Random Survey!


The Random Survey!:
A Fantastic Procrastination Tool

What time is it?:

What is the last song you listened to?:

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:

What's the weather like today?:

Do you like living in the country or city better?:

What color pants are you wearing?:

What about your shirt?:

Do you have a good singing voice?:

Do you drink coffee daily?:

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:

Who is the last person you dated?:

Do you still talk to this person?:

What was the last thing that surprised you?:

Did anything brighten up your day today?:

Are you someone who worries too often?:

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:

What should you be doing right now?:

Who did you last talk to in person?:

Have you ever passed out?:

Are you too forgiving?:

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:

What is the last thing you spent money on?:

What was the last thing you cried about?:

What is your biggest regret?:

Is love really worth fighting for?:

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:

Do you think you are a jealous person?:

What was your dream last night?:

Do you have trust issues?:

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:

Do you feel like you're a good person?:

Do you get mad easily?:

What was the last beverage you had?:

What time is it now?:
What time is it?: 20:55

What is the last song you listened to?: Don't know actually. It was a day or so ago... hmm maybe Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith

Do you IM?: Not much any more

Are you currently reading a book?: 'Before They Were Hanged' by Joe Abercrombie

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: Home

What's the weather like today?: Hot and sticky

Do you like living in the country or city better?: I'm a city boy but I love the countryside and espeically the seaside

What color pants are you wearing?: Tartan Pjama bottoms

What about your shirt?: Olive green t-shirt. Good combo eh.

Do you have a good singing voice?: Soft and sweet but limited range or power

Do you drink coffee daily?: No, but lots of tea

What did you have for breakfast this morning?: Porridge

Who is the last person you dated?: My missus. Still together. :)

Do you still talk to this person?:Yup, every day

What was the last thing that surprised you?: Our Landlord finally fixed the windows in our flat

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
Yes. When I was walking in the sunshine past a courtyard with a fountain in it, the spray was blowing in my face. It was very refreshing.

Are you someone who worries too often?: Oh yes

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: Every minute of every day. Well not that bad, but too often.

What should you be doing right now?: Whatever I like really.

Who did you last talk to in person?: My missus

Have you ever passed out?: I can't remember, but that's not neccessarily a no.

Are you too forgiving?: Yup

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: I was reading my book (see above)

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: My boss, about 4 years ago

What is the last thing you spent money on?: Groceries

What was the last thing you cried about?: I think it was one of those emotional moments where the world was just so beautiful that I couldn't contain myself.

What is your biggest regret?: I'm not really an elf

Is love really worth fighting for?: Absolutely

Do you follow your mind or your heart?: Heart all the way.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: No, but I don't drive so I can hardly be proud about it

Do you think you are a jealous person?: Yes, in some ways

What was your dream last night?: I don't recall

Do you have trust issues?: Yes. I'm too trusting in some cases and not enough in others

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: Yes

Do you feel like you're a good person?: At least half the time

Do you get mad easily?: Yes, but I contain it mostly

What was the last beverage you had?: Fizzy lime pop

What time is it now?:21:08

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Wow thats long, and pretty random. But I'll do my best

The Random Survey!:
A Fantastic Procrastination Tool TM.

What time is it?:
2:54 PM, but it'll be later when this is posted most likely

What is the last song you listened to?:
Move the Sun by k-wix

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:
If I'm not at home, I visit my TKD gym and help out with Black belt training

What's the weather like today?:
Pretty nice 70s, calm, slight cool breeze.

Do you like living in the country or city better?:

What color pants are you wearing?:

What about your shirt?:
brown & black

Do you have a good singing voice?:
I was in a choir when I was younger. Had a decent high pitch. Nowadays, my norm is pretty low.(Like Johnny Cash low) I can still hit some high notes though.

Do you drink coffee daily?:

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
Erm, a granola bar.

Who is the last person you dated?:
A friend of mine from high school.

Do you still talk to this person?:

What was the last thing that surprised you?:
Seeing someone do something I had all but discounted them from ever finishing.

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
The weather actually. It's perfect today.

Are you someone who worries too often?:
Not really.

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:
Sure do. I try not to let it get in my way though.

What should you be doing right now?:
Watching something load on a computer, until it finishes...

Who did you last talk to in person?:
A coworker

Have you ever passed out?:
I don't think so, unless you count for a medical procedure(Where they knock you out with anesthetics)

Are you too forgiving?:
Probably, but I'd rather be that than too unforgiving.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
Shut off the light.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
Years ago, though I can't remember why.

