Seeing Auras

Anyone can do Reiki, but it's not a good idea to do if you are not attuned to the energy.
You can drain your energy in the process, because you are essentially using up your supply for someone else; since you said you were doing it to her, your intention sent that energy to her, regardless of "just sitting there and doing nothing."

Higher vibration means less illness, better circulation, and yes more heat...That's why my hands get very hot during a session.

My intention was to see if it was the placebo effect. I didn't try to do anything other than sit there

More heat does not mean less illness. I'm sorry, it just doesn't.

That doesn't necessarily mean I don't believe some people can see auras. It's just that the explanation you've learned isn't true. Maybe
My intention was to see if it was the placebo effect. I didn't try to do anything other than sit there

More heat does not mean less illness. I'm sorry, it just doesn't.

That doesn't necessarily mean I don't believe some people can see auras. It's just that the explanation you've learned isn't true. Maybe

I'm not saying that more heat=less illness. I'm saying that existing at a higher vibration will give you less illness and more peace of mind. But to elaborate more, I see the colours and from those, I get intuitive impressions...I don't like to look at it tooooo systematically, because everyone is different. My original intent was to get you to understand the process of the formation of the aura, so that could hopefully, give you some insight into how people can see them; auras are vibrating at a higher frequency than most eyes can see on the 3-D plane. Those that can see them, are viewing them from a 4-D/5-D perspective, depending on how much they can see. This is also why some people can see/hear spirits...

And honestly, I would probably have to make a video for most people to really understand what I am trying to get at.

Also, may I inquire what inspired you to create this thread
I RARELY come across people with black in their aura; sometimes I see browns/greys or "holes" in areas where they have physical issues. A darker aura, as opposed to a whispy, cloudy aura, generally means that one has unsettled business to deal with/a problem that needs solving.

What would it mean, if someone did have black in their aura? I'm reminded of what someone said she saw in my aura once, a few years back... I'm not sure how adept she was at seeing them, but she had been a friend of mine for years, and said that she had always had the ability.
I'm not saying that more heat=less illness. I'm saying that existing at a higher vibration will give you less illness and more peace of mind. But to elaborate more, I see the colours and from those, I get intuitive impressions...I don't like to look at it tooooo systematically, because everyone is different. My original intent was to get you to understand the process of the formation of the aura, so that could hopefully, give you some insight into how people can see them; auras are vibrating at a higher frequency than most eyes can see on the 3-D plane. Those that can see them, are viewing them from a 4-D/5-D perspective, depending on how much they can see. This is also why some people can see/hear spirits...

And honestly, I would probably have to make a video for most people to really understand what I am trying to get at.

Also, may I inquire what inspired you to create this thread

You're first two sentences contradict each other.

So you're saying you can see if 5 dimensions. Forgive me for being overly blunt but I don't believe you. Can you back up this claim?

I started this thread because I like trying to think of ways in which things I don't believe in might be true after all. This one seems plausible.

The answers you've given me so far aren't helping this cause btw
I'm not saying that more heat=less illness. I'm saying that existing at a higher vibration will give you less illness and more peace of mind. But to elaborate more, I see the colours and from those, I get intuitive impressions...I don't like to look at it tooooo systematically, because everyone is different. My original intent was to get you to understand the process of the formation of the aura, so that could hopefully, give you some insight into how people can see them; auras are vibrating at a higher frequency than most eyes can see on the 3-D plane. Those that can see them, are viewing them from a 4-D/5-D perspective, depending on how much they can see. This is also why some people can see/hear spirits...

And honestly, I would probably have to make a video for most people to really understand what I am trying to get at.

Also, may I inquire what inspired you to create this thread

Serenity, if I may ask, what prompted you to learn Reiki and to read auras, etc.? Is this a skill you have always had?
Feel free to PM me if that's you'd like. Thanks! :)
Please do @Serenity because I tend to go with the OP's first theory. I've been told I have a dark, or black aura and then later on a dark red. Always dark. Nonsense.

The first time, no. Not at all. I was like "WTF? dark dark?" She told me..."Think of Jesus. He has light around him. You are very dark." Lol! Okay!

The second time, maybe I suppose. I wasn't particularly fond of the woman who was talking to my sister and I was giving her the eye. That's when she told me she saw dark red coming from me.

