Soulmates | Page 2 | INFJ Forum


@Ginny when we were studying limits, my math professor gave us great analogy about [1/inf]: imagine one (1) bottle of vodka and population of human beings on Earth. and now imagine that you're trying to give vodka equally to all these people. what will they receive? an infinitesimal drop of vodka, or just zero drops, ha. because these drops will be so, so small.
and now imagine your soulmate as one (1) person, and you're the one of infinite quantity of people all around the world. chanses to find each other? sadly, zero :( that's why these sweet sweet romanticized fantasies can destroy your sense of reality very easily. but I still think that we should believe in best! there's obviously not just one person who was made for you, but there are still lots of people with whom you can be yourself! people with whom you can understand each other as good as if these people were you!
@Fidicen you're right. if you believe in the idea that there's somebody (!) in the world who's made specially for you, it will end with a disappointment. we all around here are complete personalities, and, quoting one phrase I read earlier, "we are socks, and you alone are just a sock, completed and cool at your own, and soulmates are just pair of socks that match with each other" :D
thank you!

I agree too, and I think it's unrealistic, even a bit unfair to expect one person with whom you get along well to fill every role (best friend, lover, spouse, "soul mate"). It's wonderful to imagine this, however, we're only human, we can't expect everything from one person, nor can we expect to be everything to another person.
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I am at the point that I lost that certain innocence on the view on soulmates, and sometimes I do truly wish there was that one certain person for us that the mysterious universe granted for us-- I mean it's completely idolized in movies, literature and music. However, it is just fantasy. I desperately wish I was 100% certain that "YES! there is such thing as soulmates!".. but alas, it is not so.

However, I do agree with the above that true love does exist somewhere, but it isn't as common. In this day and age, dating apps and hook-ups are all the rage. It's frustrating and has made me a bit cynical. But somehow, I still have hope. I don't know why. Probably dumb of me to think this way to still have hope that actual romance and true love exists.

However, right now, I am just concentrating on what is beautiful at this current moment, and not worry and fuss on when love is knocking on my door. Love is everywhere! Family, friends, your cat/dog, the birds, a mother holding her child's hand--- the little things.
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@JennyDaniella it's not bad or even childish, it's absolutely okay! and believing in true love, I think, makes us better persons... sometimes we improve ourselves while dreaming about our future love! :> and of course family and friends we already have, you should never forget about them. because love is not only about romantic relationships. it's, again, your parents, friends, and even yourself - selflove is also so, so important :heartbubbles:
@periodictoblerone What's the perfect partner for your chemistry class called? A molemate.
For golf? A holemate.
For the acting class? A rolemate.
For doing stupid things together and then regretting it later? A d'oh-mate.
For being poor and begging together? A bowlmate.
For visiting the Sherwood forest? A bowmate.
For getting past the turnpike? A tollmate.

I could go on all night... :insomnia:
And don't even want to get started on all the lovely dinosouls.
Do you believe in the concept of soulmates? If yes, what is your definition of this word?
No, I don't believe in soulmates or lifelong monogamy for most people. Romanticism is a plague that afflicts Western Civilization.
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No, I don't believe in soulmates or lifelong monogamy for most people. Romanticism is a plague that afflicts Western Civilization.

I'm fascinated with Donald Trump, especially as he relates to the topic of love. Being born into prosperity and perpetuating it via his business endeavors, he's consistently lived a high-quality life.

He's been with exceptionally beautiful women, traveled to the finest locations, and enjoyed the tastiest of cuisine. However, he's not stayed monogamous, he was even adulterous.

Who's to say that when there is little difference between the lowest and best quality of life, that the society that follows won't give rise to a mass of Donald Trump's?

What incentive do the masses have at lifelong monogamy with an aging, withering partner when a beautiful, intelligent supermodel in their 20s is just around the corner?

Yeah, I'm asking the tough questions.
it's that person with whom you can watch Godzilla together and discuss some difficulties of lives of compsognathuses, the smallest dinos ever :B
We all managed to stay serious for almost 1½ pages, that's pretty good for the forum. :coolerthanyoudancing:

Wow, compsognathus, I hadn't heard of that. It means "elegant jaw", that's pretty cool. But maybe the smallest dino is after all the bee hummingbird.

One day it might be nice to live in the country and have a foalmate :hearteyes:

@Ren it may be sad because compsognathuses are not as popular as, as example, tyrannosaur or pterodactyl :( and it's height is the same as height of a chicken, so that's may be a bit embarrasing for compsognathuses to know that they're... not as big as their relatives
but! they're still great predators and can kick someone's ass if they need to haha!