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I think everyone shares a bit of all of them at time
@Wyote . I am agreeing. The more I sift through the web page, the more this resonates.

On a side note, I've been working this theory about navigating through all 8 of the cognitive functions as we experience life events and how they correlate to the identities of our True and False selfs. The Michael Teachings have only recapitulated where the journey is headed ;)

See if any of this information is helpful.

The astral plane beings

The astral dimension contains a wide variety of nonphysical energetic life forms, whose intelligence level varies enormously.

The vast majority of each type appear to have their own agendas, like to keep to themselves, and in general do not like being bothered or interfered with. Not counting high-level beings like demigods, angels, and spirit masters, they range from friendly, to occasionally helpful, to playful, to neutral, to mischievous, to malicious, to downright nasty and evil.

These beings appear in a wide variety of illusory forms. Some of the less-intelligent types seem animalistic and predatory by nature, much like the animal and insect wildlife found in the physical dimension: I call these last astral wildlife. Although these all appear to come from somewhere in or near the astral dimension, many are capable of operating in the real-time zone. And some of these, unfortunately, delight in tormenting projectors, especially new ones.

In a way, the astral dimension can be likened to the ocean - given the fluid nature of its many internal environments, you can find absolutely anything there: fish, shellfish, octopi, dolphins, whales, sharks, barracuda, sea snakes, crabs, shrimp, jellyfish, turtles, seals, and penguins, etc., etc. Some ocean wildlife is friendly; some is harmless; some is harmful only when disturbed, annoyed, or hungry; some can be unintentionally harmful; and others are downright dangerous all the time. There are also many travelers, some even from far-off lands, found sailing, flying, or swimming (hereabouts.

Although many parts of the astral planes appear to be full of life, it is fairly rare to meet up with interested beings while traveling there. But it does happen occasionally. Just about every astral plane and realm has some kind of local inhabitants. These life forms often live in specific areas or realms, and often seem quite unaware of any reality or dimensional level other than their own. They are often amazed when they meet an astral traveler. Other types seem to be well aware of other dimensions, but most seem to have little patience with projectors and tend to ignore them.

In a way, approaching astral beings you do not know is very much like approaching strangers in the physical dimension. Most strangers ignore other people, even when politely asked directions or questions. Strangers will, at best, give cursory answers as they hurry away while actively trying to ignore you. Astral beings, too, don't seem to enjoy getting involved with the affairs of strangers, usually having much more important things to do with their time.

While projecting, you'll also occasionally meet up with other projectors like yourself, but most of these will not even be aware they are projecting. Projectors' awareness and memories of their physical existence, of who and what they are, vary greatly. Many seem to be sleepwalking or dreaming, or are just going along with the flow of life and events in an astral realm as if they were a part of it and actually lived there. They are often quite surprised when it is pointed out to them that they can fly, etc.

I suspect this variability in awareness and memory is caused by many factors, such as energetic development and activity, the amount of energy flowing into the projected double from its physical/etheric body, and whether a projector has made a conscious exit and has retained awareness afterward. The conscious exit out of the body seems to cause a much greater flow of energy into the projected double than is usually available to sleep projectors. It is also possible that the unbroken continuance of awareness provided by a conscious-exit projection removes much of the dreamlike qualities associated with existing in other dimensions.

The most important thing to realize about any beings you might come across in the astral dimension is that they are not all dream beings or creations of your own subconscious mind. Intelligent or otherwise, they usually have their own life, meaning, and purpose, whatever that might be. They are, in most cases, not mere decorations to be toyed with or used by any passing astral traveler. And yet, some astral beings will converse with and even actively encourage astral travelers, especially if projectors are courteous and sincere. Like attracts like in the astral planes; if you are friendly and sincere, you are far more likely to meet beings who are also friendly and sincere.

