into the room and it disappeared.
My mother was so relieved and validated knowing someone believed her. And it's been there her whole life now and then, no matter where she's lived.
A little nervous to, but ok. I've seen ghosts all my life. The first time was when I was a little girl in foster care, about 6 years old. There was a lady in a pilgrim outfit stirring a cauldron at the foot of one of the other foster sisters beds. She wasn't scary, like you might, as a child, assume a witch would be (because that's what she looked like to me). She was soothing and comforting, and I would watch her for a long time as I fell asleep. She was there for several years.

I can't list all the times I've seen ghosts, but I can list some of the most memorable. One of the scariest ghost experiences happened when I was a child, in that same home. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night, freezing. I was on the top bunk, and my little brother was on the lower one, the only other foster sister at the time, was on a different bunk. When I woke up, so cold, there was a patch of light, like cars give off, and inside of it I could see three figures - just posted on my wall like a picture almost. One was taller than the other two. The middle one moved towards me fast. He grabbed my left wrist and ankle and started pulling. His claws were deep in my skin. As he pulled, my spirit kind of recoiled - not my body, but my spirit, I don't know how to explain it exactly. It was like I pushed him away and then pulled back from myself. I watched him recoil in return as he was thrown backwards. He walked into the hallway. I didn't go back to sleep at all that night. The next day at school one of the teachers pointed out the claw marks on my wrist. "Who did that to you?" I couldnt' say, because I actually was being horribly abused in that home, but couldn't say the home, and couldn't say a ghost. It was an interesting experience that I've never forgotten.

One of my two (well three) absolute favorites was the time, I was about 16, and my adopted parents took my brother and I to Niagara Falls (Canada), where we stayed in this old hotel. I woke up again in the middle of the night freezing. There was a short figure in a long nightgown and a bonnet standing over me. My adopted mom wore this kind of nightgown, and is also very short. I said, "Mom, what?" The figure held out her hand to me. I reached out my hand to her, and just before I took it, I looked into her eyes - there were none.... I screamed, it dissipated, and my scream woke the family up. My dad woke up and said, "Why is it so freakin' cold?"

I've always wondered what would have happened if I had taken her hand....

Another time a group of friends were at my place doing a seance. I told them that it was silly, that if there was a ghost there, it would let itself be known if it wanted to. Everyone did the seance anyway. Anyway, one girl, who also said she saw ghosts (but as orbs, not as figures like I do), said she saw an orb. I didn't say anything as the rest of the group raced around the house. I just sat back and drank my tea. I looked at the hallway where the group was going to walk out. I saw this guy appear, look at me, put a finger to his lips like he was saying, "Shhhh." He backed into the wall, and when my friends walked out of the room, he popped out, and everyone saw him for a second. It was hilarious. Doubly hilarious for me - because he had let me in on the joke.

I also like it when they play jokes on me. One of my favorites was when I was snowbound and lived alone. In the morning all of my cabinets and drawers were completely open - in 3 rooms of the house. Again, hilarious.

I can also see spirits around people sometimes. One of the most recent ones was with an employee who hated me (never understood why). I saw an old lady in yellow standing next to her all the time. Finally, one day, I couldn't hold it in any longer. Do you believe in ghosts? Why? Because, and I know this will sound crazy, but I think there is a ghost following you. I told her what I saw. She said, "Yellow? Are you sure?" And I described the woman I saw to her. She said that it was most likely her grandmother, who always loved yellow, and wore it whenever she could. Note: this didn't make her like me any better, she just became freaked out by me. One of the reason's I'm uncomfortable sharing my experiences like this. But, at least there's other sensitive people on this forum!

Phew. Ok, now it's someone else's turn!

sounds like you were kinda saved too, though i dont agree with the methods...

Love your stories!
It was the middle of the night, my best friend, who can also see spirits, was with me. There is a park here that is beautifully natural, and has a back part that is left to nature, aside from a dirt path. There is a spooky old witches house (which I also have a story about for later) or rather, foundation. We walked into the canopy of trees heading into the more wild part, and as soon as we passed the threshold there was a radiating warmth and pressure on my back. I told my friend about it, and when she looked behind me she said, we need to leave now. We walked calmly out and as soon as I left the park the hand was gone. She said she saw what was touching me and it told her to get out. That night, a young woman was raped in that park.