What is the last thing you spent money on?:
Father's Day present. Indiana Jones Trilogy

What was the last thing you cried about?:
I'm not sure. Bridge to Terabithia perhaps.

What is your biggest regret?:
Not giving a different relationship a chance in High School. I don't think she understood that I wasn't ready for one at that time, and I didn't explain myself very well.

Is love really worth fighting for?:
I'm not sure, but to me it is.

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
I'd like to say I give both a fair chance, but I think my heart wins out more often than not.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:

Do you think you are a jealous person?:
I don't think so.

What was your dream last night?:
Don't remember last night's. Previous night had to do with myself and most of my close relatives all watching some wierd version of baseball. Pitcher left the mound then went and smacked the first baseman right on the nose, then he ran over to short stop, smacked him too and ran to home where he proceeded to make a Y shape with his arms out. It was really odd.

Do you have trust issues?:
I usually give a person the benefit of the doubt.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:
I think there is. But there's no way to be sure as of now.

Do you feel like you're a good person?:
I feel like it. But I always strive to be better.

Do you get mad easily?:
No. Only one thing really bugs me(posted about it in the limits of an angel thread)

What was the last beverage you had?:
Dr. Pepper

What time is it now?:
3:18 PM
The Random Survey!:
A Fantastic Procrastination Tool

What time is it?:
4:08 pm.

What is the last song you listened to?:
"Beat it," Michael Jackson

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:
Yes. A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson.

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:

What's the weather like today?:
Hot, sunny.

Do you like living in the country or city better?:

What color pants are you wearing?:
Shorts, not pants. And they're baby blue.

What about your shirt?:
It's a white tank top.

Do you have a good singing voice?:
I rather not make children cry.

Do you drink coffee daily?:
Like a fiend.

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
Toast, cream cheese and a slice of tomato.

Who is the last person you dated?:
A man named "Mike."

Do you still talk to this person?:
Yes. Like, four times a day.

What was the last thing that surprised you?:
I don't recall.

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
A compliment.

Are you someone who worries too often?:
I'm anxious, yes. But most of my anxiety stems from my career-oriented future.

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:
I used to. Now I don't give a damn.

What should you be doing right now?:

Who did you last talk to in person?:
My best friend, Karina.

Have you ever passed out?:

Are you too forgiving?:
Yeah, and I hate that.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
Called Remy.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
I can't recall.

What is the last thing you spent money on?:
Gas, and a pack of sugar-free Redbull.

What was the last thing you cried about?:
My break up with Mike.

What is your biggest regret?:
Wasting the last year.

Is love really worth fighting for?:
It takes two to tango. If both are in it together, yes, it's definitely worth fighting for.

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
I try to follow my mind, but my heart always interferes.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:
I got stopped for speeding many a time; never got a ticket just yet.

Do you think you are a jealous person?:
I can be.

What was your dream last night?:
I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean. I don't remember anything else.

Do you have trust issues?:
Like you wouldn't believe.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:
Yeah. My actions/beliefs brought this about.

Do you feel like you're a good person?:
I think I'm a decent person.

Do you get mad easily?:

What was the last beverage you had?:
A mango-banana milkshake.

What time is it now?:
4:18 pm

All right, I'm done.
The Random Survey!:

A Fantastic Procrastination Tool TM.

What time is it?:

What is the last song you listened to?:
-The Phantom of the Opera with Sarah brightman and Antonio Banderas

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:
-No in the moment

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:

What's the weather like today?:

Do you like living in the country or city better?:
-I've never lived in the country before but I would love to

What color pants are you wearing?:
-I'm wearing gray sweat pants.

What about your shirt?:
-grey as well with my school's logo on it :D

Do you have a good singing voice?:
-When I'm drunk LOL

Do you drink coffee daily?:
-Oh yeah, it's a must
What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
-Chilaquiles, it's a mexican food

Who is the last person you dated?:
- A girl from Peru, it didn't work out she was an INFP. We ended up hating each other.

Do you still talk to this person?:
-Hell no!

What was the last thing that surprised you?:
-mmm can't think of anything.

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
-Breakfast LOL

Are you someone who worries too often?:
-I have my moments, but mostly I don't

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:
-Not really.

