PAX: Simplicity


Well-known member
In spite of my overall complexity as an INFJ, over the years I have found myself adopting more and more little ways of embracing simplicity in my life. It's funny thing how tiny steps here and there have allowed me to remove some of the inner clutter/noise and thereby find room for silence, for mystery, or for being more present/open to others. So do any of you folks have any thoughts on this?

I remember reading something years ago....the idea that "God was simple, but not simplistic." An interesting differentiation. I think the idea of simplicity as a type of unalloyed, pure type of clarity is what attracted me. I continue to find that the dynamics of the spiritual, inner life are anything but simplistic (people often try to over-simplify these matters but they are incredibly complex and nuanced), but there is something of this pure, clear, simple vision that does indeed flow through it all.

Anyway, in the process taking little practical steps to symplify....paring down my living needs, riding mass trasit, being content with simple things...I found that I still was inevitably left, beyond all the externals, to face up to my own need for simplicity on the inside, in my heart. Really, that is the real goal...and trying to face this is much, much more challenging.

Still, what keeps me going is that I find inner simplicity carries unique rewards that I think we might never find were we not to pursue this path. They are paradoxes. For example: by simplifying my material needs I find I always have more than symplifying my requirements for input and entertainment, I find that I am always and prepetually amused by things close at hand...the good stuff isn't "out there somewhere"...usually it is right in front of me! How cool!

I'm still trying to allow the dynamic of simplicity to wash over me...I realize that for me this is more of an infusion process rather than a singular act of the will. It seems more about contemplating aspects of the Divine Simplicity....and then reflecting that. That seems the truest form...and I admit the idea of an infinite complexity melting into a single, unified simplicity to be totally intoxicating!!! That makes perfect sense to this INFJ anyway.
I like the idea of simplifying my material needs. Rather than have ADHD when it comes to entertaining myself with what... health, books, computer games, playstation games, motorcycles, guitar, travel, martial arts... and on down the list of things that take up my thought life, paring it down to a few simple things sounds very appealing.

So as far as interests outside of church go, - books, email, guitar, being healthy, study Japanese, and cut out all the other stuff. When I start focusing on how can I do everything I start griping that I don't have enough time in the day, vacation time, or discretionary income to pull it all off.
Time and again, history has shown simplicity to be the path of wise men.

The rest of us can only support you in this quest. (:
this is so beautiful!! I never thought of life as simplicity but what you say really resonates with me.

I always have put it in an other direction but I think the idea is simular. For me acceptance is the way to inner peace and freedom. By accepting who I am and how the world is, I can stop thinking about what I should do or what I should change and I can finely enjoy the things that I already have. And like you say it, the things I need are already in front of my nose.

I love paradoxes. I have an other one. By giving up to reach a certain place in life and simple be happy with where you are, you reach that certain place without effort.
Perhaps Ockham's Razor has more than the obvious use.

Do not multiply entities beyond necessity.
"Tao te Ching"
Stephen Mitchell translation.

By giving up to reach a certain place in life and simple be happy with where you are, you reach that certain place without effort.
I love that!!

I find that "certain place in life" I wanted to reach was never what I thought it was initially but something very, very different, much more profound, and much more beautiful. I think one very much does have to do some "giving up" to even realize what it is we seek!!

Paradox is almost comical in nature, depending how you look at it. Certainly it's a delight!
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I think silence has played a big part in inviting simplicity into my inner self. That can happen through many means...chant or a "sacred word" is frequently employed. With me it was just silence...and time.

I admit I borrowed a lot from monastic practice/tradition over the years...the boundaries between that life and the life of a layperson tend to be over-inflated by our assumptions. At the core we are all on a journey...some on one path, some on another...same destination. Those on the path know this. Sure, some differences between expressions do exist, but the similarities are truly overwhelming. I enjoy crossing back and forth...if only to give my assumptions a good jolt. :)
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I love that!!

I find that "certain place in life" I wanted to reach was never what I thought it was initially but something very, very different, much more profound, and much more beautiful. I think one very much does have to do some "giving up" to even realize what it is we seek!!

Paradox is almost comical, depending how you look at it....certainly a delight!

Most of the times we don't see the beauty of that certain place if it doesn't correspond with ouwer expectations. When we stop trying so hard, we finely can see :becky:
Track down:
"Tao te Ching"
Stephen Mitchell translation.
Or simply go to
The Way is simplicity itself.
It works. It is. You can be too.
Simple: not simplistic.

I love taoism!!!!!!! the Tao Te Tjing is the king of paradoxes, real eye openers in my opinion! Is that your website?
I love taoism!!!!!!! the Tao Te Tjing is the king of paradoxes, real eye openers in my opinion!
So true. I love this about the deeper, inner workings of religion*....there is so much to share and so much common vision.

*I use the word "religion" intentionally. Many prefer the term spirituality or wisdom, and that is fine. However, many of the systems we have become disenchanted with (in some cases rightly) do contain major paths of human enlightenment. If we can work past the structures, or see them for the limited purposes they rightfully serve, we can move into the core...the place of wisdom, of truth, of paradox. It is an amazing world.
The world is only amazing - to you - if you can see that it is.
Lao Tzu saw the world as perfect.
Very few of us can see it in that way.
I'm slowly working my way towards simplicity as well. :)

I can very often relate to what you write, randomsomeone, in very specific ways also. It almost feels a little bit wierd.

(By the way, Tao The Ching, Mitchell translation, is a very dear book to me. It always makes me happy when I see that other people also appreciate it.)
Lao Tzu saw the world as perfect.
Very few of us can see it in that way.
Yes, this is a concept I have seen expressed in other traditions, too. Wonderful!! This definitely shines a light on the path...a beacon inviting us into enlightenment and peace and connection.
The world is only amazing - to you - if you can see that it is.
Lao Tzu saw the world as perfect.
Very few of us can see it in that way.

brilliant and so true! when you accept it the way it is, than you start to see the beauty of it!!!

although I can only see this short periods of time
Have you ever read about...his name is escaping me. He is a famous Trappist Monk that died in the 60's.
Thomas Mertain- He is very interesting.
brilliant and so true! when you accept it the way it is, than you start to see the beauty of it!!!

although I can only see this short periods of time

Those moments are more or less what I live for.

Before: :confused: After: :hail: A bit later on: :ranger:

I would like to know how to stay in "after" mode. :-)