Shape Personality Test


The RECTANGLE PERSON isn't the most organised person you are every likely to meet. They are incredibly messy - their desks are swamped with piles of stuff which also manages to extend onto the floor. Despite all the clutter left on their desk, the Rectangle carries their work around with them, nearly always with a bag or two clutched in their hands.
Rectangles aren't necessarily 100% certain where their future will take them and are not sure if they want to stay in permanent employment or move into the big wide world of freelancing. This lack of focus and great deal of indecision and inconsistency (not to mention that they are very forgetful, often misplacing items or forgetting important documentation), means that there is almost always several items waiting to be properly filed away. It has been said that the only predictable thing about a Rectangle is that they are unpredictable!
The uncertainty of their future makes them a good candidate for contracting or working from home. When they are not in the workplace they can usually be found in the local drinking establishment contemplating which way to turn.
It is not only their future that Rectangles are unsure about. It may often seem that they flit from Shape to Shape almost daily as they try them on for size and see which they like the best. Rectangles are essentially in a "state of transition" and are very unreliable as a result of this changeable nature. They can also be very much on-edge and are not always sure in what way to behave. So much so that someone who does not know why the Rectangle acts in such a way may view them as somewhat crazy.
The Rectangle's office also indicates the "internal conflicts" that they undergo. For example, documents meant for the out-tray may be found in the in-tray and vice-versa. They also have a tendency to put important memos in the bin and, keep personal items in full view. Rectangles who have their own office are usually extremely proud of this fact.
Rectangles are highly inquisitive and courageous during their periods of change and will often try new things. However, they are also very suggestible and prone to manipulation during such times. This is something that the Rectangle must guard against. This may be one reason why the Rectangle prefers to stay in large groups as in such an environment they can essentially 'hide' and avoid one-to-one interaction. They have an inherent "fear of being put on the spot."

Such a depressing description for rectangles. *sigh*
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The SQUIGGLE PERSON is far from tidy.
These individuals tend to be exceptionally creative, flamboyant, dramatic, and witty and, are the messiest and least-organised of all the Shapes. They can however, be very motivating people to be around. Such people are surrounded by half-finished work and their desks are strewn with half-eaten food and old coffee cups. There are no family photos in the Squiggle's office and though to visitors their office may seem messy, to the Squiggle it is not because they usually know where most things are! If the Box person is chalk then the Squiggle is the proverbial cheese! Squiggles view themselves as being unique and challenging the "status quo". Some may even go to extremes to illustrate this.
The Squiggle can never go anywhere without carrying a lot of things and are usually flustered, harassed and in a hurry. They rarely finish a task and struggle immensely with routine work. This is not surprising given the fact that Squiggles undergo constant change and that they are very easily bored, requiring constant stimulation in both a personal and a professional capacity.
Upon the desk of your typical Squiggle will be a sea of self-adhesive notes which quite often spill over onto the floor below. The creative Squiggle may have one picture adorning the wall behind their desk but they probably never give it a second glance. Similarly, the curious Squiggle may purchase books on the most modern and exciting topics yet, rarely read them!
Squiggles often use phrases such as "Paperwork is a waste of time!", "I've got the best idea of all!" and "I don't take NO for a answer!" They also tend to be bad listeners because they are so eager to share their ideas with others. This can lead to complaints and ill-feeling from friends and colleagues. Squiggles tend to be the "idea producers" in society which may be partially attributed to the fact that they fantasize a lot. When they get excited about a project they can become very intense about it. They can also be quite volatile and as a result, are not especially good team-workers and are not really enthused about people in general.
the Squiggle person could be mistaken for being permanently in mourning as they are invariably attired in black. Following their creative streak, the Squiggle person probably enjoys arty films in their spare time, possibly even having membership of a film club.
Due to their lack of focus, Squiggle shapes are very useful for a firm to have around but they will probably never make it very far up the ranks. They do however have a razor-sharp wit and are the life and soul of the party - great people to be around. They can however, be rather embarrassing at times and can be labeled as a 'weirdo' by those who do not understand them.
Circle + Squiggle.