What should you be doing right now?:
-Nothing, I"m on vacations. Probably I should be looking for a job but I don't feel like it.

Who did you last talk to in person?:
-My mom

Have you ever passed out?:
-Once, my first time getting drunk. It was horrible.

Are you too forgiving?:
-Yeah, very. I don't like to hold grudges

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
-You really want to know?

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
- 10 minutes ago as I was watching the news.

What is the last thing you spent money on?:
-Plane ticket

What was the last thing you cried about?:
- Probably when I found out that people are jerks

What is your biggest regret?:
-That I should've ate my veggies when I was a kid. I lack memory retention lol, so I don't remember anything that I should regret about :D

Is love really worth fighting for?:
-Nah, only once in a lifetime

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
-Both, first my heart then my head

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:
-Yeah, and I got my license suspended for it...ouch

Do you think you are a jealous person?:

What was your dream last night?:
-Can't remember. Something stupid I bet

Do you have trust issues?:
-Yes, plenty

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:
-no, that's bullshit. It happens because we make it happen

Do you feel like you're a good person?:
-Not yet, but I'm working on it LOL

Do you get mad easily?:
-YEs, wow I'm starting to feel ashamed of myself

What was the last beverage you had?:
-ICe cold tea

What time is it now?:
-2:18pm, what a good waste of time LOL, thank you anyways.
What time is it?: 1:32 pm

What is the last song you listened to?: Ghostbusters :D

Do you IM?: yup

Are you currently reading a book?: yup

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: the mall

What's the weather like today?: warm and sunny

Do you like living in the country or city better?: CITY

What color pants are you wearing?: pink

What about your shirt?: white

Do you have a good singing voice?: sorta

Do you drink coffee daily?: nope, don't like the taste of coffee

What did you have for breakfast this morning?: bagel with cream cheese and an apple

Who is the last person you dated?: Either Eric or Mike can't remember

Do you still talk to this person?: yup

What was the last thing that surprised you?: someone who I thought was going to be mean to me was actually very nice. :)

Did anything brighten up your day today?: This place

Are you someone who worries too often?: yup

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: no, I know how they view me

What should you be doing right now?: laundry

Who did you last talk to in person?: Mike

Have you ever passed out?: yup

Are you too forgiving?: yes! Unless you really, really, really hurt me

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: laughed at an inside joke I have with myself

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: about a year ago, she was a horridly evil person though. I didn't do it.

What is the last thing you spent money on?: a body wash and lotion set from Victoria's Secret

What was the last thing you cried about?: trying to figure out why my parents don't want me

What is your biggest regret?: Not loving myself enough and putting up with a retarded ex for too long

Is love really worth fighting for?: YES

Do you follow your mind or your heart?: heart but I prefer if others think I follow my mind.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: nope

Do you think you are a jealous person?: on certain things

What was your dream last night?: can't remember

Do you have trust issues?: YES

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: no, but I believe you have the ability to make bad things turn out for the better though

Do you feel like you're a good person?: On my way, I'm striving for that

Do you get mad easily?: no it takes quite alot

What was the last beverage you had?: Guava strawberry juice

What time is it now?: 1:42
What time is it?: Almost 4.

What is the last song you listened to?:
Atozzio -Heart attack

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:
As for me and my house -Sinclair Ross.

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:
My house.

What's the weather like today?:
Sunny, but I like rainy days more.

Do you like living in the country or city better?:

What color pants are you wearing?:
Dark blue

What about your shirt?:

Do you have a good singing voice?:
I would like to think so, but you probably would not want to hear me sing.

Do you drink coffee daily?:
No, I hate coffee

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
Potato salad, scrambled eggs.

Who is the last person you dated?:
Someone I met at school...on the bus...two years ago...pitiful, I know.

Do you still talk to this person?:
No, I no longer go to the school, but we did talk after that day whenever we saw each other. Nice guy, if only he hadn't lied about something that wasn't really a big deal.

What was the last thing that surprised you?:
Nothing really surprises me anymore.

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
No...actually yes, a lil' good finding I came across.

Are you someone who worries too often?:
"Worry" is my middle name.

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:

What should you be doing right now?: Working

Who did you last talk to in person?:
My mother

Have you ever passed out?:

Are you too forgiving?:
Usually. I just don't forget...not intentionally tho.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
Prayed, something I've been slacking with lately.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
Few weeks ago.