Yes. It would have been nice if she would have explained what she meant instead of causing confusion.

When I was getting a reading from a lady I met in Portland OR - she told me I had a dark energy in me. She could see it. She ended up telling me that she felt it was hidden anger and gave me homework to do. This was back at the end of February. Turns out - she was right. I did indeed have a great deal of anger suppressed within me - particularly in my lower abdominal area on my right side. I have been working it out over the last several months. It was directly related to a very painful and tortuous procedure done to me as a five year old to prevent me from getting rabies. I was held down by my parents in order to receive shots into the side of my stomach area alternating every day for 2 weeks. The serum burned as the doctor slowly plunged the needle - with me screaming the whole time. You have to think about the fact when you're young - your mind is not at the concrete rational phase of development. I felt I was being tortured. I know that later on - I realized it was necessary. But my body and my fear centers of my mind don't know that. All they know is that my parents held me down while some man caused me unbearable pain. Of course I was angry. I can't tell you how many times during my meditation exercises for anger I ended up yelling NOOOOOOOOO.....and You will NOT touch me again.

Dark energy is a sign of imbalance. Could be a part of your body is blocked in it's natural energy flows.
The heart generates a magnetic field.
Our entire body generates a magnetic field.

Why wouldn’t some people be able to see it?

Each Individual Impacts the Field Environment

Each individual’s thoughts, attitudes and emotions emit energetic fields.

These individual field environments not only affect you, your health and perspective on life, they also can influence your relationships and experiences in your social field environments as you interact with people, or even if you are merely in the same room with other people.

Can we change our individual, social, and even planetary environments and create the one in which we choose to live? We can.

Attitudes of coherent genuine love, appreciation, care and compassion change a field environment — both locally — say in a meeting you are in — and throughout the world. Coherence is a highly efficient state in which all of the body’s systems work together in harmony. Increasing personal coherence creates an alignment of mind, body, emotions and spirit through the power of the heart. Heart coherence serves as a facilitator, adding strength and effectiveness to your care, compassion, intentions and actions to help the world.

The electromagnetic field generated by the heart is the most powerful rhythmic energy field produced by the body. Studies conducted in IHM’s laboratory have shown that the heart’s electromagnetic field can be detected by other individuals and can produce measurable effects in a person 5 feet away. Our data show that the heart’s electromagnetic field becomes more organized during positive emotional — heart-coherent — states.


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When I was a young child i saw colours around people. I only have vague memories of this and the information my parents told me about it later. I also used to tell my parents random stuff about people that turned out to be true. I stopped doing this when i was about 6 because my parents were very religious- fundamenental baptists and they were becoming terrified. They begged me to stop and even tried to exorcise me. It was all pretty scary for me when i realised that they were so scared. Of me. So i tried really hard to 'ignore' everything. Eventually i became terrified when i saw or felt something that others couldnt see. I learned to block most things out.

I never really thought about auras since then until about 4 years ago. I went to a mindbodyspirit festival with my friend for a laugh. We passed a aura photo taking stall, and it was $40 fo a picture. So i certainly wasnt going to waste my money on that crap. i thought it was a scam. The second my friend said she wanted to get her picture taken though, i looked at her and thought her aura is clearly yellow. I couldnt see a yellow aura around her, i just 'knew' that it was yellow. I looked at the girl at the front to the line and i 'knew' her aura was red. There were 6 people in that line, including my friend, and my guesses were correct about 5 of them. it was all pretty trippy.

I tried to learn more about it when i got home. Whenever i saw someone i tried to think of what there colours were, but i still couldnt see 'auras'. I realised that the colours i felt about my close friends and family changed depending on their mood and situation, although some colours seemed to be more permanent or integral. After a while, i realised that just about everything had a colour around it. I felt pretty foolish about all this and didnt want to get laughed at so i didnt talk to anyone about it until last year. Also, I was concerned that i may have been losing the plot.

I dont really understand the process. Perhaps it is synthesia. That definately sound plausible. Perhaps im delusional. We all are. The closest i can come to explaining it is that all conciousness has a shape, a form, a feel to it. Everything is made of energy. Literally. The colours seem to represent a code for reading the pattern of that conciousness.

Because i have been practicing and concentrating of 'seeing' auras, now when i try to think of what someone's colour is, i do sometimes see a colour around them that accompamies that thought. But the thought always seems to come first, before i 'see' any colours.

