Socionics Tests | INFJ Forum

Socionics Tests

IEI Intuitive Ethical Introvert - INFp, usually INFJ or INFP types
last time i took it i got INFj
I really like that Socionics type assistant. (I have a thing for vocabulary.) I got INTp, "the Observer". That fits with my INTJ results on other tests.
Test 1:


Test 3:

логико-интуитивный интроверт - "Робеспьер"

English: Logical-intuitive introvert-"Robespierre"

It's nice for a change to take a test in one of my native languages.
Your sociotype: Ethical-intuitive introvert - Dostoevsky

Sociotypes your Duala: logical-sensory extravert - Stirlitz "