The best conduct and safety rule is to keep to yourself, be polite, and mind your own business unless approached or invited to do otherwise. And - always be ready to move quickly away if anything strange or threatening happens, or if you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Only very rarely will projectors come across advanced spiritual beings, and even more rarely will they encounter angels. In my opinion, angels are a race of highly advanced spiritual beings. They most definitely exist. I have seen angels many times, in OBEs and visions, as well as with my bare eyes on a few rare and precious occasions. They are impossible to track down or find intentionally during an OBE.

They are especially rare in the real-time zone and the low- to midastral planes. You occasionally come across them accidentally, especially in the high-astral and mental dimension. Angels, and other advanced spiritual beings, seem to make themselves visible only when they have a very good reason for doing so. They are definitely not the type to stop and chat in passing.

Angels and advanced spirit beings, unlike most astral inhabitants, do not appear limited to any particular plane or dimension level. They have the ability, I believe, to manifest in any level, even in the real-time zone and the physical dimension. They have the ability to enfold lesser beings in their energy and temporarily transport them into other dimensional levels. In this way, they will often be seen helping the spirits of deceased people to manifest temporarily in the real-time zone, or even to help them appear visibly in the physical dimension itself. This kind of thing always has very good reasons behind it, although those reasons may not be apparent at the time.

Typically, a spirit manifestation like this will begin with a strong buildup of energy in the room, accompanied by many silver motes and tiny sparkles of light. A tangible aura of power and presence spreads throughout the room and the atmosphere becomes electric. A narrow, vertical shaft of brilliant-silver light then appears and quickly expands, as if curtains of light were being drawn apart just wide enough for a person to walk through. A huge gush of brilliant-silver light, along with a tangible feeling of power, excitement, and love spills through this parting in the dimensional veil. The visiting deceased spirit then simply walks through this opening and stands just inside the room, bathed and held within this pool of light.

At this time, if you have the sight and you look further back into the light behind the deceased spirit, you will usually see at least one advanced spirit being or angel standing there, as if patiently waiting a dozen or so feet behind the spirit visitor.

A deceased relative or friend of the visiting spirit will also often be seen standing just behind and to the side of the spirit visitor, often holding a hand or resting a hand on a shoulder.

Astral Ceremonies
Whenever projectors consciously exit their bodies, especially new projectors, there is always a small chance they may find themselves in the middle of some kind of extraordinary ceremony. These are incredibly exciting and powerful events. They are usually very nonthreatening, although they may cause some anxiety simply because of their unusual and powerful nature. These are rare, though, and catch most projectors totally by surprise.

Perhaps this kind of event takes place to mark a significant milestone in a projector's spiritual development and life's path. The projector may be totally unaware of the significance of this first conscious-exit projection, but the higher spirit beings mark it as an occasion that warrants ceremony. Often a projector appears to experience internal changes during these ceremonies. This type of event can have a considerable effect on a projector's belief system and future life path.

I am not suggesting that new projectors should expect anything like this to happen to them, as usually nothing will. And, if nothing does happen, please be thankful for the peace and quiet and use this time to get your astral sea legs, so to speak.

On the other hand, it pays to be prepared for the unexpected at all times ... just in case something extraordinary really does happen.

High-Level Contact
It is possible, while out of body, to contact advanced beings in the astral planes, but this is far more difficult than most people imagine. Just because projectors can get out of their bodies and stumble about the astral planes does not mean they have instant access to advanced spirit beings or guides.

For high-level contact to be made at all-in or out of body - it seems that there must be a genuine need for advice or help. High contact does not always work even then. I suspect this is because the need must be important enough to warrant such intervention. Wanting general advice on life, or having a bucketload of questions, does not seem to fit this bill.

Advanced spirit beings rarely contact or allow themselves to be contacted by humans. Contact will be made when they think it is warranted - when they think the time is right.

Many in our modem world feel directionless, lost, spiritually starved, isolated, and deprived. They naturally yearn for contact with advanced spirit beings to show them the way. They think that if they could only get out of their bodies they could visit these higher beings, or demand an audience, but this just doesn't work. If an advanced being needs to contact someone, it does so. Nothing that person could do would be able to miss or block this contact. People do not need to be out of body, nor psychic nor developed in any way whatsoever for high contact to occur.