You are a rare person who is equally comfortable working alone and participating in teamwork projects. Your role on a team is twofold: you are the catalyst who encourages others to participate, and you are the idea person who loves to brainstorm. If a team is lucky enough to include you, they will both enjoy the experience and develop creative solutions to their problems.
Since you are primarily a right-brained thinker, you see the "big picture" and are more interested in "Why" than in "How". You are not detail-oriented; you are conceptual, creative, and intuitive. You are a change agent, not a maintainer. You get bored doing repetitive, routine work. You need variety in your work that allows you to "switch gears" often.
Your natural tendency is to be friendly and caring toward others, and you will always give others a second chance. However, when someone lets you down enough times, you finally will "write them off." You have particular difficulty with slow thinkers and those who will not make decisions without thorough analysis. (You must curb your natural dislike of Box people.) This is because you are bright, a quick-thinker and a very spontaneous person. When you see a solution, you want to run with it. Others seem to slow you down.
You are often disappointed in colleagues, but you try your best to disguise your feelings. You are an excellent communicator and you have the ability to motivate others to do their best. You are a natural born teacher and mentor. Under your tutelage, students will flower.

Talking straight...

At work: You bring sunshine into any workplace! You are well liked, positive, and have an almost childlike need for play and fun. However, you are very disorganized and have difficulty with deadlines and details. Your follow-up skills are non-existent. Your office looks like a hurricane hit it; papers are strewn all over the floor. You abhor paperwork, rules, and regulations. You are a knowledge worker, not an administrator.
You will have difficulty in a traditional management position and are best suited to high-level project team leadership. You are more a leader, than a manager. You like to make a mess and have someone else clean it up. You would thrive in an academic setting with bright colleagues and little administrative responsibility. You need to work on self-discipline and financial management.
At leisure: You need loving friends around you. You have strong social needs and enjoy being the "Life of the Party." You are the first one up on the stage at the Karaoke Bar. You are a born entertainer. Your sense of humour is excellent, but tends to the "weird" side. You sometimes embarrass your friends. In an ideal world, you would not have to work at would just play all day.
Your hobbies are numerous, diverse, and constantly changing. You are not athletic (somewhat clumsy, in fact) and prefer group activities and mind games. You enjoy science fiction and your musical tastes run to the unusual, offbeat counter-culture groups. You love the theatre. Your personal style is eccentric; you often wear clothing that doesn't match. You prefer large patterns and t-shirts with political commentary on the front. You like to make a statement.
Rectangle apparently.

Probably accurate since I'm doing this test at work.
Apparently I'm a squiggle.

The test sounded fun to begin with.
Shape Personality Type Profile


The CIRCLE PERSON is a creature of comfort. Such individuals like to work comfortably and are often found with a cushion on their chair. It is quite possible that a Circle person would have a couch in their office as they prefer cushioned furniture to hard, wooden furniture. Not quite as neat as the Box person, Circles usually have a little clutter and paperwork strewn on their desk and tend to carry a lot about their person. It may also be necessary to clean up after the Circle at times.
Bright, warm colours are definitely in favour with the bold Circle, as is the presence of a healthy plant on their desk. Expect to see photographs proudly adorning the desk of the doting Circle parent.
The Circle is definitely a socialite, enjoying a good social life both within and outwith the workplace. They have many friends, whom they invariably like to cook for, which may be because they are typically very caring and sensitive people. They also tend to join many clubs and are often placed in charge of the organisation's Christmas bash. Circles are no stranger to a good time and they tend to be "jolly, fun-loving people" who are at their happiest when those around them are enjoying themselves. In the eyes of a Circle, even their work colleagues are friends and they are more than willing to help them resolve problems if they possibly can, often using the phrase "No problem!"
Circles are very much focussed on the wellbeing of others and on maintaining harmony. They do not cope well with conflict and will often back down in the face of an argument. In general, Circles are good communicators who can listen and empathise well with others. They do however, prefer to talk to people on a one-to-one basis. Many of the helping professions are done by Circles for this reason. They can however be too accomodating at times which, can be damaging because sometimes they can be exploited. They can also be quite self-denigrating if things do not go quite as they had planned. Circles tend to act more as 'stabilisers' than leaders in the workplace.