What is the last thing you spent money on?:

What was the last thing you cried about?:
You don't want to know

What is your biggest regret?:
You don't want to know. I try not to have any, but I have a few.

Is love really worth fighting for?:
Sometimes. But it's not always necessary b/c if it's meant to be, it will be.

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
Usually. I try.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:

Do you think you are a jealous person?:
Once in a blue moon, yes. But usually not.

What was your dream last night?:
You don't want to know. Not very pleasant.

Do you have trust issues?:

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:
Yes. Other times, we are the ones responsible for many of the things that happens to us.

Do you feel like you're a good person?:
I try; the best way I know how.

Do you get mad easily?:
Sometimes. But I'm also very patient & calm.

What was the last beverage you had?:

What time is it now?:
Almost 4:30
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The Random Survey!:
A Fantastic Procrastination Tool

What time is it?: 07:16
What is the last song you listened to?: Nightwish - Away
Do you IM?: Constantly
Are you currently reading a book?: Satanic Bible
Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: Here
What's the weather like today?: Dry, Sunny, Warm
Do you like living in the country or city better?: Cities
What color pants are you wearing?: Khaki
What about your shirt?: Light Blue
Do you have a good singing voice?: Horrendous
Do you drink coffee daily?: Nope
What did you have for breakfast this morning?: Chicken roll
Who is the last person you dated?: Online or Offline?
Do you still talk to this person?: Online, yes. Offline, No.
What was the last thing that surprised you?: That I'm in love with a Canadian girl without having even spoken to her much
Did anything brighten up your day today?: No.
Are you someone who worries too often?: No.
Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: Occasionally. Occasionally I worry that they're not seeing the guise I want viewed, and then they prove otherwise.
What should you be doing right now?: Masturbating, or writing my Zombie Codex
Who did you last talk to in person?: Hangar Assistant
Have you ever passed out?: Nope.
Are you too forgiving?: I think so, noone else does.
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: Gave the dog a hug.
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: A few minutes ago.
What is the last thing you spent money on?: A coke after a hard day washing a Metro-23
What was the last thing you cried about?: The aircon blowing in my face
What is your biggest regret?: Not playing it wise with the INFJ I was first in love with.
Is love really worth fighting for?: Depends on what you mean by fighting.
Do you follow your mind or your heart?: Mind
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: Nope.
Do you think you are a jealous person?: Incredibly so.
What was your dream last night?: I'm certain that the member would not want me mentioning my dream in this forum.
Do you have trust issues?: Yes.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: Everything is a consequence of a cause.
Do you feel like you're a good person?: Nope.
Do you get mad easily?: Vexed and vocally annoyed, yes.
What was the last beverage you had?: Water
What time is it now?: 07:26
[SIZE=Default]What time is it?: 9:23pm

What is the last song you listened to?:
King of Minneapolis parts III & IV

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:
Catch-22 I like me the classics

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:
Friends houses or at the lake

What's the weather like today?:
It's pretty darn hot and humid

Do you like living in the country or city better?:
I like both of them for different reasons

What color pants are you wearing?:
blue jeens

What about your shirt?:

Do you have a good singing voice?:
I like to pretend I do but I know it needs improvement

Do you drink coffee daily?:
Never drink coffee

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
didn't wake up in time for breakfast. Being on medical leave from work leaves a lot of time for sleeping

Who is the last person you dated?:
A friend of mine

Do you still talk to this person?:
Yeah, we're still pretty good friends

What was the last thing that surprised you?:
Finding out someone was departing from my life

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
Getting my recording stuff out!

Are you someone who worries too often?:
Only about petty foolish things, the stuff that should worry me never does

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:
Too often

What should you be doing right now?:
Probably looking for a new get rich quick scheme (a month without a paycheck is a LONG time)

Who did you last talk to in person?:
The orthopedic surgen

Have you ever passed out?:
use to be a weekly thing!

Are you too forgiving?:
No such thing as too forgiving

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
Brushed my teeth

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
Today, the jackass on the freeway cut me off within a few feet of my car

What is the last thing you spent money on?:
My doctor's visit

What was the last thing you cried about?:
Don't remember, probably being drunk and stupid

What is your biggest regret?:
Not having regrets?

Is love really worth fighting for?:

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
Heart, my mind just confuses me

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:

Do you think you are a jealous person?:
not usually

What was your dream last night?:
I can't ever remember my dreams

Do you have trust issues?:
Maybe trusting people too much?