High-level contact will occasionally happen during a projection, and I have learned a few projection-related ways of helping this along. Projecting consciously out of body and into the astral planes will often, in itself, precipitate some level of contact with advanced spirit beings. I have found, though, that making any kind of high contact is best thought of as a long-term goal, something to be looked forward to, patiently, while making the most of your life in the best way you can; no one can do any better than that.

The best way to cultivate high-level contact, and to speed this moment along a little, is through regular, meaningful spiritual service and development, complemented by energetic and psychic development, in that particularorder of priority and effort.

There are, however, a few projection-related ways that could encourage high-level contact.

Sending Out a Request
Form a strong intention and hold it in mind every night while falling asleep, especially before making a projection attempt. Visualize and voice this intention, this request, daily through prayers and meditations, or through simple thoughts during quiet moments of each day. Keep this request in the back of your mind during the day, and fall asleep with this on your mind.

This will make your request known on higher levels.

Symptoms of high contact may appear through dreams and lucid dreams, and not through projections.

Projection Method
Immediately after each real-time exit, move at least twenty feet away from your physical body and stop. Stand quietly for a moment and reverently state your request for high contact, speaking aloud or mentally.

Then, leave your house and fix your eyes on the stars above. If it is cloudy, fly above them, or fly into orbit if it's daylight. Pick out the brightest star you can see, or a group of stars that appeals to you, and while holding your request strongly in mind, project toward them at hyperspeed.

Feel yourself moving toward the target and feel it moving toward you.

This will cause a dimensional shift into the astral planes and will, hopefully, transport you to a higher-than-normal level, where you will have more chance of finding the contact you desire.

Asking for Directions
Astral travelers often come across intelligent astral beings, and some will be kind and helpful. They may not have the answers the traveler seeks, but some will proffer advice or give directions, if approached with respect and asked nicely. Some astral beings often seem a bit out of place when you find them, just sitting or standing about looking very unimportant. They seem to delight in tricking projectors and testing out their true nature and intention.

They may appear as a small child, an old beggar, or even an animal of some kind. They may appear as a beautiful young man or woman, often scantily clad and with a sexually provocative demeanor. This last is a severe test, as projectors must control not only their thoughts, but also their primal instincts and urges.

These beings can be very hard to spot, appearing as absolutely anything, and will usually pick something a projector would least expect. If approached in just the right way, they will often be found to be far more than what they appear to be. Some are only too pleased to give advice and directions, although this will often be a bit on the cryptic side. They may not, as I said, have the answers the projector seeks, but will often point them in the right direction, which is a very good start indeed.

Alternatively, advanced spirit beings often appear as something more easily recognizable. They will thus often appear in a more traditional and acceptable guise, such as a wise man or woman, often in a form taken from the mind of the projector. Many people today believe they have a spirit guide of a particular appearance and name.

An advanced spirit being will sometimes take on this guise to make a planned contact.

The Priest and the Curse - Experience
A good example of high-level contact came about recently when I had a serious problem. I had been studying the dynamics of psychic attack, and had allowed a fairly strong attack to continue on my person for a little too long before attempting to break away from it. I was observing the methods and tactics used by the perpetrator, and by the entities involved, and was experimenting with wards and countermeasures. It had been ongoing, on and off, for several months.

The attack was complex, but my biggest problems were exhaustion and stress. I had found a significant energy blockage in my right hip, which had appeared sometime during the course of the attack. This was draining me of energy and causing a lot of pain. I was in a real mess and could feel myself getting steadily weaker.

I could not even balance myself well enough to meditate properly, especially at night. To tell the truth I was getting a bit worried by the mess I'd gotten myself into. The experiment had seemed like a good idea at the time, but I would not recommend this kind of thing to the fainthearted. On a brighter note, I learned a great deal from all of this, which added significantly to my knowledge of these matters.

