Merkabah | Page 295 | INFJ Forum
My power animals are Cougar, Condor and Anaconda. I like it because they belong to the middle, lower and upper realms. Cougar is about individuality and strength, Condor is intuitive and in touch with higher thinking, divinity etc. and Anaconda is about transmutation and transformation, death to life. I really like the symbolism tied up with Shamanic work and the power animals etc. In my experience it really works as a healing too. If you (anyone) can have a Shamanic journey / healing I would say do it. I've had some great journeys myself and very powerful experiences, soul retrievals and healing...because it all works on the level of the symbolic, I think all this appeals quite a lot to the INFJ.
Has inspired me to post about spirit animals as she has on her own thread.
What are your own, how do they effect your life, or how have they come to be considered a spirit animal by you?
Did you take a test for these or did they come through meditation/contemplation ?

I didn't want to muck up your thread so the full length explanations are in BFE thread ;) are mine:
Wolf, Turtle and Leafy Sea Dragon

How they effect daily life:
Wolf---I am Omega. The Counselor, confidant, supportive and healing, often the Sage Auntie. Always looking out for the needs of the 'pack'
Turtle---always the grounded one, keeping a level head in emergencies.
Leafy Sea Dragon---Kindness, Dreamy creative and Sensitive.
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29 Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes

Thich Nhat Hạnh, born October 11, 1926, is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist.

He lives in Plum Village in the south of France, and regularly travels over the world, for retreats and speaking events.

In 2005, Thich was given permission to make his first return trip to Vietnam, after a long exile.

Nhat Hạnh has published more than 100 books, including more than 40 in English.
He is active in the peace movement, promoting nonviolent solutions to conflict and he also lives a vegan lifestyle, banning all animal product consumption from his life, as a means of nonviolence towards non-human animals.

7.Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

10. “There are thousands of channels in our consciousness; it is up to us to choose the channel.”

12. “Life is available only in the present moment.”

14. “To be beautiful means to be yourself.
You don’t need to be accepted by others.
You only need to accept yourself.”

9. “When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over.
He does not need punishment; he needs help.
That’s the message he is sending.”

24. “You carry Mother Earth within you.
She is not outside of you.
Mother Earth is not just your environment.
In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.”

28. “Your body is your first home.
Breathing in, I arrive in my body.
Breathing out, I am home.”

29. “Life is not about getting to a certain place.
Life is a path.
Walking meditation is a way to practice walking without a goal or intention”

7. “Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

May you have Ease through your whole Being. <3

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My power animals are Cougar, Condor and Anaconda. I like it because they belong to the middle, lower and upper realms. Cougar is about individuality and strength, Condor is intuitive and in touch with higher thinking, divinity etc. and Anaconda is about transmutation and transformation, death to life. I really like the symbolism tied up with Shamanic work and the power animals etc. In my experience it really works as a healing too. If you (anyone) can have a Shamanic journey / healing I would say do it. I've had some great journeys myself and very powerful experiences, soul retrievals and healing...because it all works on the level of the symbolic, I think all this appeals quite a lot to the INFJ.

Very cool!
Yes...the Raven is all about being playful, creative, understanding the balance between light and dark and being comfortable with either.
Comfort in solitude.
He acts as a bridge to the spirit world.
The Salamander is about change and rebirth, similar to your Anaconda.
Octopus is all about being grounded, flexible in mind and spirit, will, magic, seeing beyond illusion.
Did you take a test for these or did they come through meditation/contemplation ?

I didn't want to muck up your thread so the full length explanations are in BFE thread ;) are mine:
Wolf, Turtle and Leafy Sea Dragon

How they effect daily life:
Wolf---I am Omega. The Counselor, confidant, supportive and healing, often the Sage Auntie. Always looking out for the needs of the 'pack'
Turtle---always the grounded one, keeping a level head in emergencies.
Leafy Sea Dragon---Kindness, Dreamy creative and Sensitive.
Those are really cool Sandie!
No...the raven was given to me in a lucid dream by a booming voice from someone I could not bring my eyes to look upon.
It also gave @Sensiko a Painted Bunting which is a beautiful rainbow colored bird.
Salamander has always been in my life ever since I was a child...I grew up finding them in the streams of my favorite campground...I would hold them and talk to them...have always felt some kind of connection to them.
Octopus kind of came out of nowhere one day in a dream I had also, and I would say in the last 10 years has presented itself in my life most strongly.












Continued next post...
Continued from above...^^^^











Continued below...again...
Continued from above ^^^^










His face looks a bit weird but I like the rest.
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I’ve been self-testing an innovative new way (inspired by a very old way) of reducing stress and improving sleep lately and I now feel like I have enough personal data to pass on my results to you.

Basically, there is a simple thing we can do each day that helps keep stress levels (and cortisol levels) in healthy ranges, can improve sleep and also reduce inflammation.

Getting Grounded

I first encountered the idea of “Grounding” or “Earthing” when I read the book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever.
I’d seen information about this theory before but hadn’t looked into it.

At first I was skeptical that something so simple could work but after researching it and reading the book, it seemed at least plausible that it would work.
I also ran the idea by some electrical engineer friends and a friend who has done research in the biomedical field and they confirmed that there was some science to back it up.

Basically, the theory is that our bodies are meant to come into contact with the Earth (a “grounding” force) on a regular basis.
Positive electrons in the form of free radicals (ever heard of those guys?) can build up in our bodies and direct contact with the ground balances this out as it is a negative grounding charge.

Our bodies and cells have electrical energy, and especially with the high prevalence of Electromagnetic waves, Wi-Fi and mobile phone waves, many of us have a high amount of positive electrons built up in our bodies.