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:
Not for a reason, but because of something

Do you feel like you're a good person?:
Could easily be better

Do you get mad easily?:

What was the last beverage you had?:
A glass of water

What time is it now?:
What time is it?:


What is the last song you listened to?:

Do you IM?:

Sometimes. I
What time is it?: 23:36:05 EST

What is the last song you listened to?: La Serenissima (Loreena McKennit)

Do you IM?: yes

Are you currently reading a book?: no, I'm indecided about which one to start next

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: at home

What's the weather like today?: cloudy with some sprinkles

Do you like living in the country or city better?: they both have there perks and draw backs. In the city, there are people and thins to do. In the country there's an interesting landscape and forest lands (country here not including plain or desert area)

What color pants are you wearing?: I'm not wearing any

What about your shirt?: same

Do you have a good singing voice?: I like to think so

Do you drink coffee daily?: bleg! I hate coffee

What did you have for breakfast this morning?: Croissant

Who is the last person you dated?: uh... no one

Do you still talk to this person?: sure...

What was the last thing that surprised you?: getting a camera for graduation

Did anything brighten up your day today?: getting out of rehearsal at a reasonable time

Are you someone who worries too often?: no, I'm the exact opposite

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: yes

What should you be doing right now?: sleeping

Who did you last talk to in person?: My Mother

Have you ever passed out?: yes

Are you too forgiving?: no

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: close the window to keep the morning sunlight out (I went to bed at 6:30 EST)

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: Last night/this morning (however you define 3 am)

What is the last thing you spent money on?: gas (aboo)

What was the last thing you cried about?: how my crush is straight, and therefore, I haven't a chance (and people think homosexuality is a choice...)

What is your biggest regret?: I don't know, I don't have many (none are coming to mind)

Is love really worth fighting for?: depends on the specific circumstance

Do you follow your mind or your heart?: well... I'm an F... heart

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: no

Do you think you are a jealous person?: no

What was your dream last night?: oh! I know it was interesting, I just can't remember. I need to restart keeping a dream diary.

Do you have trust issues?: no

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: no

Do you feel like you're a good person?: yes

Do you get mad easily?: not really. I can easily get angry at certain people, but that's because they have a history of angering me, so them being annoying just brings up old wounds

What was the last beverage you had?: water

What time is it now?: 23:49:08 EST
What time is it?: 10:26 p.m. MDT

What is the last song you listened to?: "Like a Rock," Bob Seeger

Do you IM?: No

Are you currently reading a book?: THE SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE: One Physicist's Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter and Self

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: At my boyfriend's apt.

What's the weather like today?: Hot and sunny followed by cool and rainy

Do you like living in the country or city better?:I'm a country girl, but the city's more practicable with the wheelchair and all

What color pants are you wearing?: Gray

What about your shirt?: Black tee with the inscription:"Homeland Security," a picture of a group of Native Americans and "Fighting Terrorism Since 1492"

Do you have a good singing voice?: No

Do you drink coffee daily?: Yes, lots

What did you have for breakfast this morning?: Nothing, though I usually have oatmeal

Who is the last person you dated?: A man named Paul

Do you still talk to this person?: So far

What was the last thing that surprised you?: The deal on the addition to our house falling through at the last minute

Did anything brighten up your day today?: Not a thing. It was a perfectly horrid day

Are you someone who worries too often?: Yes

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: Too much at times, not enough at others

What should you be doing right now?: Meditating

Who did you last talk to in person?: My boyfriend

Have you ever passed out?: Yes, but not since I was a kid

Are you too forgiving?: Damn straight

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: Talked to my boyfriend

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: Today

What is the last thing you spent money on?: copays on my meds

What was the last thing you cried about?: The deal on the house addition falling through

What is your biggest regret?: Geez, there are so many, it's hard to choose

Is love really worth fighting for?: Yes, though it's a struggle to force myself to do so

Do you follow your mind or your heart?: I would say I have a very analytical heart

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: No, but I got a ticket for going too slow in the fast lane once

Do you think you are a jealous person?: Occasionally

What was your dream last night?: I don't remember

Do you have trust issues?: Out the proverbial...well, you know

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: No

Do you feel like you're a good person?: No

Do you get mad easily?: It depends on my mood

What was the last beverage you had?: Water

What time is it?: 8:32 a.m.

