Pick an animal totem :)

Dexterity and Disguise
The magic of the Raccoon is in its mask.

Masks are a powerful magical tool:
you can achieve altered states
through the use of mask,
you can become
someone or something else
behind a mask.

A Raccoon totem can teach you how to wear masks for many reasons

as the need arises.
It can teach you how to mask, disguise and transform yourself.
Don't you act differently with your boss, parents, children, husband, friend, strangers.
Those are all masks you put on.
Masks are one of the tools of transformation.
It helps us to change what we are into what we want to be.
Raccoons also teach you how to put asleep the part of you that is not needed
and awaken the aspect of yourself that is.
If you are a Raccoon person, eating mostly fruit and vegetables will be beneficial to your health.
A Raccoon totem has a long influence on your life.
It is not a short-time totem, but rather will stay with you for a long time.
There are so many choices!

I'll get back to you on this.

Magic, Omens, Wisdom

The owl is the symbol of
the feminine, the moon and the night.
The owl is the bird of magic and darkness, of prophecy and wisdom.

The owl is associated with Athena.

An owl totem gives you the power to extract secrets.
Meditate on the owl and things will be revealed.
Listen to its voice inside of you.

You will hear not what is being said by others, but what is hidden.
You can detect subtleties of voice that others cannot.
People cannot deceive a person who has an owl totem.

Owl people can see into the darkness of others souls.
Most owl people are clairvoyant because of this ability.
It can be very scary at times.
Learn to trust your instincts about people.
Let your owl totem guide you.
A Bear totem

Hmmm. Bear fits.

Deep in slumber, dreams unending,
Wise old bear, patient, strong,
Send me dreams of transformation.
Grant me intuition along
With introspection of my life,
Inner listening, no more strife.
Caution, Healing, Leadership
The power of the Bear totem
is the power of introspection.
The answers to all our questions
lie within us.
Each of us has the capacity to quiet the mind,
enter the silence and know.

Just as the bear hibernates during the winter,
people with a Bear totem will be quieter
during the winter months. But they
must awaken in the spring and seek
whatever opportunities are around them.

When you have a Bear totem,
you are being guided to a leadership role.
You must be fearless in defending your beliefs.

The Bear also encourages you to exercise
your abilities as a natural healer.

Bears are associated with trees which are natural antennas, linking the heavens and the Earth.
Bear also has links to the seven color rays of the Universal Light
as well as Lunar ties, linking the subconscious and the unconscious mind.
It is associated with the Goddess Artemis.
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Stealthy messenger of the gods,
Cunning and wise, reliable friend,
Guide my steps through this maze of deception
And see this problem to its end.

Magic, Shapeshifting, Invisibility
Fox are seen as totems throughout the world:
the Chinese believed they could take human form,
in Egypt the fox brought favor from the gods,
there was a fox god in Peru,
foxes help the dead get to the next life in Persia,
Cherokees, Hopi other American Indian tribes
believed in its healing power;
the Apache credited the fox with giving man fire.
Since the fox lives "between times" --

on the edge of land, visible as dusk and dawn, and can guide the way to the Faerie Realm.
A fox can teach you to control your aura so that you can be more in harmony
with others and the world.
If you have a fox totem, learning to be invisible is very important in your life.
Imagine yourself blending in with your surroundings, becoming part of the background.
Be very still and quiet.
Through practice you can be unnoticed even at a party or in a crowd.
I have an acquaintance who used this power to evade several muggers;
he stood there in plain sight next to a building ,
and blended himself into the wall;
they did not see him and left without harming him. It can be done!
A fox totem also teaches good eating habits;
the fox eats small amounts frequently which medicine is now telling us is better for our health.
But fox people already knew this.
The fox is a wonderful totem to have.

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LOL. I'm assuming you agree with the assessment, ACD? lol
I've been identified with the lion, but the description from this site doesn't quite fit:

Feminine Power

The Lion is the symbol of the sun and of gold.
Medieval alchemists associated Lion with sulfur.
A Lion totem presents a lesson in dealing with groups and your role within those groups.
It is a totem for avoiding confrontations and for stealth.
Take the easy way to meet your goals; do not confront them head on.
A Lion totem tells you to trust your feminine energies –
creativity, intuition and imagination.
But don’t be afraid to roar if threatened.

I feel this description fits more from this site:

The female hunts and kills prey, feeds the group and takes care of the young. She is the nurturing force in all senses. The male roars to frighten prey and force them toward the lioness, who waits patiently for the right moment to attack. Although the male is the group's protector, he doesn't look for confrontation nor attacks needlessly. He only acts when challenged and will fight to death in order to protect, but in reality he prefers the easy, peaceful life. Lion's Medicine teaches us the magic of group interaction, of group energy. It also teaches us the secrets of silence and patience. Patience is to pay attention to detail. Lion suggests that we examine ourselves closely in order to understand our strengths and weaknesses, and to wait for the proper moment to act and take full advantage of a given situation. Learn from Lion the proper way to use power and strength. Stay calm and still, sure of your power. But if necessary, don't hesitate to fight for the things you are interested in.

The bolded part...
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Because of my name

If you are drawn to Horse, you feel a power in your spirit that is sometimes difficult to control. Horse is a symbol of loyalty and devotion, of unquestioning love and faith in his master. He says that you love to travel, and have more than a touch of gypsy in your soul. Horse is also your warrior spirit - the brave fighter who brings you safety in your journeys, both physical and metaphysical. Horse's medicine includes power, stamina, endurance, faithfulness, freedom to run free, control of the environment, awareness of power achieved with true cooperation, interspecies communication, expanding one's own potential abilities, friendship and cooperation, travel, astral travel, guardian of travelers, warns of possible danger, guide to overcoming obstacles.

Travel, Power, Freedom
Horses are symbols of freedom.
This totem brings new journeys.
It will teach you to ride in new directions and discover your own freedom and power.
Guide to overcoming obstacles.

The Horse is the symbol of Wind.
Horse people are usually friendly and adventurous.
If a horse has shown up in your life, you must ask yourself:
"Am I feeling constricted? Do you need to move on or allow others to move on?"
Horse will teach you how to ride into new directions to awaken
and discover your own freedom and power.
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Trickster, Shape-Changer, keep me from danger.
Cunning magician, teach me your ways
Of magical fire, powers much higher.
Lead me to new life. Brighten my days.

Wisdom, Folly

The Coyote teaches you how wisdom and folly
go hand-in-hand.
In the folly of others, we see our own foolishness
and we learn from their mistakes.

If a Coyote totem has appeared in your life,
be prepared for "Murphy's Law" to enter your life with a vengeance.
Your sense of humor will arise full force in keeping with the things happening around you.
Blind dates, things that suddenly don't work, all this is Coyote humor.
You need to learn to laugh at yourself and Life's irony.

Coyote energy is tied to simplicity and trust.
It stimulates and renews innocence and reawakens a childlike wisdom in the world.
A Coyote's howl touches your soul, reminding us of our primal connections.

Coyote people are very adaptive to new situations
and have close-knit families, especially when children are involved.
Perfection, Shai Gar!


Trickster, Shape-Changer, keep me from danger.
Cunning magician, teach me your ways
Of magical fire, powers much higher.
Lead me to new life. Brighten my days.

I spent 18 years with a coyote.
Raised it from a tiny orphaned cub.
She died in my arms.
I climbed aboard my boat and sailed away across the ocean.
Just to forget.
When I lost my boat, I lost every picture I had of her.
And still I can't forget.
Either the hawk or the ocelot:


Power, Magic, Messenger

Hawk is the messenger, the protector and the visionaries of the Air.
It holds the key to higher levels of consciousness.
This totem awakens vision and inspires a creative life purpose.

A Hawk totem is filled with responsibility
because Hawk people seek the overall view.
They are aware of omens and spirit messages.

A Red-Tailed Hawk Totem is special.
It has direct ties to the Kundalini, the seat of primal life force.
It is associated with the base chakra .
If you have this Totem, you will be aware of and work towards fulfilling your soul's purpose.
It reflects a greater intensity of energy within your life:
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual forces will all be strong within you.
The Red-Tail Hawk is a permanent totem -- it will always be with you.

It is associated with the number "14" with the Tarot card Temperance.
This card represents the teaching of higher expressions of psychic ability and vision.


Adaptability, Regeneration

Comfortable in the high trees and in water,
Ocelot can show you how to adapt to whatever environment you find yourself
and how to look at your surroundings from on high.

Ocelot also shows you how to regenerate
through solitude and quiet meditation.

Because they live in both land and water,
they have a connection with both the physical and spiritual world
and the ability to be in two places at once.
Use Ocelot as your meditation guide to connect to the spirit world.
I have always aligned with lynx, it has always been present around me:

Keeper of the ancient secrets,
Teacher of the hidden skills,
Open my heart and mind to wisdom,
Fill my days with strengthened will.
Reveal the fearful truth of being,
The part of us we fail to see.
O lynx of smiling, hidden secrets,
Bring aid and wisdom now to me.
Lynx is the keeper of lost magic
and occult knowledge.
Lynx is the guardian of the secrets
and, more importantly, the knower of the secrets.

Lynx medicine is a very specific type of clairvoyance.
If the medicine is strong in you, you will get mental pictures concerning people
and the secrets they hide. You will see their fears, lies, and self-deceptions.
You never speak of these revelations - but you know.

With a Lynx totem, people will share their secrets with you.
They will take you into their confidence and you will "accidentally"
discover things about people (whether you want to or not).
You must be very careful not to break confidences.
Your words must be chosen carefully and used cautiously.
Strength through silence must be your motto.

You do not have to do anything with the secrets you learn,
you, like the Lynx, are the keeper of secrets.
Listen to your higher self.
This whole business is a bit iffy.
One does not pick a totem.

This makes a sacred ritual into a travesty, desecrating its power.
You might as well play Pick A Religion.

Is nothing sacred to you people?
I have always aligned with lynx, it has always been present around me:

Keeper of the ancient secrets,
Teacher of the hidden skills,
Open my heart and mind to wisdom,
Fill my days with strengthened will.
Reveal the fearful truth of being,
The part of us we fail to see.
O lynx of smiling, hidden secrets,
Bring aid and wisdom now to me.
Lynx is the keeper of lost magic
and occult knowledge.
Lynx is the guardian of the secrets
and, more importantly, the knower of the secrets.

Lynx medicine is a very specific type of clairvoyance.
If the medicine is strong in you, you will get mental pictures concerning people
and the secrets they hide. You will see their fears, lies, and self-deceptions.
You never speak of these revelations - but you know.

With a Lynx totem, people will share their secrets with you.
They will take you into their confidence and you will "accidentally"
discover things about people (whether you want to or not).
You must be very careful not to break confidences.
Your words must be chosen carefully and used cautiously.
Strength through silence must be your motto.

You do not have to do anything with the secrets you learn,
you, like the Lynx, are the keeper of secrets.
Listen to your higher self.

I really considered lynx as well, actually. It was the only other one that drew me at all. The description relates to me in many ways, but not quite the "strength through silence" part, which is the only reason I didn't pick it...
This whole business is a bit iffy.
One does not pick a totem.

This makes a sacred ritual into a travesty, desecrating its power.
You might as well play Pick A Religion.

Is nothing sacred to you people?

I have actually had my totem animals determined in a rituals when I was a child. Lynx was one of my highest ones.

Besides, this doesn't have to be sacred. Not everyone on this forum takes things from a spiritual stance like I do. Doesn't mean they can't do it for fun or to gain insight.
This whole business is a bit iffy.
One does not pick a totem.

This makes a sacred ritual into a travesty, desecrating its power.
You might as well play Pick A Religion.

Is nothing sacred to you people?

I was reading the article on the site about how a totem is chosen for the individual, and the actual process sounds very interesting. If it were actual totems, I'd prefer having it really chosen for me -- but it seems like we're doing more of a "which do you identify with personally" sort of thing, so yeah.