After a great deal of effort, I finally managed to project, albeit somewhat weakly, out of my body. I immediately formed a strong request for help and projected to the stars, aiming for the brightest star in the Southern Cross. My vision blurred and I experienced a brief tunnel-of-light effect as the dimensional shift took me, before it cleared and solidified. I found myself in a candlelit room with rough stone walls and floor.

Twenty feet or so in front of me sat a being, in appearance a small, thin old priest well into his eighties. He was wearing a full-length white cotton robe with a plain rope belt tied at the waist, A white skullcap covered the back of his balding gray head, his hair cut very short around this. For all his apparent age, his face seemed young and soft and his eyes sparkled with wisdom, strength, and gentle kindness. Across his lap lay a wide sash, white with gold knotted tassels and edging, with a beautiful gold crucifix emblazoned on it.

Around his neck hung a simple gold chain holding a small gold crucifix. I was standing outside a wide circle of candles surrounding him. I stepped up to the circle and introduced myself, feeling a tangible sensation of love and raw power emanating from this insignificant-looking being. The priest looked up at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he nodded a pleasant greeting.

He beckoned me to come closer and I sat facing him, cross-legged on the floor as he was.

I told him my whole story and of the trouble I was in. He listened quietly, eyes half-closed, occasionally asking pertinent questions and steering my discourse. I found him very easy to talk to, and love and respect for him blossomed within me. After I was done talking, the priest sat for a while with his eyes closed then began speaking quietly, offering advice and generally clearing the air about the whole situation. I learned a great deal from this conversation and listened intently. His knowledge and wisdom in these matters astounded me. Never before had I met anyone, living or otherwise, with whom I could talk on this level.

At one point, as the priest began talking about my right hip, he moved his hands and beckoned me toward him. I felt myself gripped in a powerful force. I was rolled onto my side and drawn to lie horizontally in front of the priest, facing him, floating just off the floor, suddenly finding myself naked. The priest moved his small hands over my body and finally laid them on my hip. My hip joint moved and felt like it was being turned inside out. This did not hurt but felt rather uncomfortable.

The priest moved his hands slowly back and a murky-dark, roughly shoebox-shaped object, shot through with dull-reddish and orange lumps and grisly black lines floated out of my hip.

He pulled this away from my skin slightly and showed me angry red and black cords extending like sticky strings into my hip, groin, and upper thigh. It was an ugly-looking thing and felt like it was attached to my nerves in those areas. When the priest moved his hands under it, I could feel nerves tugging and twanging uncomfortably, deep inside my body.

He smiled with interest and said:

"Goodness, I have not seen one of these in ages. Most of them wear off after a few years, but one like this can last for generations".

"What is it?" I asked.

"A curse, most likely from a witch", he decreed, "and a powerful one at that. I would say you've had this for a very long time. You will remember how you got it one day", he said, stopping what he was doing for a moment and looking deep into my eyes. "And then you must come back and see me again. Luckily, being so old, it's in a greatly weakened state, although still quite active. It seems to have been altered many times, and is now working in a way it was not designed for. This has probably come about through the many attacks you have suffered during your earthly life, especially this current one.

"You have powerful enemies, Robert. Curses like this affect the atmosphere around a person, causing false attractions and repulsions in them, and in the people around them, something like a bad luck charm, only much worse. The energetic fields emanating from this device cause disruptions in the currents of universal law; much as a steel object can interfere with the accuracy of a magnetic compass.

"Curses like this are not of your world. They are usually designed to have a particular negative effect. This is most likely the reason why the source of your current attack was attracted to you in the first place, and why she has been able to cause you so much trouble. I'll see what I can do with it".

With that, the priest reverently lifted and laid the wide sash over my hip.

