Did God create temptation, or did someone or something see what was being done and think he/she/it could be like God?
Was the account of the creation of man and woman explained for us to understand better, or was it explained so we would ask more questions?
God did not create temptations. Satan, who once was one of Gods angels, wanted to be like God and rebelled against him. That was a sin to God, thus satan was expelled from heaven.
Now, satan creates temptations because he wants us to not follow God. Satan still wants to be godlike.
About the creation, I think it is essential to include the creation of man in the story, since the story is written for us. I think it is mostly an explanation. You can still make up questions, but if that story wasnot there, we would have even more questions.
This is my view.. others might disagree![]()
I can certainly identify with the reasoning behind that sentiment, though my reaction to it isn't the same. (More accurately, I've learned to simply not react to it, though it can be very difficult when my ego attempts to override that.)To give an example what do Richard Dawkins and the Holy See have in common?
I want to smack them and tell them to sit down and shut the fuck up.
Did God create temptation, or did someone or something see what was being done and think he/she/it could be like God?
Was the account of the creation of man and woman explained for us to understand better, or was it explained so we would ask more questions?
I understand the whole Lucifer wanted to be like God thing..
It just seems like the run-around. Create beings to love and worship you, that's not good enough, you want beings that CHOOSE to love and worship you..
Yet choosing isn't really good enough because you're a vengeful God and you demand blood because sin offends you so much, so the only thing that makes sense is to demand animals for slaughter and have those who disobey you stoned to death until you can be born as a person and commit deicide... for our sake.
I just don't understand how any of that makes sense and redeems people. There's a big gap there for me. A leap from the Fall to Redemption with none of it making much if any sense. I'm not trying to offend, I'm being honest.
It's not in me to believe. If there is a god, I hope the being understands the interworkings of my mind because I'm not not believing to rebel for the sake of rebelling, I'm not believing because it makes no sense to me and on this planet, you need to rely on sense to survive and be successful in your survival.
I've tried to talk to pastors years ago hoping it would foster what faith I had left.. the only thing I learned is that I'm usually asking questions that have no answers, because the answer is faith.
How is it that you're able to accept faith? Do you really think that all of it makes sense? Are you hoping you'll find the answers in the end?
Sin, Satan and redemption are all heavy subjects, people on the doctoral level have commmited a thousand books to each of these seperate subjects and ten thousand mor have been written on the subjects combined.
To say that the average believer doesn't get it would be an understatement, Hell some of the heavy theological discussions we've had in just a single class for the fundementals of Christian beliefs was far heavier then anything you'll hear in sunday school.
If you ask me, I think you need to get a higher education in this area or atleast seek out some one of atleast doctoral education to help you understand it.
The reality of the matter though is that most don't need this kind of info to lead a Christ filled life, they are more then happy to accept that it is and there is no reason to look down on that.
I know it doesn't make sense to you now, and if you continue on this path it never will. I invite you to find the real answers to your questions.
Hmmm.. If it's all that complex why bother? I'm a fan of the ol' occam's razor and perhaps, I am a simpleton ::tips cap:: I really don't see the point in searching for mystical answers to esoteric questions and revolving my life around such things..
when there's so much glorious living to do right here in the now. That is all.
(hands in N card.)
I understand the whole Lucifer wanted to be like God thing..
It just seems like the run-around. Create beings to love and worship you, that's not good enough, you want beings that CHOOSE to love and worship you..
Yet choosing isn't really good enough because you're a vengeful God and you demand blood because sin offends you so much, so the only thing that makes sense is to demand animals for slaughter and have those who disobey you stoned to death until you can be born as a person and commit deicide... for our sake.
I just don't understand how any of that makes sense and redeems people. There's a big gap there for me. A leap from the Fall to Redemption with none of it making much if any sense. I'm not trying to offend, I'm being honest.
It's not in me to believe. If there is a god, I hope the being understands the interworkings of my mind because I'm not not believing to rebel for the sake of rebelling, I'm not believing because it makes no sense to me and on this planet, you need to rely on sense to survive and be successful in your survival.
I've tried to talk to pastors years ago hoping it would foster what faith I had left.. the only thing I learned is that I'm usually asking questions that have no answers, because the answer is faith.
How is it that you're able to accept faith? Do you really think that all of it makes sense? Are you hoping you'll find the answers in the end?
Interesting indeed, I can imagine that there's just so many concepts that us a humans cannot grasp. I believe that the true nature of God itself is a mystery and even though we can learn more about God through a variety of means, we will never be able to get all the answers we seek. Why? Because God is perfect and us humans are imperfect and since we are unable to grasp such major concepts than we fail to fully understand God's nature.
However, I do not agree to the fact that a lot of Christians based their whole life on just simply praying expecting that will lead to their path of salvation. I believe God wants us to ask this questions. Curiosity is a human gift( given to us by the supreme being) and indeed it is needed for the advancement of our society. Without said curiosity we would have never made all the scientific advancements which have been made and the many more to come. Therefore it is essential and only natural that many of us are curious on this subject. A simple answer such as just faith does not satisfy many, we want to know more and more. We are rational beings and have the need to know all this answers. This is what I don't agree with many religions who are not open to any other alternatives and just say ''obey, obey and obey'' the commands when in reality the whole validity of the religion can be questioned. I think Christians today should indeed focus on learning more about the nature of God and be a bit more open to certain things, specially since indeed times are not the same.
The spiritual journey is very much connected to this...extracting joy from all of life on many levels. Sometimes one loses certain things (generally illusory, but it sure seems real to us!!) only to find something much greater, deeper, unshakable. There are many great traditions that speak to such things....Christianity is one of these, albeit with some fairly unique features.when there's so much glorious living to do right here in the now.