This idea sprung into my head while driving between sites for work.
I notice that I typically focus much more on gaining acceptance than on accepting others.
How about you focus on neither and accept yourself first.
*itching to be blunt, but refrains*
This idea sprung into my head while driving between sites for work.
I notice that I typically focus much more on gaining acceptance than on accepting others.
I think this would correlate strongly with position in life. Nobody really cares whether a 5-year-old is being accepting. Only when you are in a position of equality or authority does your acceptance matter. And when you have risen to a status of supreme authority, additional acceptance is superfluous; everyone is looking for acceptance from you, instead.
I tend to do the exact opposite. I focus way more on trying to understand how others think and accept them.... and completely ignore ways in which I could become acceptable to others.
How about you focus on neither and accept yourself first.
Really, accepting/not accepting is just inate to me. Also, just because I don't accept someone doesn't mean I am going to treat them like crap. That is where tollerence comes in.