He then closed his eyes and began speaking softly in a tongue I did not understand, although it sounded a bit like Latin. A brilliant-white light then spouted from his hands and bored deep inside me, all around and through the strange thing on my hip. I felt nerves twanging and pricking and then a tickling, almost erotic, feeling flooded through my groin as the thing brightened suddenly and then faded. It changed visibly, filling with sparkling-white motes of light, then dissolved back inside my body.

"Robert, please listen to me very carefully. Mine is the magic that binds and releases. I cannot harm, remove, or destroy this thing for you. It is alive in its own special way and I cannot kill it for you. I can only bind it in such a way that its effects on you will be reduced to a more tolerable level. Only you can remove this, but first you must remember how you got it, who gave it to you, and, most importantly, why they would do such a terrible thing".

It felt like a great weight had been lifted off me and my hip felt tender and a little numb. The numbness spread and soon became an intense buzzing. The priest's face slowly faded as the stone room disappeared and my own room materialized around me. I slid down and gently swam back into my body.

I came wide awake to find my right hip and thigh really were numb and buzzing, so I took a limping walk around the house (raiding the fridge in passing) until it settled down to a more comfortable level, I returned to bed an hour later and soon fell peacefully asleep, voicing my thanks in prayer to the wonderful being I had just met.

After being under attack for so long, night after night after night, the peace and quiet and lack of activity in my room was tangible, like a healing balm to me. I awoke the next morning greatly refreshed, with no cramps or pain at all and my hip felt a whole lot better. The aftermath of this experience was that I grew quickly stronger and the debilitating effects of the psychic attack reduced considerably.

As soon as I was strong enough, with a few more good nights' sleep under my belt, I broke the connection and threw off the attack completely.

Thought Form or Nonphysical Life-Form?
There is a popular argument, regularly put today, that all negative-type nonphysical entities are simply thought forms, created and propagated spontaneously or deliberately by the fears, thoughts, and fantasies of mankind. These are generally considered manifestations of the darker side of the collective consciousness of mankind, given form in the lower astral subplanes over an extended period of time. These are also thought of as something like independent, self-motivated thought forms.

I believe that this is a simplistic way of accepting the obvious existence of nonphysical beings, as simple thought forms. It avoids the uncomfortable issues raised by the possibility that some negative life forms may have different origins and be completely independent. This last possibility upsets many people's framework of how the universe works.

Entertaining this possibility seems to foster belief-system confusion, discomfort, and insecurity in many people. This also generates a feeling of helplessness when confronted by something they actively wish to discount and disbelieve in. The majority of people, I have found, do not like to believe in or talk about the existence of devils and demons, demonic realms, and other nasties that might go bump in the night.

Similarly, many people disbelieve there may be any other intelligent life form in the universe: All UFO sightings are explainable as natural phenomena or weather balloons. Accepting the possibility of intelligent alien life forms, possibly with a higher level of intelligence and technology than our own, fosters deep-seated belief-system confusion, discomfort, and insecurity - simply through the many issues this possibility raises.

There is a fine distinction, I believe, between real nonphysical life forms from another dimension, and simple thought forms. Many nonphysical life forms, while generally classified today as mindless thought forms, seem to originate from other dimensions entirely, possibly even from dimensions parallel to our own. The distinction between these types, thought forms or independent beings, is basically one of intelligence. Their limitations of intelligence are shown by their ability to think, adapt, and innovate.

Thought forms, by nature, are mental creations, and exhibit only the behavioral traits or intelligence programmed into them during their creation. They have no innate natural intelligence with which to think, adapt, and innovate when faced with new and intellectually challenging situations.

True nonphysical life forms, on the other hand, would logically have some level of natural intelligence, and would therefore be capable of some adaptation and innovation. The level of flexibility and originality exhibited would, obviously, be set by their level of intelligence. This would make classification through the observation of their reactions to stimulus at least feasible.

If all negative entities are thought forms, then logically so are all positive entities, including all advanced spirit beings, spirit guides, and angels. And it cannot be said that our universe-living physical beings as well as nonphysical beings - contains only positive manifestations of consciousness. In my life and explorations I have found distinct similarities between the physical dimension and nonphysical dimensions like the astral. Each contains both positive and negative aspects, and many subtle gradients in between.

