People who have never been hurt they, exist??

good question. probably not. but how do you define hurt? Hurt refers to response to something done. another way of thinking of this is to say, has anyone not had someone hurt them, intentionally or unintentionally? Because someone can try to hurt you, but yet, you're not harmed by what they do.
good question. probably not. but how do you define hurt? Hurt refers to response to something done. another way of thinking of this is to say, has anyone not had someone hurt them, intentionally or unintentionally? Because someone can try to hurt you, but yet, you're not harmed by what they do.

That's a good point.

I think that being physically hurt is inevitable while growing up. And psychologically, being a child who understands very little about the world, pain is a part of growing up either way, thats how things are learned. And this is where the definition of being hurt comes in. If you have no previous experience with something, can it hurt you?

Is it innate or learned?

I swear I had a good thought here somewhere. :D Anyway, I might return to this later on, I'm not thinking straight and not making much sense because it's late.
It hurts to get out of the womb.

Or does it?

I can claim I've never been hurt. Animal studies show that mammals are more energetic and smarter if their guardians took close care of them, even if a little rough; as opposed to no care at all. To be hurt means to be alive, means someone cares, and you care. So what we usually call hurt, including the emotional variant, is something else than what we think it is. If we think we are hurt, we probably aren't; and if we think we aren't hurt, we probably are. Okay, phrases like this one are annoying, so I'll stop here.
I don't think I've been really hurt.
Dogpile on Quinlan!!!!!!!!
I've been hurt, but I get over it. No point dwelling on it, only get one life (even if u believe otherwise, you only get this life once), live it right. Can't moon over every girl who breaks your heart, can't stay mad at the people who wrong you. People are responsible for their own feelings, can't let things keep you down. Gotta keep it zen, lol.

People who were born in a vegetative state.

Other than that...not really.
No not really, we all have been hurt at some point, the gravity of it is what it's different some of us have suffer more emotionally then others in my opinion...
emotional hurt.

provide concrete examples.

If emotional hurt can be, pretty much anything and is vague and defined by the person themselves who will claim they have encountered emotional hurt then how can you even compare since the standards are so different on every occasion?

What I'm saying is in order to make this a question that can be actually answered you need to clearly define what sort of hurt we are talking about so, that would be emotional hurt, and the guidelines of which someone could receive emotional hurt, so that everyone participating in the thread is on the same page.

Once all of the different acceptable ways for this particular question that a person can receive emotional hurt is defined, we can proceed to answering the question.
As above, thank you...

i'd say yes

i remember looking back in grade school and those few times being teased, and not really reacting or thinking much of what was going on. it just passed through my ears

nowadays it doesnt always happen that way.

i think it's just about how you take things in, if you ever do.
emotional hurt.

provide concrete examples.

If emotional hurt can be, pretty much anything and is vague and defined by the person themselves who will claim they have encountered emotional hurt then how can you even compare since the standards are so different on every occasion?

What I'm saying is in order to make this a question that can be actually answered you need to clearly define what sort of hurt we are talking about so, that would be emotional hurt, and the guidelines of which someone could receive emotional hurt, so that everyone participating in the thread is on the same page.

Once all of the different acceptable ways for this particular question that a person can receive emotional hurt is defined, we can proceed to answering the question.

Yes this, lets get grounded people.
emotional hurt.

provide concrete examples.

If emotional hurt can be, pretty much anything and is vague and defined by the person themselves who will claim they have encountered emotional hurt then how can you even compare since the standards are so different on every occasion?

What I'm saying is in order to make this a question that can be actually answered you need to clearly define what sort of hurt we are talking about so, that would be emotional hurt, and the guidelines of which someone could receive emotional hurt, so that everyone participating in the thread is on the same page.

Once all of the different acceptable ways for this particular question that a person can receive emotional hurt is defined, we can proceed to answering the question.

yes, what is hurt? that was the whole point of dicussion...

yes, hurt can be defined by each an every person differently, and viewed by each and every person differently...(thus a lot of "context" rubbish)...

I suspect hurt...may not be real. If I were to relate it to physics and the law of elasticity - we are usually in the state of equlibrium, pulled, shoved, and extended,... but always bouncing back to a neutral state.

...It is not like concrete, where once broken. You have to build a new one.
I have a view of myself as a child that's probably inaccurate. I think before the age of 8, I was definitely sensitive, but bore no scars. Hurts came and hurts went as they do in the most stable of childhoods, but I can't imagine that one had any affect on the next in any way.

I learned to compound hurt as an adult instead. :)
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