Obama as president, how is he doing

How is Obama's presidency so far in your opinion?

  • He's doing good

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • He's doing bad

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • He's doing all right

    Votes: 12 50.0%

  • Total voters


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I forget
Is he doing bad or good? Why or why not?

Also, please be respectful of others, there is really no need for name calling.
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I was very very apprehensive to him since I first saw him back in (I think it was late '07), and I haven't trusted him since. I didn't trust or like any of the canidates. I felt like he was just trying to please everyone by speaking well and being as generic as possible while being careful not to sound generic. I didn't vote for him because I couldn't bring myself to trust him (and I identify as a rather liberal person). Despite how much I hate her for her values and as such would never ever vote for her, I actually like sarah palin because she is blunt and says what she means, and you can see into her easily. Let me tell you, I desperately wish she was a liberal, because then I would have fallen all over for her.

So far, obama hasn't given me a reason to hate him. He also hasn't given me a reason to like him. I am very indifferent / on the fence with his opinions and the things he has done. Although my trust for him has gone up since he has been in office, it is beginning to drop off more and more once again. I see something in him that is deceitful, and it will not leave me.
I was very very apprehensive to him since I first saw him back in (I think it was late '07), and I haven't trusted him since. I didn't trust or like any of the canidates. I felt like he was just trying to please everyone by speaking well and being as generic as possible while being careful not to sound generic. I didn't vote for him because I couldn't bring myself to trust him (and I identify as a rather liberal person). Despite how much I hate her for her values and as such would never ever vote for her, I actually like sarah palin because she is blunt and says what she means, and you can see into her easily. Let me tell you, I desperately wish she was a liberal, because then I would have fallen all over for her.

So far, obama hasn't given me a reason to hate him. He also hasn't given me a reason to like him. I am very indifferent / on the fence with his opinions and the things he has done. Although my trust for him has gone up since he has been in office, it is beginning to drop off more and more once again. I see something in him that is deceitful, and it will not leave me.

What he said.
I think that, with the current situation our country is in, it'd be hard to expect much out of any president.
What really freaks me out is his ability to hypnotize audiences.

Also, I'm convinced that he's an ENTP, despite all of the opinions to the contrary. That alone is reason to suspect him of eeeeeevil. Hehe.

I don't know, he doesn't really seem like it to me. ENTPs love conflict or debate in general and it seems like Obama is going all over the world apologizing for America. I wouldn't suspect an ENTP would do something like that, but then again I could be wrong.

He seems to me to be more of an idealist. Idealists, in my opinion, aren't the best leaders in my opinion for they like making everyone happy and want everyone to like them usually, and you can't have that as a leader. Rationals don't care what people think of them. Examples of some good Rational leaders would be George Marshall, Dwight Eisenhower, and Douglas MacArthur.
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I don't know, he doesn't really seem like it to me. ENTPs love conflict or debate in general and it seems like Obama is going all over the world apologizing for America. I wouldn't suspect an ENTP would do something like that, but then again I could be wrong.

If apologizing gets other world leaders to be nice, why not? I trust a smart ENTP would know his limits.
We must also be aware that the president is just an icon in a country. There's always the Big Boss that sends orders from up above about how the country should be run. I believe alot from all the conspiracy theories out there such as "Skull and Bones", I don't have any proof that they are correct but I just have a feeling that these sects play a big role in any government.

I don't think Obama is evil, it's just that he must follow orders wheather he likes it or not and not neccesarily from the citizens but from the elite businessmen that have the money and power to influence on some of the decisions. As you can see, I'm very paranoid about politics but it's what keeps the action moving in any country.
What really freaks me out is his ability to hypnotize audiences.

Also, I'm convinced that he's an ENTP, despite all of the opinions to the contrary. That alone is reason to suspect him of eeeeeevil. Hehe.

I agree. I think what I was pickingup on was his abillity to hypnotize people and imediately had an adversion to it. I agree that he is an ENTP, just a very very smart one that knows when to keep their mouth shut.
If apologizing gets other world leaders to be nice, why not? I trust a smart ENTP would know his limits.

Unfortunately, no. Apologizing shows weakness. Terrorists don't respect weakness. Therefore, him apologizing for the country makes him look weak.
I didn't vote for him. He's extremely articulate and knows just the right to say... he's just never had me convinced. He scared me, frankly. I've never seen people worship someone so fanatically.
I didn't vote for him. He's extremely articulate and knows just the right to say... he's just never had me convinced. He scared me, frankly. I've never seen people worship someone so fanatically.

Sorry that I keep posting over and over again, but I felt that also! I was scared of him! When I read about him I thought "cool, this guys sounds all right" but then I heard about him trying to stop the war (sorry I'm for the war for right now), I was like "no".

Plus, he was always good with paper in front of him but I always pointed out to everyone that when it was impromptu he kept mumbling.

I thought that he is the next Messiash was WAY too much.
I agree that he is an ENTP, just a very very smart one that knows when to keep their mouth shut.

Put a script in front of him and he can sing it like no other politician can. This ability is a performance. It is not his inherent personality, and is not a measure of his cognitive type. Any assumptions about him being an idealist come from his stage persona, which very much seems like an idealist.

Take the teleprompter away and he stammers and meanders his way through things that any normal person could handle. He's clearly thinking a million things at once, and trying to filter them all through his Ne and Ti. He suffers from that classic ENTP 'mind faster than mouth' syndrome.

Sorry that I keep posting over and over again, but I felt that also! I was scared of him! When I read about him I thought "cool, this guys sounds all right" but then I heard about him trying to stop the war (sorry I'm for the war for right now), I was like "no".

Plus, he was always good with paper in front of him but I always pointed out to everyone that when it was impromptu he kept mumbling.

I thought that he is the next Messiash was WAY too much.

Wait why do you support the war?
Unfortunately, no. Apologizing shows weakness. Terrorists don't respect weakness. Therefore, him apologizing for the country makes him look weak.
I don't mean to say that apologizing in that way is the right thing to do, but consider: do we care if terrorists think we are weak? They already see us as infidels, and that is all they require as reason to kill us.
I think people freak out over Obama way too much, both positively and negatively.

He's not going to blow up the world or turn into a commie dictator. He's not the saviour of the universe.

What is the big deal?
Also, he is HALF WHITE TOO. Seriously guys. But I have serious mistrust for politicians. I don't feel like they really want to help---I feel as if they mostly just want power. Not that they will necessarily abuse their power...but I think they like to feel in control.

Apologizing shows great strength of character b/c most people in this world can't admit they are wrong (including me!)

Obama talks a lot. Why does he owe everyone an explanation?
I guess if he didn't that makes him secretive. Anyways, this country needs lots of help, and I don't mean the kind from fueding donkeys and elephants.