This whole argument does not appear to have any reasonable solution. Neither type can be captured, examined, dissected, and properly classified, or even accurately traced back to its origins, in anything resembling a reliable scientific way. This leaves observation, experience, and reasoning as the only tools with which to form any kind of opinion. It becomes a bit of a moot point when you have to deal with astral wildlife and other nonphysical beings of any type on a firsthand basis.

I will, therefore, continue to expound on this subject as I see it, according to my own observations, experience, and reasoning.

Lower Subplane Wildlife
The most troublesome types of astral wildlife appear to come from the notorious lower astral subplanes that contain the darker and more negative aspects of the astral planes. These can be likened to parallel shadows of the more positively oriented parts of the astral planes. While still a part of the astral planes, technically speaking, they are a distinctly separate aspect or part of it, containing all the darker qualities. Another way of looking at this is to consider this to be the night side of the astral planes.

Low astral wildlife normally seem capable of operating only in dimensions similar to or lower than their dimension of origin.

This is reasonable, based on the energetic limitations set by their nature and dimensional level of origin. Some of these beings do seem capable of operating in the real-time zone. (The real-time zone can be thought of as being fairly neutral territory, dimensionally speaking.)

All lower types, regardless of classification or origin, appear to be predatory loners showing varying degrees of strength, intelligence, and ability. Negative beings exhibit a cold and almost insectlike nature. Higher feelings like love, compassion, and mercy are totally alien to them. This does not, however, mean they are evil; it just means they have no higher feelings. A garden spider has no higher feelings; it is not evil for killing and eating a beautiful butterfly. It is a spider and acts according to its nature; spiders feed on insects to survive.

In my experience, negative types do not work well together, regardless of possible shared origins. They usually appear to be quite aggressive and combative toward each other, which results in a distinct pecking order whenever they are found together. Astral wildlife may sometimes be forced to work together, temporarily, through circumstances where they have a common interest or need.

Astral wildlife can manifest in an enormous variety of illusory and changeable forms. Regular favorites are ugly grinning monkeys, gargoyles, and harpy forms. Some seem to prefer a more traditional horned-demon look, while others go for a more contemporary appearance. These latter forms are possibly modeled on horror movies and TV shows, or even from the modem nightmares of mankind.

The size and appearance of an entity, as seen by a projector, or with real-time or astral sight, gives no fair indication of its actual strength and intelligence. Many small and weak entities seem to delight in looking big and dangerous, much as an animal will fluff up its fur during a confrontation to make itself seem bigger.

Stronger and more intelligent entities do not seem to bother overmuch with pretense and may even use their original form - if they have one, that is. I have seen entities the size of polar bears run screaming when "BOO!" is said to them. I have also seen others the size and appearance of large rats with which I would not interfere by choice.

Many entities seem to choose a form taken from the mind of a projector (which indicates some degree of telepathic ability) and use it to generate the maximum possible level of fear. This is a very good reason for projectors to keep their minds clear and mask their true feelings when they encounter or are forced to deal with astral wildlife.

The weaker and by far the most common types of astral wildlife, those responsible for the majority of elemental and dweller-type scare attacks (see chapter 34) seem to have little power of their own. These are fairly weak, timid creatures and their appearance is always a greatly exaggerated illusion. They generally avoid direct encounters with projectors, and usually beat a hasty retreat whenever approached by a projector with a firm or confrontational attitude. Most negative entities dislike direct attention and actively avoid being seen.

Some types of astral wildlife seem attracted to, and possibly even feed on, the energetic vibrations generated and broadcast by overly fearful projectors. Continued fear and timidity on the part of a projector seems to make astral wildlife more aggressive.

