Purity of Spirit? Old Soul?


Regular Poster
I frequently get comments about my 'purity of spirit.' That I give selflessly, and have this type of soul that seems to defy time. People of all types seem almost sucked into my little world. I learn and empathsize with all their secrets, and never reveal any of my own.

I mean, it's definitely awkward, the 'purity of spirit' or 'old soul' comments... and I never know how to respond to it... but I was wondering if it was an INFJ thing. What do you think?
People who are very spiritual or gregarious tend to have a sort of... aura to them. I don't know what it is but you can just tell when someone is very philanthropic or genuinely loving. It's lovely to be around someone like that and it's not common at all.

I've been called an 'Old soul' as well but I'm a douche, so I dunno. ;x
I don't know about others. But yes I've been said to have an old soul. To me it seems rather odd that people feel the traits I express are unique.

I haven't found a good way to answer that statement either. Other than a thank you. I don't have much to offer.
I can't count how many times I have been told these kinds of things. lol.
I think this goes without saying....

Whether or not it's a good thing is uncertain. I might be a little sad if I realized I was an "old soul" because I'm super special and it took 277 reincarnated lives before I learned what I needed.

Either way, I find it amusing.
Maybe as INFj's we've gone as far as we can and there is no more mortal reincarnations for us!

Woo Woo for Infinity!
Never been told I have an old soul. Never heard that phrase either. Is that the same as purity of soul? I've definitely been told I have a pure soul!
I don't think people see the more spiritual side of me. I've been kind of conditioned so that I seem a lot more normal than I actually am.

But I do give glimpses, and people do respond very openly to that vibe. I wish I could give it off more often...
I don't think people see the more spiritual side of me. I've been kind of conditioned so that I seem a lot more normal than I actually am.

But I do give glimpses, and people do respond very openly to that vibe. I wish I could give it off more often...

I used to be like that, but I've noticed that as I get older, I'm needing that spiritual connection with people so I'm opening up more now than ever.
I've been told once I have an old soul but I corrected that I'm actually still a mature soul, although maybe slightly towards the old than young cusp. I look forward to the fourth dimension though muhaha. As for 'purity of spirit' lmao nah, I'm conflicted and pretty in touch with my murky side. :)
I've heard it before and I'm not INFJ. My roommate as well and she's ENFJ.
Purity of Spirit? Old Soul?

I've been told both as well, though I consider myself far too self-absorbed to have any purity of spirit. The "old soul" stuff came mostly from my mother, who turned to mysticism in her later years, but she was pretty nutty and I tend to discount anything she said.
yup yup i've heard both many a time. i've been told i've been told i was an old soul since i was about 12
Same. Folks have been telling me that for as long as I can remember. "You are very wise...you must be an old soul." Most of my friends are at least 10yrs older than me. I find it nearly impossible to relate to kiddies my age.

I don't necessarily think I'm "wise," I've just had a lot of life experiences. Not only that, but once you see something so many times, it becomes easier to predict its outcome. And INFJs can connect the dots faster than most people (Ni perhaps?) Most young kiddies can't do that because they lack the experience or foresight needed to come up with those answers. *Sigh* It doesn't help I that I had to become an adult at like 8...so I'm sure that jumped me ahead of my peers a good couple of decades, lol.

I feel like an old woman trapped in a 20yr old body.
I don't think purity of the soul and old soul are one and the same; at least they don't strike me as being interchangable terms.

I have certainly long suspected that some have "older" souls than others, but have met very few who had souls that struck me as pure.
I am the youngest of them all, I'm innocent and purehearted and endearing and pristine and I still love teddybears and hearts and flowers and colours, especially pink. My face is in accordance to my spirit, my cheeks are rosy, my eyes are exceptionally green, and my hair has volume. Although my body is rather tired and fatigue due to sleep deprivation and anxiety/stress in school.

- Amazing how that one thing has the power to bring most of my positive mentality down xD
I don't get this. I am in fact told the opposite. People tells me that I am naive and all because I don't know much in the adult world.