What is the last song you listened to?: Human Mincer - Turbulent Migratorious Conceptions

Do you IM?: yes

Are you currently reading a book?: no

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: at home, as always

What's the weather like today?: too hot

Do you like living in the country or city better?: city

What color pants are you wearing?: I'm not wearing pants...

What about your shirt?: black, as always

Do you have a good singing voice?: no, I suck at singing

Do you drink coffee daily?: I hate coffee

What did you have for breakfast this morning?: haven't eaten yet

Who is the last person you dated?: never dated anyone before

Do you still talk to this person?: N/A

What was the last thing that surprised you?: I can't remember....things tend to not surprise me very much.

Did anything brighten up your day today?: watching School Rumble did

Are you someone who worries too often?: not usually

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: not really

What should you be doing right now?: sleeping

Who did you last talk to in person?: Mike (the guitarist of Frost Like Ashes)

Have you ever passed out?: yes, from nearly cutting a large piece of the tip of my left index finger off

Are you too forgiving?: I don't believe there is such a thing.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: I still haven't gone to bed yet...

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: This has never happened.

What is the last thing you spent money on?: points for my xbox 360

What was the last thing you cried about?: how various things the girl I love is going through are making her feel

What is your biggest regret?: don't have any

Is love really worth fighting for?: this question needs more context...

Do you follow your mind or your heart?: both pretty much equally, though ultimately, my heart

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: no

Do you think you are a jealous person?: I'm not sure if I've ever been jealous before...

What was your dream last night?: some weird crazy thing I don't remember much of

Do you have trust issues?: nope, not at all

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: yep

Do you feel like you're a good person?: absolutely

Do you get mad easily?: I don't get mad.

What was the last beverage you had?: water

What time is it now?: 8:42
What time is it?: 14:58

What is the last song you listened to?:
Glow - Alien Ant Farm

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:
At my friend's house or down to the park

What's the weather like today?:
Clear and sunny

Do you like living in the country or city better?:

What color pants are you wearing?:
Dark blue
What about your shirt?:

Do you have a good singing voice?:
Not particularly

Do you drink coffee daily?:

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
Nothing.. I don't eat in the mornings

Who is the last person you dated?:

Do you still talk to this person?:

What was the last thing that surprised you?:
My friend telling me he liked me.

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
Getting a new kitten!

Are you someone who worries too often?:
I guess so..

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:
All the time

What should you be doing right now?:
Nothing that I can think of

Who did you last talk to in person?:
My friend Dale

Have you ever passed out?:
Yes but not as a result of alcohol ;D

Are you too forgiving?:
Depends on the situation.. but usually yes

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
Texted my friend

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
Um... i've never really wanted to D:

What is the last thing you spent money on?:
bus fare (oh yeah, i'm that cool xD)

What was the last thing you cried about?:
I thought I did something really wrong

What is your biggest regret?:
secret ;D

Is love really worth fighting for?:
It can be

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:
Nope, I can't drive

Do you think you are a jealous person?:
I can be..

What was your dream last night?:
Didn't have one

Do you have trust issues?:
Just a lot

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:

Do you feel like you're a good person?:

Do you get mad easily?:

What was the last beverage you had?:

What time is it now?:
What time is it?: 5:49 pm

What is the last song you listened to?:
Until the End of Time

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:
Yep- The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:

What's the weather like today?:
Sunny and muggy

Do you like living in the country or city better?:
I'm a city girl

What color pants are you wearing?:
Grey shorts

What about your shirt?:
Pale pink

Do you have a good singing voice?:
It's all right

Do you drink coffee daily?:

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:

Who is the last person you dated?:
N/A; in my first relationship and dating thing

Do you still talk to this person?:

What was the last thing that surprised you?:
I can goes to Taiwan for 2 weeks this summer ?! HUZZAH

Did anything brighten up your day today?:

Are you someone who worries too often?:

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:

What should you be doing right now?:
Nothing really, it's summer break

Who did you last talk to in person?:
Family members

Have you ever passed out?:

Are you too forgiving?:
No, I can hold grudges for many years

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
Two years ago

What is the last thing you spent money on?:
New Laptop for college

What was the last thing you cried about?:
Happy tears on the phone with my boyfriend...[no argument at all]

What is your biggest regret?:
Not taking chances of breaking out of my shell and reaping the rewards

Is love really worth fighting for?:
Yes, if it is for the right person

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
I consult both...and the gut.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:

Do you think you are a jealous person?:
Sort of, but I'm no green-eyed monster.

