Movies that you like and most people think are weird?


Community Member
Ok I am going to name 2 movies that most the people I know say Im wierd for liking/ watching

(1) Donnie Darko (Go Frank)
(2) American Beauty

I seeing if the IN types like similar movies,

please add more movies and not too many. I cant read much more
Really? Most people I know love those two movies, but I guess I do gravitate toward intuitive types.

I liked Patton which most my friends hated.
Really? Most people I know love those two movies, but I guess I do gravitate toward intuitive types.

I liked Patton which most my friends hated.

yep I grew up with alot of sensors! haha they all think im mad! but lucky enough ive meet more intuitive types recently!
I don't like this part "most people think is weird"

How do we know this? Did we take a survey? Should we take a survey to back thsi up and how would that be upheld?

I mean....

how accurately can you prove that sort of statement?

If I said "Los cronocrimenes" how could I be sure that people thought that was weird? Most people haven't even seen it.
Anyone I've shown the films to said they were strange, but they were happy with this strangeness as I think some people are sick to death of Seth Rogan's bullshit.
But are these people typical and under the category of "most people"? Infjs do have odd friends y' takes a special kind of person to befriend an Infj.
I can tell you right now that American Beauty and Donnie Darko are critically appreciated movies by pretty much everyone with half a brain and an ounce of intelligent, which is more people than you might think.

Based on my own personal experience of exposing people that I know to the movies that I enjoy, and seeing their own opinions of them compared to my own...

- Secretary
- MirrorMask
- Lost in Translation

Everyone has different tastes. Just rarely similar to my own. *laughs*

slant said:
But are these people typical and under the category of "most people"?
"Most people" is a pretty bad choice of words, admittedly. Would have sounded better if he had just said "other people".

As for what type of movies IN's like? I'm guessing that pretty much every INxx is going to reply with movies that centred around emotional journeys or intellectual narratives. It's a bit of a given.
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But are these people typical and under the category of "most people"? Infjs do have odd friends y' takes a special kind of person to befriend an Infj.
G'damnit. You're right.
I just wanted to show off my pretentious taste in film.
(Minus Kung Fu Hustle.)
My wife is as S as they come and she likes Donnie Darko and American Beauty. Silly Ns. :nono:

Seth Rogen is cool. :smokin:
- Secretary
- MirrorMask
- Lost in Translation

I loved Mirror Mask I'm surprised more people haven't seen it, it's great. It's cool to see someone acknowledge it.
I like a variety of odd movies, but I don't know if they're movies that a lot of people haven't seen.

Two of my faves:

Being There
The silence of the lambs
Red dragon

yes, I'm a Hannibal lecter fan :m114:
Southland Tales.

Love that movie... in fact.. I think I will watch it now.
L.I.E., Girl, Interrupted, and SLC Punk in junior high only resulted in me appearing emo but these days I find my close friends only think I'm weird for liking Zoolander or Bring It On. Too mainstream for them and nobody likes Will Ferrell.

I've also earned a few weird looks when gushing over The Postman with Kevin Costner lately.
Nobody likes Will Ferrell?
Back in my day... ::shakes fist at the youngins::
Seth Rogen doesn't have anything on Will Ferrell.

Ah.. Will Ferrell was best when I was in Jr. High and High School and he was on SNL. I guess he got sorta lame when he left for the moving pictures. I was disappointed..

I remember the first time I watched Anchorman, though, I wanted to hate it and him.. But I laughed my ass off and commented every ten minutes or so, "God, I hate this movie but it's funny!"
Cinderella..and Hansel and Gretel (Korean horror movies)
*clears throath* the brady bunch movie... *cough*

Some more serious ones:
- The science of sleep
- Lost in translation
- Bin-Jip. Also one of the best movies I have ever seen.