It Used to Happen Automatically
Throughout history, humans have spent time outdoors much more than we do in modern time and have been in direct contact with the soil.
From walking on the ground barefoot, to gardening or tilling the soil, humans have always touched the earth… until recently.

Now, we live in houses, wear rubber shoes, are exposed to EMFs daily and don’t often come into direct contact with the ground.

Have you ever noticed that you sleep better on a beach vacation after walking in the sand or being in the ocean?
The sand and ocean water and both naturally conductive materials and both help ground the body and remove excess positive electrons.

For the same basic reason that we ground electrical outlets to avoid the build up of excess positive charge, our bodies need the same ground effect.

What is Earthing?
According to the book “Earthing” the practice of earthing basically involves coupling your body to the Earth’s surface energy by walking, sitting or sleeping outside in direct contact with the Earth or using a device that creates the same response while indoors.

When in direct contact with the Earth, your body becomes suffused with negative charged free electrons and equalizes to the same electric energy level as the earth.

According to emerging research, Earthing can be beneficial in:
  • Reducing inflammation by defusing excess positive electrons
  • Reducing chronic pain
  • Improving Sleep (I can vouch strongly for this!)
  • Increasing Energy (I noticed this also)
  • Lowering stress and promoting calmness by reducing stress hormones.
  • Normalizing biological rhythms including circadian rhythm
  • Improving blood pressure and blood flow
  • Relieving muscle tension and headache (I noticed this)
  • Lessens menstrual and female hormone symptoms
  • Speeds healing- used in some places to prevent bed sores
  • Can eliminate jet lag
  • Protecting the body from EMFs
  • Shortens recovery time from injury or athletic activity
  • Reducing or eliminating snoring
  • Helping support adrenal health

Who Uses It?

Many on the Tour de France, supposedly including Lance Armstrong used an earthing recovery bag to speed recovery and increase sleep quality while on this endurance race.

Various Olympic swimmers, runners, and triathletes have reported using Earthing and various professional athletes have used Earthing methods as well.

Well known doctor and natural health proponent Dr. Mercola has reportedly been using an Earthing Mat for years.

Does Science Back it Up?
There have been some preliminary studies on the effects of grounding on cortisol levels and inflammation (PDF) and I’m confident that research will continue in this area.

What fascinates me most is the testing done in thermographic imaging, which basically shows a heat map of the body.
Heat patterns can signal inflammation in the body.


The above thermographic image was taken of a woman who complained of stiffness and chronic pain.
The first picture was taken before earthing, and the second, after just 30 minutes of earthing.

The possibility of grounding or earthing resolving inflammation is exciting, as many chronic diseases cause and stem from inflammation in the body. Either way there is nothing to lose by trying earthing, and the book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever is filled with first hand stories of those who have benefited, as well as research and information from doctors, a cardiologist and an electrical engineer.

My Own Experience
I was certainly skeptical at first but figured I had nothing to lose by trying to electrically ground myself.
I make a point to walk barefoot outside each day and purchased an earthing mat to use while I was sleeping, as this is the body’s peak repair time.

To my surprise, I noticed the first night I used the earthing mat that I feel asleep much easier and had no trouble falling back asleep after waking up to nurse the baby.

My husband didn’t believe me until he slept on part of the earthing mat one night and had a noticeable improvement in sleep quality.

I had been sleeping great for about a month and had been falling asleep easily until one night when I was tossing and turning and couldn’t fall asleep for a couple of hours.

The next morning, I realized that the earthing mat had come unplugged!

From what I’ve read, reactions to earthing/grounding can vary drastically.
Some people will notice a difference immediately while others take a few days or weeks.

Others won’t feel any changes but measures of cortisol levels will show improvement.
In general, it seems that the more inflammation one has, the more of a difference will be noticed from grounding.

How to Try It
Obviously, walking outside barefoot is the easiest and cheapest way if you are able.
To work, you must be barefoot and in contact with rock, dirt or water.

The beach/ocean is possibly the best place as not only are sand and salt water extremely conductive, but salt water is also very high in magnesium. Perhaps this is why many people seem to sleep better on vacation at the beach!

If you aren’t able to walk barefoot each day, there is now an alternative called an earthing mat or earthing sheets:
Personally, I use this mat while on my computer (it is under my desk) and an earthing sheet under back each night (needs skin to skin contact) every night and have noticed definite changes.

The basic concept is:

“The grounding mat (or sheet) is an amazing invention that allows you to do earthing while you’re inside a building.
It just plugs in to the grounding wire port of a normal 3-prong outlet or a grounding rod (US and Canada only).

The earth’s natural electrons flow right up through the ground wire and onto the mat, even if you’re in a high rise. The mat comes with an outlet tester you plug in to see if the outlet is configured correctly.”

Of course, the cheapest and easiest way is to spend some time outside barefoot….
Interesting thread. I'm surprised I didn't find it before. But ugh, too much information. What would be a good start?
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Interesting thread. I'm surprised I didn't find it before. But ugh, too much information. What would be a good start?
It’s the biggest thread in the forum...haha.
It is a bit much I’s been a continuing process.
You can go to the search box in the upper right and search “this thread only” for anything you are interested in...I have covered quite a few subjects.
Or I am open to taking requests as I have some really good source sites and material for just about anything you can wonder about.
Start wherever, there is sort of a timeline...there is some kind of personal story about me in-between the stories of strange phenomena and my search for what lies search for what lies you could start at the beginning if you really wanted until you find something that catches your eye.
Please feel free to post here too, stories or otherwise...there is a good group of people here that are a wonderful sounding board and are full of incredible knowledge.
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Something to calm your mind while our Congress destroys affordable healthcare.

Life, Life - Ryuichi Sakamoto & David Sylvian