What was your dream last night?:
I went camping with my class...again.

Do you have trust issues?:
Yes, I think I do.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:

Do you feel like you're a good person?:
I try to be as good a person as I can

Do you get mad easily?:
I have a quick temper-courtesy of my mom lols- but it will take a lot to really blow my fuse, though.

What was the last beverage you had?:
Fruit Smoothie

What time is it now?:
5:57 pm
Last edited:

This forum is turning into Myspace!!!!!
me likes surveyss

What time is it?: 10:30 pm

What is the last song you listened to?:
just / Jane's addiction

Do you IM?:

Are you currently reading a book?:
I guess you could say so

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:
in a corner of my room

What's the weather like today?:

Do you like living in the country or city better?:

What color pants are you wearing?:

What about your shirt?:

Do you have a good singing voice?:

Do you drink coffee daily?:

What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
coffee :D

Who is the last person you dated?:

Do you still talk to this person?:
of course I do, he lives in my head for god's sake!

What was the last thing that surprised you?:

Did anything brighten up your day today?:
my best friend

Are you someone who worries too often?:

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: again, INFJ

What should you be doing right now?:
I should be..I don't know. why should I be doing something?

Who did you last talk to in person?:
my mom

Have you ever passed out?:
mm nope

Are you too forgiving?:

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
turn off the light?

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
I think it was today hehe

What is the last thing you spent money on?:
a giant lollypop!

What was the last thing you cried about?:

What is your biggest regret?:
being this way

Is love really worth fighting for?:

Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
both. it depends

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:
I don't drive

Do you think you are a jealous person?:

What was your dream last night?:
I dreamt with school exams :(

Do you have trust issues?:

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:

Do you feel like you're a good person?:

Do you get mad easily?:
sometimes. neh, I guess I do

What was the last beverage you had?:
orange juice

What time is it now?:
10:45. is the time a big deal?
I loves me some surveys too.

What time is it?: 11pm

What is the last song you listened to?: Swanky Street by The Pillows

Do you IM?: Yes.

Are you currently reading a book?: Not really, I've been busy. But I do like reading when I find a good book!

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: A coffee shop/my room.

What's the weather like today?: Cloudy and muggy.

Do you like living in the country or city better?: Depends on who I'm with and what we're doing/if we're on vacation.

What color pants are you wearing?: Blue

What about your shirt?: Navy

Do you have a good singing voice?: I used to.

Do you drink coffee daily?: Almost daily.

What did you have for breakfast this morning?: High protein and low-carb breakfast of eggs and fruit.

Who is the last person you dated?: Some ENTP I met online.

Do you still talk to this person?: No.

What was the last thing that surprised you?: The girl that I asked for her phone number almost two weeks ago finally replied to me tonight. Not sure WTF that means...

Did anything brighten up your day today?: No.

Are you someone who worries too often?: Absolutely, if I let myself go there.

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: All the time.

What should you be doing right now?: Going to bed...

Who did you last talk to in person?: A friend, Liz.

Have you ever passed out?: No

Are you too forgiving?: I can be. It all depends on who the person in question is.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: Brushed my teeth.

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: 2 hours ago.

What is the last thing you spent money on?: Gasoline.

What was the last thing you cried about?: Fear of not being forgiven by someone - two days ago.

What is your biggest regret?: Not being more assertive.

Is love really worth fighting for?: Hell yeah.

Do you follow your mind or your heart?: I used to follow my heart more. I'm trying to balance it out with both heart and mind these days.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: Yes. Twice.

Do you think you are a jealous person?: Hah, yes.

What was your dream last night?: I can't remember what I dreamed.

Do you have trust issues?: If someone has burned me before, yes.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: Yes, I do.

Do you feel like you're a good person?: Not really.

Do you get mad easily?: Depends on what it's about.

What was the last beverage you had?: Water.

What time is it now?: 11:07pm
These survey's are always so fun.

What time is it?: 21:59

What is the last song you listened to?: Incense and Peppermints

Do you IM?: Sometimes. Less and less lately, no one's ever on anymore.

Are you currently reading a book?: Nope...

Where do you hang out most over the weekend?: Uhm home. Yeah...

What's the weather like today?: What the... it's hot! And it rained! But it was hot! And it rained!

Do you like living in the country or city better?: Country with a short drive to the city.

