Society w/out conflict?


Armed and Fabulous!
Do you think it is possible to create a society that is without any conflict between particular groups or individuals?

Why or why not?:m083:
No, because we are different. We have different personalities, backgrounds, contradictory or mutually exclusive belief systems, values, ideals, feelings, psychologies, etc. And although we may find a compromise or create a consensus, our egos won't allow us to exist without some form of conflict in our state of contradiction, however complementary our talents, skills, needs, etc.
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I wish it was possible to create a utopian society in which everything can be manage perfectly, sadly such task is near impossible, reason being that humans by nature are not perfect and there's always going to be conflict, you can try making ''perfect laws'' but that is according to your perspective, we all think differently on all situations no matter how something might seem, therefore there's always going to be someone who disagress. We can all try our best to cooperate to try and make a society without connflict by trying to make everybody as happy as possible by following a certain standard in which mostly everyone agrees.
Actually, I think that man would have to evolve more before that is possible.
Do you think it is possible to create a society that is without any conflict between particular groups or individuals?

Why or why not?:m083:

Think The Watchmen. Something greater and more different than combined humanity would have to come into play. Granted this is just pushing the conflict up another tier but what's a life without conflict?
Until everyone agrees on everything, and nobody has a single seed of turning against whatever ideals are in place, a society without conflict is not possible. No matter how small, the variance in how we think, in how we view the world, and in our own inherent personality quirks will always lead to some degree of conflict.

While I'm by no means a fan of conflict, I'm even less so one of a world where we can't be our own individual selves. Hive mind mentalities worry me a bit. Not to mention that innovation would plummet in a society like that. A lack of conflicting perceptions of a situation would reduce the good that comes from conflict, I think. The constant trading of a sense of chaos and order between sides forces each side to have to grow to regain order, and this cycle continues forward.

That said, I wish belligerence could be taken out of the equation. I hate any form of violence between people, it just seems like a waste when each person has something even just slightly new to offer. Hmm.
While I'm by no means a fan of conflict, I'm even less so one of a world where we can't be our own individual selves. Hive mind mentalities worry me a bit. Not to mention that innovation would plummet in a society like that. A lack of conflicting perceptions of a situation would reduce the good that comes from conflict, I think. The constant trading of a sense of chaos and order between sides forces each side to have to grow to regain order, and this cycle continues forward.

That said, I wish belligerence could be taken out of the equation. I hate any form of violence between people, it just seems like a waste when each person has something even just slightly new to offer. Hmm.

Conflict is inevitable between different groups and different personalities, sorry to say. Also, certain people get off on conflict.
Sadly, no.....because the majority of people on this planet are disconnected from their truest selves. This creates all kinds of problems.
There will never be a world without conflict. People, in general, are always seeking something to be outraged over, they seek some reason to get into an argument with others whether it be an argument started with sound reasons, intentionally misinterpreting things to cause a fuss over or clamouring over the 'possibility' that 'someone else' could get offended over something another has said or done. Humans are irrational creatures and as such I believe there is never to be a cease of conflict within the human race.
NO it is not possible. We need difference.

Define conflict.

Why do people assume that no conflict means everybody is the same, and that being different means conflict.

I'm sure that society without violence or oppression (physical AND mental) is possible. Violence comes from the need to make someone do something for you (directly OR indirectly, if you passively let them starve), which you may no longer need to, someday.

Indeed, the best achievements did not come from someone pushing someone else, or let 'em be pushed by existential necessity; they came from within. And the most interesting things to do and get become less dependent on other people doing them for you /which even becomes inefficient/.
I can't imagine a more insipid and pointless world. Adversity is what defines and shapes character. Without conflict there would be no change. We'd all sit around like wagyu cows chewing cud and swilling sake. No thanks. Yeah we'd be happy but we wouldn't be interesting. And I rather be interesting than content. But that's just me. I'm a bit of a fighter.
There will always be conflicct in society because life is boring without conflict. Peacefulness is so humdrum. Most people I talk to like passion and that creates a type of conflict in itself. Plus there are so many job tied to settling conflict. Just my random jumbled thoughts.
Are we just talking about armed conflict, or are we talking about all sorts of conflicts, such as economic disputes, resource disputes, territory disputes, political disputes, neighborly disputes, and so on?