Nostalgia . . . those were the days


What do you miss the most about the past whether people, who you were, things you loved to do but don't have the chance to do anymore, society, culture, etc.?

What makes you think or say, "those were the days"?

For your nostalgia and enjoyment!

Cars you could repair yourself.

Kids could run the neighborhood without a care in the world.

35 cent/gallon gas.
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I'm not that nostalgic, probably because my childhood blew. But I do like retro stuff (a lot of the stuff I like is old, but doesn't conjure a memory for me).

Lemme think. Hmmm ...

Prince - Kiss --->

When I was a little kid, this was hilarious (it still is, honestly). My older cousin convinced me a man was under that sheet. He also persuaded me into believing Boy George was a woman. Oh, gullible baby me. :ohwell:
Bullfights on acid
Disney's One Saturday Morning! I used to love getting up at 7:00 every morning and watch that. There were all these great shows: Doug (the Disney one), Recess, Bugs Bunny, Teachers Pet, etc. It makes me want to go back in time to when I actually had a reason to get up early on Saturdays.

Hmm, I wanted to remember something nostalgic, but the truth is that, I never felt better like I do now :m1:
I miss the old days too. staying up late to watch cat dog, waking up early for "recess" and just doing whatever the heck I wanted to simply 'cos "I was too young to be blamed for much anyway" HAHA:m083:
I miss this, although it may be coming back around. If you think this is just a Coke Commercial, you don't get it.

Endless long summers of glorious hot sunshine, sunscreen, fish, salt water, lip zinc, those hats with the floppy backs, boogie boards, dinghys and cicadas.
Riding my bike everywhere with my friends, with no helmets. Climbing trees, building forts, spying on other kids, endless afternoons of baseball at the school grounds with anyone who came to play. No teams, coaches, booked field times, no parents or any adults at all. Just a bunch of kids enjoying a game. I guess I miss being ll or l2. I feel nostalgia for those days.
I get really nostalgic for my university days. I miss waking up late, skipping class, and going shopping on weekday afternoons. I miss living minutes away from all my closest friends. I miss the silly student things we used to do like sitting outside talking about nothing all night, and how easy it was to do those things. I miss feeling like "being old" was something I could worry about later.

Riding my bike everywhere with my friends, with no helmets. Climbing trees, building forts, spying on other kids, endless afternoons of baseball at the school grounds with anyone who came to play. No teams, coaches, booked field times, no parents or any adults at all. Just a bunch of kids enjoying a game. I guess I miss being ll or l2. I feel nostalgia for those days.

Were you in my neighborhood?
Seriously, those are many of the same memories I have.

During the summer months, we would leave the house after breakfast and the only time we would be back in the house was to eat lunch and dinner.
It was non stop playing outdoors until sundown.

I also don't recall any single parents in my neighborhood. Everyone's Mother was at home during the day while the Father was at work.

Saturday morning cartoons.
Bugs Bunny, Scooby Doo, The Jetsons, Go Go Gophers, The Archies.
I miss Nathaneal! D:

and Robin! D:

and Ashton! D:

Mainly I just miss a ton of people who I no longer talk to, some for good reasons, others for not as good reasons.
Riding my bike everywhere with my friends, with no helmets. Climbing trees, building forts, spying on other kids, endless afternoons of baseball at the school grounds with anyone who came to play. No teams, coaches, booked field times, no parents or any adults at all. Just a bunch of kids enjoying a game.

Dude, that was totally my childhood. Quit stealin'!

I remember TV tag, soccer in the park, sneaking into the golf course and climbing the big oak and scaring the seniors trying to concentrate on their game (hehehehehe). Catching toads in the golf course pond and playing "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (the boys always tried to make me "April," when I was clearly more suited to be the Leonardo of the bunch).

My Saturday morning cartoons of choice were: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman: the Animated series, Spiderman: The Animated Series, the X-men: The Animated Series and Inspector Gadget. In the afternoon, it was the Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show, Who's the Boss? and Full House.

In the summers, we would go camping with a bunch of family friends that had kids my age and we'd swim in the lake and play suicides near the campground. I remember playing card games and Monopoly in the trailer when it was raining (and getting into arguments over who was winning) and sitting around the campfire, arguing why it wasn't fair to dare someone to kiss another person during "truth or dare."

Aww, I miss my childhood :(
Riding my bike everywhere with my friends, with no helmets. Climbing trees, building forts, spying on other kids, endless afternoons of baseball at the school grounds with anyone who came to play. No teams, coaches, booked field times, no parents or any adults at all. Just a bunch of kids enjoying a game. I guess I miss being ll or l2. I feel nostalgia for those days.
Like everyone else this could have been my life too!
Like everyone else this could have been my life too!

Damn. What happened?

When and if there is a universal INFJ meet up, I demand that we ride our bikes, climb trees and frolic through meadows, chasing after our long lost childhoods...
No wonder we created the INFJ treehouse, we're all kids at heart!
buying your first cassette tape!
Waking up early on Saturday morning to watch cartoons such as He-Man, Care Bears, Flintstones, etc.

Watching classic movies with my family on a Sunday afternoon.
Waking up early on Saturday morning to watch cartoons such as He-Man, Care Bears, Flintstones, etc.

Watching classic movies with my family on a Sunday afternoon.

and She-Ra