Also, something interesting- when my daughter was really young- i tried to teach her about different colours. For ages though, she kept saying everything was either green, purple or yellow. It was like she was ignoring all other colours or those 3 were her favourite or something. It was really annoying. She only wanted to wear clothes that were those colours too for a while before i cracked it with her. When i finally got of my ass and got my aura picture taken, it was interesting to see that green, purple and yellow were my 3 main colours.
It's possibly a form of synethesia, at least for some.

Maybe it is still related to sensory input, just more fine-tuned.

Some people can sense things and process information in ways that others cannot. Just like those with certain forms of autism have abilities that regular people do not, some people's brains are simply wired a little bit differently.

Perhaps it is placebo effect to some extent when it comes to the "benefits" of practicing it. But it does seem to work and benefit many people--both those who seriously believe in it and those who are skeptical. I'd imagine it would be hard to separate the effects of positive belief on the spirit/body from whatever physical results come from it.

Bottom line, as far as I am concerned... The things that most people experience doesn't cover the entire spectrum of what humans could possibly be able to experience and sense. Perhaps we have not been able to understand it yet scientifically. Still, why should I discredit someone else's experiences just because I haven't had them?

When it comes to people who make a living out of this sort of thing, depending on intent I suppose... usually scammers who try to charge big bucks... they are probably full of bs to some extent. I bet people into this kind of thing would comment that this sort of malintent would interfere with the energy required to read or whatever lol.

And I'd imagine that people who are passionately into this kind of thing would generally try to be humble and know the limits of their abilities.

What comes to mind is an anecdote my psychology prof told us last week: He was once walking by the stand of someone providing psychic services on the street corner, when she asked him if he would like a psychic reading. He replied, "If you really had psychic powers, then you would've known I was going to say no and wouldn't have bothered asking!"
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It's possibly a form of synethesia, at least for some.

Perhaps some people can sense things that others cannot. Just like those with certain forms of autism have abilities that regular people do not. Maybe it is still related to sensory input, just more fine-tuned.

Perhaps it is placebo effect to some extent when it comes to the "benefits" of practicing it. But it does seem to work and benefit many people--both those who seriously believe in it and those who are skeptical. I'd imagine it would be hard to separate the effects of positive belief on the spirit/body from whatever physical results come from it.

Bottom line, as far as I am concerned... The things that most people experience doesn't cover the entire spectrum of what humans could possibly be able to experience and sense. Perhaps we have not been able to understand it yet scientifically. Still, why should I discredit someone else's experiences just because I haven't had them?

When it comes to people who make a living out of this sort of thing, depending on intent I suppose... usually scammers who try to charge big bucks... they are probably full of bs to some extent. I bet people into this kind of thing would comment that this sort of thing would interfere with the energy required to read or whatever lol. And people passionately into this kind of thing would generally try to be humble and know the limits of their abilities.

What comes to mind is an anecdote my psychology prof told us last week: He was once walking by the stand of someone providing psychic services on the street corner, when she asked him if he would like a psychic reading. He replied, "Well... no. And if you really have psychic powers anyway, then you would've known I was going to say no and wouldn't have bothered asking."

I can appreciate your professors point of view. :w:

Yet when I was in a training workshop - it was stressed over and over again to ask permission before sticking one's nose into other people's business. Hence if they were sincere in their ability - they would not just intrude without asking.

Yes. It has also been stressed to me by various teachers that one must "set the ego aside" in order for the healing/reading to take place. Otherwise - it is only projection - and a sham.
When I was getting a reading from a lady I met in Portland OR - she told me I had a dark energy in me. She could see it. She ended up telling me that she felt it was hidden anger and gave me homework to do. This was back at the end of February. Turns out - she was right. I did indeed have a great deal of anger suppressed within me - particularly in my lower abdominal area on my right side. I have been working it out over the last several months. It was directly related to a very painful and tortuous procedure done to me as a five year old to prevent me from getting rabies. I was held down by my parents in order to receive shots into the side of my stomach area alternating every day for 2 weeks. The serum burned as the doctor slowly plunged the needle - with me screaming the whole time. You have to think about the fact when you're young - your mind is not at the concrete rational phase of development. I felt I was being tortured. I know that later on - I realized it was necessary. But my body and my fear centers of my mind don't know that. All they know is that my parents held me down while some man caused me unbearable pain. Of course I was angry. I can't tell you how many times during my meditation exercises for anger I ended up yelling NOOOOOOOOO.....and You will NOT touch me again.

