this is cool:
My result:
Here are your results for the Personality Types test. Click the links below for more information. We encourage you to read the INFJ Information Page to determine for yourself if INFJ is fitting for you.
INFJ - The "Confidant"
Temperament: NF (Visionary)
Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: 1% (0.5% male, 1.5% female)
Full INFJ Profile >>
(description, famous people, careers...)
5% 95%
16% 84%
37% 63%
53% 47%
My result:
Here are your results for the Personality Types test. Click the links below for more information. We encourage you to read the INFJ Information Page to determine for yourself if INFJ is fitting for you.
INFJ - The "Confidant"
Temperament: NF (Visionary)
Primary Function: Introverted Intuition
Population: 1% (0.5% male, 1.5% female)
Full INFJ Profile >>
(description, famous people, careers...)