Should you be dead?


A true lady
This sounds weird, I know. I met with an old friend recently and we laughed about the crazy things that happened and I looked back on my life and I realized that it is by some miracle that I am alive today.

I should have died at least four times by now,no exaggeration. I think I have some purpose to fulfill and I needed to be here to do it. I am just not done yet.

How about you? Should you be dead right now?

Stories are welcome.
Definitely. I was 2 months premature they said I had a 50 % chance of surviving.
Then I swallowed a canister of pills as a baby and had to have my stomach pumped out,
another time I was rushed into hospital covered in Vicks (I'm not sure if that would have killed me).
When I was a teenager I walked out into the road and nearly go run over by a passing car (I think an angel or something must have saved me).- I'm sure we've all done that.
Not to mention illnesses. whooping cough, high temperature etc. (may not have killed me, but who knows).
I was due to fly to N.Y, on the day before of 9/11 but I left my flight ticket at home so it was arranged I'd fly the next day. Our plane was turned back half way as American air space was closed.
I'm not sure if it has to do with purpose for myself, maybe just resilience and luck. People are dying all the time, individuals with great potential to initiate change/ make this planet a better place to inhabit.
Rambling off topic is problem of mine...

I would imagine most of us here probably have had a couple~
One I remember when I was quite young-- falling backward over a poorly designed banister, my father grabbed my shirt/pulled me back up-- preventing any skull cracking that would have taken place.
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I think it's three for me. Three times I could have and in most cases would have died. I do believe that things happen for a reason, and I can imagine so many familial scenarios that would be frightening nightmares if I weren't here today and the one taking up the torch to deal with them. So, I consider that my purpose, and my reason to be here. Or maybe I just like to tempt fate and give death the middle finger. Either way, I should be here, here and now and tomorrow. I'm far from finished.
I should, because I was really suicidal when I was a teenager. If I wouldn't have gotten to the closed mental ward for few months (for the sake of my own well-being), I wouldn't be alive today...
This sounds weird, I know. I met with an old friend recently and we laughed about the crazy things that happened and I looked back on my life and I realized that it is by some miracle that I am alive today.

I should have died at least four times by now,no exaggeration. I think I have some purpose to fulfill and I needed to be here to do it. I am just not done yet.

How about you? Should you be dead right now?

Stories are welcome.

1) I am glad you are not dead

2) I have had no 'narrow squeaks'

3) My cat and my ex, and possibly both my sons have probably wanted to kill me at some point, all to no avail

4) Forum members who have read my 'jokes' probably did too.

5) There is really nothing to include here, but I think lists look better if there are 5 points.
Im past 9 lives I think...all but one from my own... lack of caring in the appropriate amount. If I turned up dead I wouldn't be surprised.

No purpose for me. Just blind luck. I think sometimes something is out to get me. I think having been brought to the brink just to teeter there as long as I did... if I were ever to believe on a higher power its a pretty good convincing argument. I got on someones bad side.
Im past 9 lives I think...all but one from my own... lack of caring in the appropriate amount. If I turned up dead I wouldn't be surprised.

No purpose for me. Just blind luck. I think sometimes something is out to get me. I think having been brought to the brink just to teeter there as long as I did... if I were ever to believe on a higher power its a pretty good convincing argument. I got on someones bad side.

You're back! Yay!
How do you know you don't have a purpose?
One story sticks out for me in my life. I was driving from WI to MI late at night during a snow storm. Being 23 and stupid, I was thrilled the roads were nearly empty because I could speed along with total impunity in my little Nissan Sentra with threadbare tires. So I am zipping along at 75 mph bopping around to Jimmy Cliff, deftly passing cars that were sensibly chugging along at 45-50 mph in the slippery snow and not paying much attention...until the rear end of a semi loomed out of the pitch black right in front of me. I was of course passing in the left lane. I looked right. Newp, couldn't get back over because a car was there. And to the left there was the snow/ice-laden thin shoulder and then the median and the West bound side. No choice, I veered towards the shoulder. Weirdly the intuition not to slam on the breaks was there. I gently tapped and deaccelerated. I'm a horrible driver, but somehow that instinct was there. The idea of course was to transition to driving on the left shoulder until my lane cleared. But it was full of ice and snow, so my car quickly veered into the median and lurched towards oncoming traffi. I was staring right at the West bound trucks who were (like I had been) zipping along 75 MPH through the snow storm. Heading into them I would have been annihilated, and by then my car was totally out of control and just tearing across the divider. But then, inexplicably, my car stopped it's deadly course (maybe a hidden ledge of snow) and began whipping around in circles. I was feet away from entering oncoming traffic. And then, before I knew it, I was pointed back at my East bound side, but still moving fast. Just back at the East bound side. And it kept moving, right back into traffic. Seamlessly. A perfect merge. It all happened in seconds, but time really did feel like it slowed down. And the weird thing is that the whole time it was going on, I wasn't scared. I felt like relaxed, like I was just waiting for the situation to straighten itself out. Once back in moving traffic (where I quickly joined the adulting realm and began a cautious crawl in the right lane with other sensible drivers), I pretty much couldn't believe what had happened.
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You're back! Yay!
How do you know you don't have a purpose?
Well I could.. I might be intended as fertilizer, food...any number of things. Maybe I should say I dont seem to have a purpose for what aligns with what I consider to be important.
One story sticks out for me in my life. I was driving from WI to MI late at night during a snow storm. Being 23 and stupid, I was thrilled the roads were nearly empty because I could speed along with total impunity in my little Nissan Sentra with threadbare tires. So I am zipping along at 75 mph bopping around to Jimmy Cliff, deftly passing cars that were sensibly chugging along at 45-50 mph in the slippery snow and not paying much attention...until the rear end of a semi loomed out of the pitch black right in front of me. I was of course passing in the left lane. I looked right. Newp, couldn't get back over because a car was there. And to the left there was the snow/ice-laden thin shoulder and then the median and the West bound side. No choice, I veered towards the shoulder. Weirdly the intuition not to slam on the breaks was there. I gently tapped and deaccelerated. I'm a horrible driver, but somehow that instinct was there. The idea of course was to transition to driving on the left shoulder until my lane cleared. But it was full of ice and snow, so my car quickly veered into the median and lurched towards oncoming traffi. I was staring right at the West bound trucks who were (like I had been) zipping along 75 MPH through the snow storm. Heading into them I would have been annihilated, and by then my car was totally out of control and just tearing across the divider. But then, inexplicably, my car started stopped it's deadly course (maybe a hidden ledge of snow) and began whipping around in circles. I was feet away from entering oncoming traffic. And then, before I knew it, I was pointed back at my East bound side, but still moving fast. Just back at the East bound side. And it kept moving, right back into traffic. Seamlessly. A perfect merge. It all happened in seconds, but time really did feel like it slowed down. And the weird thing is that the whole time it was going on, I wasn't scared. I felt like relaxed, like I was just waiting for the situation to straighten itself out. Once back in moving traffic (where I quickly joined the adulting realm and began a cautious crawl in the right lane with other sensible drivers), I pretty much couldn't believe what had happened.

OMG that is completely amazing. It's stories like this that give thought to there is more than our 5 senses can pick up.
Eeee! Like soylent green?? I almost asked what you consider important but then decided that would not go well after the fertilizer and food comment. :screamcat:
Sure soylent green is just around the corner. But for the purpose of this post I was thinking more about sharks, lions or even aliens.
Is it not just making up a purpose that aligns with what you think is important or what you value in life?
That could turn into a big discussion. Like if I can make myself happy by just staring at a wall the rest of my life why not do it?