

Staff member
954 so/sx
...will kill us all.

[ame=""]YouTube- Storm coming over a beach in Finland[/ame]
Looks like somebody forgot to make their yearly sacrifice to Thor; and he's pissed.
It was apocalyptic like that this mornign at about 7am over D.C.... usually I drive into the sun each morning... today it was like night. Still, the clouds did not move THAT fast. This almost seem fake to me.
Yea I question its validity as well, but I can't seem to find definitive proof either way. It does seem pretty real, and the people seem to be reacting appropriately. *shrugs* It's still awesome lol.
I'd love to be caught in a situation like that. It'd be so energizing!
I'd love to be caught in a situation like that. It'd be so energizing!

Hah. I used to do that when I was much younger....go out and dance with the wind.

Then I saw what Lightning could do.

We get storms like these where I live in TX. When they're moving that fast they ususally have a tinge of green in the clouds. When one sees that you know a tornado may appear. First there's hail, then rain, then wind like crazy.
And oh - don't forget the lightning!

I was watching a thunderhead off to the south of me last night as the sun was going down and saw lightning streaking everywhere. 'Twas a beautiful and otherworldly sight with the clouds tinged pink from the sunset.

But yeh - I agree Nature will kill us...
I was coming home as a storm rushed up like that. Worst part is the sky turned orange as it did o_o.
mummy! //whimper.
I could spend an entire afternoon discussing the bizzare weather I've been through, but something about this video is just really intimidating. I was in a tornado (safe in a basement) and still this video feels more ominious. Like that cloud was just out for blood lol.
It's Mother Nature's way of showing us her disgust with that cement face-lift we gave her.
SO COOL! Those clouds were moving effing fast, and they were pretty damn close to the ground. Wouldn't be surprised if that dropped a tornado. Still, storms like that don't seem like they would occur in finland, but I guess it could happen.
Thanks for posting this! Pretty epic.
I'd love to be caught in a situation like that. It'd be so energizing!
Same here! Love storms. Especially high up in the mountain, when it could be from very close, and the echo is amplified.