Part Time Work


Hi, I'm seeking a bit of advice from other INFJs or those familiar with this type on what would be a not so miserable part time job for me, an INFJ. I've already completed two and a half years of undergraduate work on my general Psych B.A., but I'm taking some time off for this Fall semester to reorganize myself since last semester didn't go over too well for me. Long story, which I don't really feel like sharing at the present time. I really despise the thought in having to do work which isn't conducive to the typical INFJ vision of doing something meaningful etc, but my Dad will not put up with me introspecting around the house like I did this past summer and already leading well into Fall.

My choices do seem rather limited, with the U.S. economy being the way it is and my personal stance on refusing to work when my feelings on doing something meaningful aren't being met. Nowadays working a retail job or fast food seems to what most people do when they aren't in school and/or lack a degree. Even just thinking about me working at a McDonalds completely disgusts me; not only because I'm a vegetarian but also because the repetitiveness of it and dealing with money all day could not be more dull to me. Doing math of any sort, even basic arithmetic, really gets under my skin. I can do it, it just doesn't come natural to me and typically feels hard pressed. That's why I always take a sigh of relief when I didn't have to be the Banker in Monopoly. Sounds childish, probably, but that's me. I'm not sure if any other INFJs have that uneasy tendency dealing with money... I dunno, just makes me feel like the biggest materialistic cop out in the world.

Even so, I need a job and kind of feel a need to show my Dad I'm not just lounging around the house, sucking up his money for groceries and a free ride, at the expense of my own laziness. But I would really appreciate your guys' help on this one. Maybe share your own experience in what part time jobs worked for you in the past and ones that didn't; whatever you want to say, really. I'm trying to keep a promise to myself to get a part time job before October but feel at a loss for what works for most people of my type and so on.

Thanks in advance.
Simple. Look for a job, even if it is something as menial as working at k-mart (i've done it, it isn't terrible). I know you might not like this, but beggers can't be choosers. Don't limit yourself. Of course there will be somethings you wouldn't do under any circumstances, as we all have things like that, so eliminating those things won't be a bad thing.

Then, get back in school ASAP (I can't emphisize that enough).
Simple. Look for a job, even if it is something as menial as working at k-mart (i've done it, it isn't terrible). I know you might not like this, but beggers can't be choosers. Don't limit yourself. Of course there will be somethings you wouldn't do under any circumstances, as we all have things like that, so eliminating those things won't be a bad thing.

Then, get back in school ASAP (I can't emphisize that enough).

I'll most-likely run with the idea in finding any job I can get, but can you think of any companies in particular which offer greater benefits than others? Or do you think I should just abandon that mindset in getting sooo specific about a part time job? I mean, I'll only have the job until January, so in your opinion do you think it's worth worrying about all the specifics in a job like benefits, etc?

Also, even though the plan is for me to return next semester, why do you emphasize going back to school as soon as possible? Personal experience?
If you want to return to school, hook up with your college's career services center. See if you can get a work-study job, one that pays your bills and some of your tuition. If you're on campus, you'll feel like getting back into the swing of things and it'll motivate you to return more.

Psychology isn't necessarily the best career for INFJs. You might prefer social work or sociology, or counseling. They're less intensive careers (less theoretical) and far more hands on and into the nitty-gritty. If you like theory, then by all means stay in psych. But a BA psych degree won't get you a job. You need a MS in counseling or Masters in Social Work or a PhD in psychology for it to be of any use.
Sometimes you have to find meaning in what you already have. No job is entirely pointless. Attitude really is everything.
Do it and get it over with. Get a part time job and just work at it. It's better than sitting at home all day.

Might make ya happy. And if it doesn't, you can always quit.
Hi, I'm seeking a bit of advice from other INFJs or those familiar with this type on what would be a not so miserable part time job for me, an INFJ. I've already completed two and a half years of undergraduate work on my general Psych B.A., but I'm taking some time off for this Fall semester to reorganize myself since last semester didn't go over too well for me. Long story, which I don't really feel like sharing at the present time. I really despise the thought in having to do work which isn't conducive to the typical INFJ vision of doing something meaningful etc, but my Dad will not put up with me introspecting around the house like I did this past summer and already leading well into Fall.

My choices do seem rather limited, with the U.S. economy being the way it is and my personal stance on refusing to work when my feelings on doing something meaningful aren't being met. Nowadays working a retail job or fast food seems to what most people do when they aren't in school and/or lack a degree. Even just thinking about me working at a McDonalds completely disgusts me; not only because I'm a vegetarian but also because the repetitiveness of it and dealing with money all day could not be more dull to me. Doing math of any sort, even basic arithmetic, really gets under my skin. I can do it, it just doesn't come natural to me and typically feels hard pressed. That's why I always take a sigh of relief when I didn't have to be the Banker in Monopoly. Sounds childish, probably, but that's me. I'm not sure if any other INFJs have that uneasy tendency dealing with money... I dunno, just makes me feel like the biggest materialistic cop out in the world.

Even so, I need a job and kind of feel a need to show my Dad I'm not just lounging around the house, sucking up his money for groceries and a free ride, at the expense of my own laziness. But I would really appreciate your guys' help on this one. Maybe share your own experience in what part time jobs worked for you in the past and ones that didn't; whatever you want to say, really. I'm trying to keep a promise to myself to get a part time job before October but feel at a loss for what works for most people of my type and so on.

Thanks in advance.

In terms of retail, which is maybe the only sort of thing you'll get atm, I don't know if you have an IKEA near you but I found it the best part-time job EVER. Really nice people, pretty good pay and gooood products :P. Meanwhile, if you're bringing pay in but only working part time, why can't you also look for some volunteer work? I'm looking to volunteer for Age Concern, who help old people in my area. But you could do similar, or do some work with children, in hospices, with disabled people, whatever floats your boat. It uses your time up at least, you spend less time pondering on things and get satisfaction on getting money and helping people, even if separately. Or you could be a volunteer pyschologist or psychotherapist somewhere? Whatever suits you best.
What is so meaningful about being lazy that is causing you such great concern about the meaninglessness of getting a job?
Agreed about beggars can't be choosers. Nobody ever expects to sustain themselves permanently on part-time jobs, they're just a necessity until you are able to do what you want to do with your life.

I'm currently job searching myself. Over the past month and a half, I first applied to 20 jobs that I wanted to work for and got 2 interviews out of the whole thing. Then I applied for 40 jobs that I was otherwise qualified for but were not my ideal, I'm still waiting for the results of that but it doesnt look good.

If the job market in your city is tight, then you'll need to apply for everything you can. Good jobs are gonna have dozens of applicants, and many will probably be more qualified than you (unless you have really good references and lots of relevant work experience)
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Try to find part-time library work
Maybe getting a crappy job will help inspire you to do better in school. :)
Drop out of life and start hopping box cars and writing of your exploits.
Maybe try to apply to a local council or something for library work (if you're past your A-levels... or equivalent over there), then you might get a job that's not too bad and pretty well paid.
But that's only a possibility. I'm thinking with the recession, you'll probably have to work in a cleaning job or in a supermarket (from experience, the cleaning job is less demanding, but the supermarket looks pretty good on a CV).
If you like writing, maybe enter a few stories into magazines? They give cash prizes.
Mainly, look around in newspapers and on billboards etc. You'll find something eventually, even if it's not what you want.
Good luck!