[PUX] Wisdom of the Every Day Person


Permanent Fixture
This thread is about sayings you have either written, said or thought about. Open discussion about each other's sayings is highly encouraged as long as it is warranted and civil.

In response to my friend's status "help me to dream these dreams because i don't have a clue" :

"No one can tell you of what your heart truly dreams.

Drawing inspiration from the beauty of the world, things living and non-living,
one is able to see clearly and listen to what the heart is trying to tell the mind."-Kurt
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Suffering is art -MF
Suffering is art -MF

If art is beauty, what beauty do you see in suffering?

I can think of a few but I wonder what your views are on this.
If art is beauty, what beauty do you see in suffering?

I can think of a few but I wonder what your views are on this.
I think that from suffering, people can create marvelous things. I often think that the best artists were/are ones who are suffering something terrible.

I also think that even in the face of tragic events, people are capable of some amazing things (empathy/giving/devotion/sacrifice). I find these things to be beautiful as well.
I think that from suffering, people can create marvelous things. I often think that the best artists were/are ones who are suffering something terrible.

I also think that even in the face of tragic events, people are capable of some amazing things (empathy/giving/devotion/sacrifice). I find these things to be beautiful as well.

I agree, you clearly see the color of "light" when it is surrounded by "dark" (or vice versa).
"You can have a lie, all you need is a worry" Agnus

I dreamed this sentence when I was sleeping one night :m171: hihihi :m131:
I agree, you clearly see the color of "light" when it is surrounded by "dark" (or vice versa).

reminds me of this optical illusion:


the middle pieces on each side are in fact the same shade of brown.

I find it weird that even in the literal world, input is entirely relative.
I find it weird that even in the literal world, input is entirely relative.

Is input from the sun, in the form of light from one direction, on the different sides of a cube relative.......if there is no question or problem but merely the actual noticing of something? Are the questions in our mind that which makes it relative?

I was thinking.......I find that as filling a need. Thanks.
Is input from the sun, in the form of light from one direction, on the different sides of a cube relative.......if there is no question or problem but merely the actual noticing of something? Are the questions in our mind that which makes it relative?

I was thinking.......I find that as filling a need. Thanks.

the light reflected from each side is consistent but our perception is relative. the colors you see depends on the colors that surround it, not the specific wavelength of light which is being emitted from each surface.
"Freedom only comes when you let the part of yourself that imprisons you, die."
From the sandy beaches and southern comfort of South Carolina to the beautiful shores of Florida. From Little town and big meals of Alabama to cool waters of Michigan and every where in between I've called my home.

From Johnny Cash to Toby Mac I've heard them all sing there songs. I've stared at the wonders of De Venti and Marveled at the plays of Shakespeare.

But in all creation I've never felt more at home with, have ever heard a song so sweet, seen anything more beautiful or a have had heard a tale so powerful as that of my God
"Freedom only comes when you let the part of yourself that imprisons you, die."

That reminds me of a Buddhist quote it goes something like

"You cannot get rid of your sickness unless you are sick of your sickness."
"Let your life flow. Don't resist the changes that come to you. If you resist change, you are resisting a part of yourself. Those that resist, are the ones who will in the end, fall..."

We do not say what we (really) mean,
but we mean what we (really) say,
--just in another way. --QP

I heard the saddest joke today
Those we love all fade away.
We live on an island
vast and remote.
Where none may linger
or even hope.
We stand alone at the end of each day.--QP

The brilliance we were,
And will be again.
The power and glory
and tears without end.
The crooked post,
The smiling Shaman,
The totem spirit,
Are not so uncommon. --QP

If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them. But if they loved you back, they’d never ask you to.--Anonymous

To love someone is nothing, to be loved by someone is something, but to be loved by the one you love is everything.--Anonymous
"Freedom only comes when you let the part of yourself that imprisons you, die."
This is a wonderful quote and, from my perspective anyway, very, very true. In fact, lots of folks don't realize how true it really is. The path to enlightenment, or self-actualization, or something of approxiamte value, does involve the types of change that really, truly does feel like a kind of death. The world as we know it is ending....and there are many such occurances!!! Not everybody is willing to undertake such a project...it is afterall something of an off-putting proposal. The trick to the whole thing, though, is the idea that death...inner death....always makes room for rebirth. In the end we are not diminished one bit.....but it sure the heck seems like it at the moment, doesn't it??

I think reaching some measure of enlightenment requires a thousand such deaths (more or less) and perhaps this ongoing dynamic of letting go, and then receiving something new as a pure gift, becomes a lifestyle which may just be a big part of what enlightenment is all about in the first place. Letting go of illusion, of safety, of "the known"....only to then find that the Divine embraces and nurtures us without our effort (only our consent) may just be itself the transformative awareness.

Having said this...a disclaimer. Some suffering in this world does truly diminish us and the dignity of individuals. It effaces and destroys. This should be resisted and rejected. There is another kind of suffering, however, that beckons us to change, to deeper exploration of our human capacities. This can be worked with, and this is the kind of "death" I am making referece to.
Why aren't you happy for the small things that are done for you? The big "gifts" that you are anticipating isn't going to give you such a grand feeling as you think it is.

I choose to divorce myself from reality and I will face the repercussions some day.

Do we choose to be sad? Is their beauty in sadness? I don't really know.
"In front of every silver lining there is a dark cloud!!"

(ironic variation of a popular saying that seems fairly accurate a good bit of the time.)
"Man Chooses, therefore Man is Accountable." - Odyne