Dark energy is a sign of imbalance. Could be a part of your body is blocked in it's natural energy flows.

Interesting. If I get a third person to tell me they see dark energy I'll look into it. Neither woman was paid and I suspected a scam initially because the first one didn't explain what dark aura meant, and I thought maybe she was trying to get me to pay her for answers or for some sort of 'cure' for my dark aura. I don't want to disrespect or offend anyone that believes or can see that stuff; just because I never have been able to see it doesn't mean it is not there. I just can't see it, which sucks because I don't know how to trust those who can. Lol.
Interesting. If I get a third person to tell me they see dark energy I'll look into it. Neither woman was paid and I suspected a scam initially because the first one didn't explain what dark aura meant, and I thought maybe she was trying to get me to pay her for answers or for some sort of 'cure' for my dark aura. I don't want to disrespect or offend anyone that believes or can see that stuff;

just because I never have been able to see it doesn't mean it is not there. I just can't see it, which sucks because I don't know how to trust those who can. Lol.

Oh. That's easy....

just remember: "What's coming at coming from you".

fwiw....I cannot see them either. I don't really care if I ever do or not. But I do know that others can. :nod:
Serenity, if I may ask, what prompted you to learn Reiki and to read auras, etc.? Is this a skill you have always had?
Feel free to PM me if that's you'd like. Thanks! :)
I'll keep it basic here, but I have always been able to see auras/energy. As for reiki, a fellow light worker on here, urged me to take it up because, though I was already naturally attuned to the energy, I gained better control and understanding with any energy work I pursued. Best decision of my life thus far. :) you are ofc free to message me, should you wish to know more.
Oh. That's easy....

just remember: "What's coming at coming from you".

fwiw....I cannot see them either. I don't really care if I ever do or not. But I do know that others can. :nod:

That is not the first time you've said that. :) You've posted that before, and the last time I read it I was humbled.
Interesting. If I get a third person to tell me they see dark energy I'll look into it. Neither woman was paid and I suspected a scam initially because the first one didn't explain what dark aura meant, and I thought maybe she was trying to get me to pay her for answers or for some sort of 'cure' for my dark aura. I don't want to disrespect or offend anyone that believes or can see that stuff; just because I never have been able to see it doesn't mean it is not there. I just can't see it, which sucks because I don't know how to trust those who can. Lol.

I wouldnt worry about this too much. If you are really curious, go see someone else that you feel comortable with and can trust. I once went to see a tarot reader because i wanted to learn more about tarot. She said she read the cards intuively and that she was clairvoyant. Everything she said to me was wrong, about me, my family, work etc. She was a terrible 'cold reader'. She thught i was athletic and sporty because i was wearing sneakers etc that type of thing. Eventually she started feeling really uncomfortable and i felt like i was just humoring her and wondering how i could politely tell her that the session wasnt working. In short i though she was full of shit, although nice and lovely in her own way. Then she told me she could not read me and that i had a dark veil over me. She also said that i was not ready to hear her information and that i was a closed off person. Completely blocked and not ready. Whatever, i went to see her so i could learn more about tarot and myself after years of experimenting with the cards myself. I maybe skeptical but hardly closed off. She ended up shoving some incensce in my hand and shooing me out of her house. I walked home feeling pretty confused and amused
Excuse me while i head butt my way into this discussion. @Poetic Justice and @Serenity, I have seen this sort of discussion happen so many times, and I think I have an idea as to why nobody ever walks away from it satisfied. Basically, there are always two sides: (a) the one who is/considers themself to be very familiar with scientific knowledge and thought (here, Poetic Justice) who doesn't quite understand metaphysical things but sincerely wants to; (b) the one who is/considers themself to be very familiar with metaphysical workings, and often practices them, and (at least initially) has enough patience to try to explain it to the scientific minded person.
So we have a discussion between two people coming from very different perspectives participating in a nice an civil conversation. Because its often clear that the metaphysics person is explaining, and the physics person is trying to understand, the metaphysics person tried to put what they're explaining in some sort of physics jargon. However, and this is where the disconect happens, the jargon does not actually explain what is trying to be explained, often because the metaphysics community often uses the same terms to mean something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. So, the term energy does generally mean the potential to do work in both realms, but what counts as "work" does not (though the term "work" isn't ever really metaphysical jargon). And, really, in metaphysics, "vibrations" is a metaphor for who know the hell what. It does not meaing the oscillation of a material. It may happen someday that metaphyscial "vibrations" are actually waves propogating across some medium, but not yet.
So, with that compounding factor going on, the scientifically minded person often picks up on the jargon, and understands it as actually meaning what the terms mean in scientific jargon. And thus the information that is (b) is trying to transmit to (a) is lost, there's a misunderstanding, there's accusations of self contradiction where there were no contradictions, people get upset, and no one walks away with a better understanding of the world.