Their intimidating behavior is, however, always without direct attack. This indicates they are not capable of mounting a direct attack on a projector, and my experience supports this. Increased and continuing fear on the part of a projector will often attract others of the same type, thus increasing their numbers and making things generally worse for a projector. Still, the appearance of these types is quite rare.

The vast majority of astral wildlife do not, I believe, have the power to directly injure a projector, but caution is always advised in these matters. It is commonly thought that nonphysical entities of any type are completely harmless to projectors, and are only capable of scaring them. While this is generally true, as with the elemental and dweller types discussed later in this book (see chapter 34), there are exceptions. Real-time, astral, and all higher bodies are virtually invulnerable, and definitely cannot be destroyed or killed.

But it is possible to suffer energetic damage and weakness through intense or prolonged attack by the stronger and more intelligent types of nonphysical entities.

Cases of this are extremely rare, but if the energetic substance of a projected double became damaged, this damage could reflect back into its physical body. In this case, the physical body could experience unusual tiredness. Even more rarely, swellings, rashes, and strange marks could also appear on the physical body. These are much like the swellings, watery blisters, and rashes that are an occasional side effect of energetic development work (see chapter 13), especially during the early stages when energetic pathways are being cleared and conditioned. All these symptoms heal unusually quickly, often disappearing within just a few hours. The energy body heals and restores itself very quickly if its substance is disturbed or damaged in any way.

Any significant attack causing energy substance loss in the projected double has a fail-safe side effect. It causes the immediate abortion of that projection as a reflex action.

Projection is a delicately balanced process involving a constant two-way energetic-cum-telepathic exchange between the physical body and its projected double. It does not take much to interfere with this process and cause it to abort, resulting in the immediate return of the projected double to the safety of its physical body.

Please keep in mind here that attacks, and especially attacks causing actual energetic damage or substance loss, are rare in the extreme and not something to overly worry about. The risk is roughly equivalent to a recreational swimmer being seriously injured by dangerous marine life. For the average swimmer, injuries are fairly rare events, with the biggest danger being nothing more than an occasional jellyfish sting.

Professionals and deep-sea divers, however, spend a great deal more time in unexplored and untamed ocean depths, and thus face a slightly greater risk of harm than do recreational swimmers. This also applies to frequent projectors, especially those with a natural propensity for the more occult and metaphysical aspects of out-of-body exploration. Lastly, this also applies to the more experienced projectors who actively help people suffering from psychic attacks and other such entity-related problems.

To the best of my knowledge, if projectors mind their own business, stay calm, use common sense, and project away if they ever find themselves in a bad situation, they have very little to worry about. Out of all the thousands of projection-related case histories I have been consulted on, I have only come across a very small handful of situations where really troublesome astral wildlife were involved.

In the majority of these cases, once this situation was confronted with a braver and more positive attitude, the problem entities, whether real or imagined, simply vanished.
Work station and Wand in progress....

See if any of this information is helpful.
Hi-- yes, Thank you for all of your effort and time, that read was very enlightening.

Now I wonder if I was astral "lost" and this figure returned me (?) I don't purposely project. There have been times that I have felt I had just gotten back from "somewhere". There has been a few occurances when I've felt I was getting back into bed yet wasn't out of bed. I blamed these on sleep-walking events. There has been a lifetime of odd "occurances". (it is freeing to have a place to discuss them).

My gut instinct tells me this thing was not harmful...rather peaceful. I'll have to admit there is a lot of odd things going on in the house right now. And the air is "thick", a heaviness. My step-mom died here in 2013 and some of the family thinks her energy is still here. I disagree, I think that energy is attached to my step-sister, and transient.

Observation and insights is my only asset right now. Otherwise I'd be driving myself buggy. ;)

Thank you again for the information. It takes me a little longer than most to digest such a big read.
Hi-- yes, Thank you for all of your effort and time, that read was very enlightening.