hmmm, that does sort of sound like me...
he RECTANGLE PERSON isn't the most organised person you are every likely to meet. They are incredibly messy - their desks are swamped with piles of stuff which also manages to extend onto the floor. Despite all the clutter left on their desk, the Rectangle carries their work around with them, nearly always with a bag or two clutched in their hands.
Rectangles aren't necessarily 100% certain where their future will take them and are not sure if they want to stay in permanent employment or move into the big wide world of freelancing. This lack of focus and great deal of indecision and inconsistency (not to mention that they are very forgetful, often misplacing items or forgetting important documentation), means that there is almost always several items waiting to be properly filed away. It has been said that the only predictable thing about a Rectangle is that they are unpredictable!
The uncertainty of their future makes them a good candidate for contracting or working from home. When they are not in the workplace they can usually be found in the local drinking establishment contemplating which way to turn.
It is not only their future that Rectangles are unsure about. It may often seem that they flit from Shape to Shape almost daily as they try them on for size and see which they like the best. Rectangles are essentially in a "state of transition" and are very unreliable as a result of this changeable nature. They can also be very much on-edge and are not always sure in what way to behave. So much so that someone who does not know why the Rectangle acts in such a way may view them as somewhat crazy.
The Rectangle's office also indicates the "internal conflicts" that they undergo. For example, documents meant for the out-tray may be found in the in-tray and vice-versa. They also have a tendency to put important memos in the bin and, keep personal items in full view. Rectangles who have their own office are usually extremely proud of this fact.
Rectangles are highly inquisitive and courageous during their periods of change and will often try new things. However, they are also very suggestible and prone to manipulation during such times. This is something that the Rectangle must guard against. This may be one reason why the Rectangle prefers to stay in large groups as in such an environment they can essentially 'hide' and avoid one-to-one interaction. They have an inherent "fear of being put on the spot."
How messy is your room o_O?

I don't think it describes me very me. I'm not really that messy, I just don't value the idea of 'everything being put back in its rightful place'. Not everything I own has a rightful place, although many things do.

I could waste hours of my life having to move things back and to from their little homes, and I've noticed through experience how counterproductive tidiness can be, and how much more efficiently I can get stuff done by focussing less on tidiness. I prefer to keep frequently used things where they are most convenient, but I do try to keep them relatively tidy. Similarly, not everything needs to be put away if it's going to be used again soon, and the space it's occupying isn't going to be used for anything else.

As for the bit about coffee cups... the question in the test was something like "do you sometimes put a half drunk cup down some place and forget about it", and my answer was yes, but it doesn't mean that dozens of the things are accumulating. If I lose a cup, I will realize I've lost it and will want to find it. :)

Short question. long answer :lol:
I don't think it describes me very me. I'm not really that messy, I just don't value the idea of 'everything being put back in its rightful place'. Not everything I own has a rightful place, although many things do.

I could waste hours of my life having to move things back and to from their little homes, and I've noticed through experience how counterproductive tidiness can be, and how much more efficiently I can get stuff done by focussing less on tidiness. I prefer to keep frequently used things where they are most convenient, but I do try to keep them relatively tidy. Similarly, not everything needs to be put away if it's going to be used again soon, and the space it's occupying isn't going to be used for anything else.

As for the bit about coffee cups... the question in the test was something like "do you sometimes put a half drunk cup down some place and forget about it", and my answer was yes, but it doesn't mean that dozens of the things are accumulating. If I lose a cup, I will realize I've lost it and will want to find it. :)

Short question. long answer :lol:

Mine is messy too. :D

You are a rare person who is equally comfortable working alone and participating in teamwork projects. Your role on a team is twofold: you are the catalyst who encourages others to participate, and you are the idea person who loves to brainstorm. If a team is lucky enough to include you, they will both enjoy the experience and develop creative solutions to their problems.
Since you are primarily a right-brained thinker, you see the "big picture" and are more interested in "Why" than in "How". You are not detail-oriented; you are conceptual, creative, and intuitive. You are a change agent, not a maintainer. You get bored doing repetitive, routine work. You need variety in your work that allows you to "switch gears" often.
Your natural tendency is to be friendly and caring toward others, and you will always give others a second chance. However, when someone lets you down enough times, you finally will "write them off." You have particular difficulty with slow thinkers and those who will not make decisions without thorough analysis. (You must curb your natural dislike of Box people.) This is because you are bright, a quick-thinker and a very spontaneous person. When you see a solution, you want to run with it. Others seem to slow you down.
You are often disappointed in colleagues, but you try your best to disguise your feelings. You are an excellent communicator and you have the ability to motivate others to do their best. You are a natural born teacher and mentor. Under your tutelage, students will flower.
Talking straight...
At work: You bring sunshine into any workplace! You are well liked, positive, and have an almost childlike need for play and fun. However, you are very disorganized and have difficulty with deadlines and details. Your follow-up skills are non-existent. Your office looks like a hurricane hit it; papers are strewn all over the floor. You abhor paperwork, rules, and regulations. You are a knowledge worker, not an administrator.
You will have difficulty in a traditional management position and are best suited to high-level project team leadership. You are more a leader, than a manager. You like to make a mess and have someone else clean it up. You would thrive in an academic setting with bright colleagues and little administrative responsibility. You need to work on self-discipline and financial management.
At leisure: You need loving friends around you. You have strong social needs and enjoy being the "Life of the Party." You are the first one up on the stage at the Karaoke Bar. You are a born entertainer. Your sense of humour is excellent, but tends to the "weird" side. You sometimes embarrass your friends. In an ideal world, you would not have to work at would just play all day.
Your hobbies are numerous, diverse, and constantly changing. You are not athletic (somewhat clumsy, in fact) and prefer group activities and mind games. You enjoy science fiction and your musical tastes run to the unusual, offbeat counter-culture groups. You love the theatre. Your personal style is eccentric; you often wear clothing that doesn't match. You prefer large patterns and t-shirts with political commentary on the front. You like to make a statement.
Today's TIP!...
Set a personal goal to GET ORGANIZED! You're driving everyone crazy! Clean up your office, meet at least one deadline, and, then, invite everyone to party after work to celebrate what you accomplished today!

somes very accurate,on the other hand i am never the life and soul of a party that whole bit is way off!
I took this test three times and got three completely different answers each time.

Either I'm a squiggle, circle-triangle, or a box.

I'm thinking this test doesn't work for me.

You are both well liked and respected by your colleagues. This is to be expected because of your friendly nature (Circle) and your efficient work habits (Box). You have the unusual ability to remain organized in the middle of chaos. Your files are cross-referenced and color-coded. Others often come to you for information. And, you have a positive attitude as well. You take time to stop and chat with colleagues, but you also make sure that your projects are completed accurately and on time. Both you and your desk are extremely neat and tidy. Your wardrobe is more functional than decorative and you prefer muted, solid colors such as grey or tan. To the outer world, you are the "dream employee!"

However, they don't see the price you pay to present this "perfect person." You are a person with conflicting needs. You have a strong work ethic, but you also have strong social needs. Although you must work alone to meet your own standard of perfection, you often miss the camaraderie of working on a team. Work teams value the contribution of your knowledge and your communication skills, but you are too busy to attend last minute meetings. You plan every moment of your day down to the minute, so you hate sudden crises. Although you may join the crisis team and solve the problem with apparent ease, no one knows you will be working all night to make up for the lost time. When stressed, you are likely to withdraw for fear someone will see you are inadequate. Your main flaw is lack of self-confidence.

At home, you are very committed to your mate and are protective of your family. You are old-fashioned when it comes to traditional family values. You do not believe in divorce and expect a clean and efficient household in which tasks are equitably shared. You are patriotic and likely to attend church on a regular basis. Your friends are few, but they are very lucky to call you friend because, to you, friends are like family. They know that they can always trust your word and, when the chips are down, you will not desert them. You are generous, but prefer to give practical gifts. In your leisure time you enjoy the musical classics (from rock to Bach); reading preferences lean to historical novels and biographies; hobbies often include woodworking or handicraft projects. You are an excellent cook. You are a meticulous collector; whatever you collect will support you in your old age... along with your substantial savings.
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