I don't know a good solution. As far as I understand metaphysical things, the English language does not provide the terms to adequetly convey whats going on, and so conveying that info to someone who doesn;t already understand is incredibly difficult.

As far as auras go, I do believe in them, I think they're something that exist independantly of micro-expression and the like. While I acknowledge that Poetic Justice's explaination is good and parsimonious, I don't accept arguments of parsimony when it comes to my religious beliefs, so...

ETA: I just remembered I wanted to say this. [MENTION=4871]CindyLou[/MENTION], I have a friend who sees aura differently, and sees Yang as being bright and Yin as being dark. So, while the anger explainations may be true, they could just be remarking on your introvertedness.
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My thoughts are that I think I've thought this very thought before! :O

Looking back... yes. I do think this is a very likely explanation for "aura" seers. Excellent.

I wonder what my aura looks like. :)
Excuse me while i head butt my way into this discussion. @Poetic Justice and @Serenity, I have seen this sort of discussion happen so many times, and I think I have an idea as to why nobody ever walks away from it satisfied. Basically, there are always two sides: (a) the one who is/considers themself to be very familiar with scientific knowledge and thought (here, Poetic Justice) who doesn't quite understand metaphysical things but sincerely wants to; (b) the one who is/considers themself to be very familiar with metaphysical workings, and often practices them, and (at least initially) has enough patience to try to explain it to the scientific minded person.
So we have a discussion between two people coming from very different perspectives participating in a nice an civil conversation. Because its often clear that the metaphysics person is explaining, and the physics person is trying to understand, the metaphysics person tried to put what they're explaining in some sort of physics jargon. However, and this is where the disconect happens, the jargon does not actually explain what is trying to be explained, often because the metaphysics community often uses the same terms to mean something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. So, the term energy does generally mean the potential to do work in both realms, but what counts as "work" does not (though the term "work" isn't ever really metaphysical jargon). And, really, in metaphysics, "vibrations" is a metaphor for who know the hell what. It does not meaing the oscillation of a material. It may happen someday that metaphyscial "vibrations" are actually waves propogating across some medium, but not yet.
So, with that compounding factor going on, the scientifically minded person often picks up on the jargon, and understands it as actually meaning what the terms mean in scientific jargon. And thus the information that is (b) is trying to transmit to (a) is lost, there's a misunderstanding, there's accusations of self contradiction where there were no contradictions, people get upset, and no one walks away with a better understanding of the world.

I don't know a good solution. As far as I understand metaphysical things, the English language does not provide the terms to adequetly convey whats going on, and so conveying that info to someone who doesn;t already understand is incredibly difficult.

As far as auras go, I do believe in them, I think they're something that exist independantly of micro-expression and the like. While I acknowledge that Poetic Justice's explaination is good and parsimonious, I don't accept arguments of parsimony when it comes to my religious beliefs, so...

ETA: I just remembered I wanted to say this. @CindyLou , I have a friend who sees aura differently, and sees Yang as being bright and Yin as being dark. So, while the anger explainations may be true, they could just be remarking on your introvertedness.

This is why I was thinking of leaving this thread to the mystics. I realised my error too late.

It's not that the meaning is lost because I interpret the sciency sounding words as actual science. It's that scientific principals have been hijacked by the mystics. They use our words to say precisely nothing. If vibrations aren't heat then what are they? They can't answer. It's meaningless mysticism masquerading as science. And trying to borrow the 4d 5d thing is just ridiculous. Sorry

Ok, I see I'm not going to get what I wanted out of this thread so I will leave it to the mystics to do with what they will

Have fun