What color pants are you wearing?: I'M NOT WEARING ANY PANTS!... I'm wearing black shorts =3

What about your shirt?: Dark blue

Do you have a good singing voice?: No! :m071:

Do you drink coffee daily?: I don't drink coffee... and I don't plan to! :m066:

What did you have for breakfast this morning?: I didn't have breakfast this morning... I woke up at noon >_>;;

Who is the last person you dated?: Hmm... well the last person I considered dating (which doesn't count the messes over the last few months because we never dated, just ... kissed once or twice before they either killed themselves or raped me and went away for a long time.....) was a girl named Rachel.

Do you still talk to this person?: She dropped my ass without warning after 3 years and I haven't spoken with her since... :m041:

What was the last thing that surprised you?: A girl I really like leans more towards women than men... :m169:

Did anything brighten up your day today?: Not really...

Are you someone who worries too often?: Yes, how'd you know?

Do you ever wonder how other people see you?: Yeah.

What should you be doing right now?: I don't have anything to do right now =3

Who did you last talk to in person?: My dad

Have you ever passed out?: Not that I can remember

Are you too forgiving?: I am with little things... but I do have some things I won't ever forgive certain people for...

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?: Meditated

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?: A few hours ago

What is the last thing you spent money on?: A video game

What was the last thing you cried about?: hmm... I'm pretty sure the last thing I cried about was that girl I like.

What is your biggest regret?: Being too weak and getting raped... 3 times (different occasions)

Is love really worth fighting for?: If you feel it, sure. If you lack the feeling, no need to stress over it.

Do you follow your mind or your heart?: Heart, I guess.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?: No

Do you think you are a jealous person?: I don't think. I know I am.

What was your dream last night?: It was fucking weird (worst is I've been having weird dreams for the last few weeks)! Apparently I had donated sperm, died, and the girl I really like married the girl she's dating used it to have a baby. Then the baby was me, and I was pissed because I had to live with the nails still left in my heart. I went to school and everything, and it was just like when I first went to school, but I was smarter! It was like my mind, soul, everything was still alive; I was just younger, smaller, and looked different.

Do you have trust issues?: Yes yes yes yes!

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?: Not really

Do you feel like you're a good person?: Well if everything happens for a reason, then I'm getting punished for something bad I did... but I think I'm generally a good person... hard not to be when you keep to yourself often...

Do you get mad easily?: Not really

What was the last beverage you had?: Water

What time is it now?: 22:34

What time is it?:
What is the last song you listened to?:
Pingst-The Real Group
Do you IM?:
Are you currently reading a book?:
Where do you hang out most over the weekend?:
At home
What's the weather like today?:
Do you like living in the country or city better?:
What color pants are you wearing?:
What about your shirt?:
It's so hot, no shirt at the moment
Do you have a good singing voice?:
Light baritone, can do the boyband stuff.
Do you drink coffee daily?:
When I drink, I drink 5 cups a day
What did you have for breakfast this morning?:
Scrambled eggs
Who is the last person you dated?:
A girl
Do you still talk to this person?:
What was the last thing that surprised you?:
I am going to Denmark on Wednesday!?
Did anything brighten up your day today?:
The fact that my best friend got hold of his crush made me happy and in the same time sad when I realized that I am still alone
Are you someone who worries too often?:
World's weight on my shoulders...
Do you ever wonder how other people see you?:
All the time but they're still talking to me so I guess it's a good sign.
What should you be doing right now?:
Who did you last talk to in person?:
Have you ever passed out?:
Are you too forgiving?:
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?:
Read Hamlet
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?:
I am a peaceful person
What is the last thing you spent money on?:
Exchanging 1000 SEK to the danish currency
What was the last thing you cried about?:
How everything went wrong with a person
What is your biggest regret?:
Not applying to Cambridge(slim chance but still)
Is love really worth fighting for?:
I could die for it
Do you follow your mind or your heart?:
Heart, I'm INFJ right?
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?:
It's hard w/o a driving license
Do you think you are a jealous person?:
Yes when it comes to personal relations
What was your dream last night?:
You don't want to hear
Do you have trust issues?:
Do you believe everything happens for a reason?:
No, it all seems so random
Do you feel like you're a good person?:
What is good? Morality is nothing we're born with.
Do you get mad easily?:
No, I tend to internalize conflicts.
What was the last beverage you had?:
What time is it now?: