While I tend to connect with (and try to befriend) more INxx types, in public it's been evidenced that I'm a flame to the ESxx moths of the world. Therefore, 95% of my friends are extraverts; in fact, I don't even think I have a friend or acquaintance who's an INFx, excluding family. I'm so socially awkward/"shy" so I know I'm not approachable to them.
In general, I'm one of two people in social settings:
a) awkward, quiet, eccentric, amusingly-dressed girl (hey, I wear fun clothes) who only speaks when she has something she thinks is worth saying... she probably comes off either snobbish, depressing, or just really really REALLY awkward.
b) easy-going, sarcastic, witty girl who's slightly ditzy and still dresses amusingly. She seems more interesting/fun than a-girl to most people.
B-girl is who I try to be when I'm around people I know won't really understand A-girl. I don't know which of these girls attracted my friends, but once I become A-girl around them they just get a confused look on their faces and either shrug or try and figure me out.
Online, on the other hand, I'm pretty much always A-girl. That's because I can take the time to collect my thoughts and write what I really want other people to hear, er, read. I can convey myself more clearly. And then I usually can communicate better with pretty much everyone quite easily!