Smoking Bans

Smoking will be prohibited at all places to which the public has access, including auditoriums, health nstitutions,government buildings, restaurants, courts, public conveyances, public transport, stadiums, railway stations, bus stops, workplaces, shopping malls, refreshment rooms, discotheques, pubs and airport lounges. The ban will not cover open spaces.Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has welcomed the Supreme Court order declining to stay the Centre’s notification prohibiting smoking. He described the ban as a major step towards providing a smoke-free atmosphere and protecting non-smokers from passive smoking.He said he had personally written to Governors, Chief Ministers, Health Ministers and Members of Parliament to ensure effective implementation of the ban.
Smoking will be prohibited at all places to which the public has access, including auditoriums, health nstitutions,government buildings, restaurants, courts, public conveyances, public transport, stadiums, railway stations, bus stops, workplaces, shopping malls, refreshment rooms, discotheques, pubs and airport lounges. The ban will not cover open spaces.Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has welcomed the Supreme Court order declining to stay the Centre
Hahah that is nothing new in Sweden.
It is already forbidden to smoke everywhere inside (all those you mentioned) and buss-stations.
As are certain public places which have indicated smoking-corners (a marked color rectangle on the ground in which you should smoke in).

It is also forbidden to smoke during working hours (including the breaks and lunch) as well as in rental appartments on ones own balcony...
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Yeah but the cigarette companies don't get anything out of it. All they get is a bunch of cranky customers who hate paying more for cigarettes and being limited to certain areas where they can smoke.
Yeah but the cigarette companies don't get anything out of it. All they get is a bunch of cranky customers who hate paying more for cigarettes and being limited to certain areas where they can smoke.

Ciggarettes is a demerit goods and people will keep consuming them even if the price rises. At first they may be cranky but then they shortly adjust because they prioritize their ciggarettes. So they heavily tax it here, abusing their addiction.

Over here the debate is Smokers vs. Drinkers. Because the smokers feel it is unfair why people can drink alcohol everywhere, which is just as, if not more, harmful. While people cannot smoke and are strictly regulated. state has all these already in force including a few that arnt on there..

No smoking in parks, bars ect..they are trying to pass a law that you cant even smoke in your own car. Honestly this whole thing is ridiculous...

The anti-smoking campaigns about second hand smoke are are false. They consider a smoke related death ANYTHING that occured where some one MAY have been smoking...If some one has a pack of smokes and they were hit by a car they count it as a smoke related death. It goes on and on the things they do to boost the not nearly as staggaring numbers of ACTUAL second had smoke deaths.

Let us not forget how our lungs work. They filter out things before we exhale. Therefore when some one is smoking, they are absorbing the things it can from the smoke, :IE the tar, nicotine and what not, and exhaling what the body cannot use...IE the smoke itself.

I dont smoke, so dont start with me on THAT one...I do my research and these anti smoking ads are full of garbage.
Do they really?
Because Sweden loves cigarettes, we earn immense money on taxing tobbaco...

In Sweden, a pack of Marlboro (20 cigarettes) costs 7 US dollars :m077:
In Canada they cost 10 US dollars! Its madness I tell you MADNESS!!!! :m140:
I heart smoking bans.
^ This. More smoking bans please.

If people want to do things that are harnful to their physically help and harmful and intrusive to others... they can do it in their own private space.
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In Canada they cost 10 US dollars! Its madness I tell you MADNESS!!!! :m140:

O M G, thats completely INSANE. I mean WHAAAAT??!? do people still prioritize their smokes just as much?

^ This. More smoking bans please.

If people want to do things that are harnful to their physically help and harmful and intrusive to others... they can do it in their own private space.

The problems is that they arent even allowed to do it in their own private homes anymore... on the balconies :S And smoking on marked small colored squares on the ground is just like discrimination.
Over here the debate is Smokers vs. Drinkers. Because the smokers feel it is unfair why people can drink alcohol everywhere, which is just as, if not more, harmful. While people cannot smoke and are strictly regulated.

I don't pretend to know the debate in Sweden, but I guess my immediate thought is that second-hand smoke is appears more harmful to non-smokers than drinking is to non-drinkers. Stats that relate alcohol to illness, death, accidents, and other injury might prove otherwise. But if that is the case, I suspect the general public wouldn't be aware of it and the act of drinking is still contained to that one person, whereas smoke diffuses - so smoking is a much more apparent health crime. Plus, western society tolerates drinking whereas smoking is the heavily persecuted.
O M G, thats completely INSANE. I mean WHAAAAT??!? do people still prioritize their smokes just as much?
Well, smokers still smoke. So it doesnt change much, really. Indians may may purchase cigarettes with most of the extra tax knocked off, so a pack of cigarettes costs $6 instead of $10

In my province, smoking is pretty much banned in all indoor spaces and some outdoor places.

I guess its fine since it is not so good for people to get addicted to cigarettes in the first place.
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I don't pretend to know the debate in Sweden, but I guess my immediate thought is that second-hand smoke is appears more harmful to non-smokers than drinking is to non-drinkers. Stats that relate alcohol to illness, death, accidents, and other injury might prove otherwise. But if that is the case, I suspect the general public wouldn't be aware of it and the act of drinking is still contained to that one person, whereas smoke diffuses - so smoking is a much more apparent health crime. Plus, western society tolerates drinking whereas smoking is the heavily persecuted.

Yea that is right. That is one of the counter arguments against the smokers actually. That individual drinking does not harm the surrounding, wheras smoking does. However, like you said there are a numerous amount of alcohol-related cases such as violence, accidents and all that. But actually the second hand smoke does not even make a difference on peoples health when they live in the city.

Do they install surveillance cameras at people's homes in Sweden? How else can they enforce such a regulation?

They don't install cameras. Its simply not allowed. And there is like a conspirasy against smoking haha in which the neighbours are observant of one another. If they catch you smoking, they may file a complaint and then you are out!
If people want to stop behavior I guess that is one way to stop them. The problem is where are you going to stop? Whose example will we follow? If smokers are public enemy number one who is number two when they are done with you. It's a slippery slope when the fed wants control. There are a lot of things I want banned. I also understand that my wants should not harm others. Smoking can cause you problems in the long run so can fast food. Where will the fed go to protect us from ourselves. Excuse me I need to go have a smoke...:m114:
I'll be honest I like the idea of banning smoking in public places.

If smoking didn't effect others I wouldn't care. OK didn't effect them that in you are required to smell smoke around people who smoke.

I have friends who smoke. Hell I even smoke a small cigar sometimes but I also understand smoke isn't pleasant for someone who is just sitting there.

If you wanna smoke in your house fine. Enjoy your stinky home.

Hell people I know who smoke never do

Fore me I don't care if you smoke just be aware of others around who comes into contact with.