Now I wonder if I was astral "lost" and this figure returned me (?) I don't purposely project. There have been times that I have felt I had just gotten back from "somewhere". There has been a few occurances when I've felt I was getting back into bed yet wasn't out of bed. I blamed these on sleep-walking events. There has been a lifetime of odd "occurances". (it is freeing to have a place to discuss them).

My gut instinct tells me this thing was not harmful...rather peaceful. I'll have to admit there is a lot of odd things going on in the house right now. And the air is "thick", a heaviness. My step-mom died here in 2013 and some of the family thinks her energy is still here. I disagree, I think that energy is attached to my step-sister, and transient.

Observation and insights is my only asset right now. Otherwise I'd be driving myself buggy. ;)

Thank you again for the information. It takes me a little longer than most to digest such a big read.

Yeah...I didn’t get much from my meditations in regards to this today, probably because today is the 10th anniversary of my Dad’s’s kind of overshadowed everything today.

I will continue to find information for you may have noticed though, I haven’t been on much lately.
I go through phases of being on here and then not for a while, though I still check in once in a while.

I find it difficult to think that this is something negative for the reasons that you outlined but also it’s lack of reaction toward you.
If it was negative, I have no doubt that it would have reacted to you by some kind of attack or it would flee in fear.
Keep me posted and I will keep looking!
10 Years since my Dad passed away certainly doesn’t seem like that long at all.
I know in my heart that this life is but a blink of an eye - I saw and understood this in a dream after he died.
Still miss him in the meantime.
He was (is) a good man, Father, Husband.

Dad army.jpg
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About The Astral Plane

Here is a lesson in how to astral project.
Please note this article is for newbies with a few tips for harder stuff.

I do it slightly differently by skipping certain steps or not going to the full detail of them.
I do this because this is not my first time astral projecting and also I am a natural at this.

I do not recommend at all skipping steps if this is your first time.

Astral projection, also known as A.P., is the ability to mentally and spiritually leave your body and travel the world around you.
When you project, you enter into a plane.

The most commonly known and visited plane is what is known as the astral plane.
This has been misnamed because the astral plane is really a term that sums up all the planes that exist and not just one plane.

So, what I like to call this well-known plane is the Real Time.
This plane shows us Earth and all of space.

Everything you see on Earth you will see with you A.P.
There are many other planes that you can go to.

Psionics are constantly discovering a new plane.
There is one plane that is most visited because this is the plane everyone starts projecting to.

It is called the Real Time Zone plane, due to the fact that the plane is an exact copy of the world you see, breathe, and live in.

There is no limit of how far you can go and you can always return to your body whenever you wish.
You can meet people in this state.

They can be either A.P.’ing themselves or just noticing you.
If they are not projecting, they must be strong enough in psionics to be able to sense your presences.

This will not work with your newbie friend.
You can return to your body anytime by either opening your eyes and break the link or by returning to your body.

You can not be hurt while A.P.’ing, but you can be mentally attacked.
Astral projection will have no physical effect on you because you are using energy indirectly.

Here is my first astral projection that I was conscious and aware of.
I suspect that I have been unconsciously and without meaning to, projected before, because the feeling is very familiar and it might explain why I was able to project on my first try.

“A few days ago I was in my room, near my window at night. The lights were out and I was trying to sense the outdoors with my eyes closed. At first, I saw my window through a third person view. Then I found myself outside. I could see the willow tree we have and the next door neighbor’s house. I could feel the slight breeze and the cool of the night. I could almost smell the air. This was all in my head. I finally opened my eyes and it did feel like I had left myself and came back. It was SO weird and yet cool at the same time.”

Step 1: Clean Slate

For sitting or lying down, this step is a must.
Clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions.

Your mind must be empty and still.
You will need full concentration for this skill.

If you sneeze or stop yourself for any reason, you will have to start all over again.
Relax and get rid of any fears you have about astral projecting.

You will have to really want to do this in order for this to work.
Any fear you have about the astral plane or leaving your body will keep you from being successful.

Step 2: Get In Touch

In order to astral project, you will have to feel and control your spirit.
Your spirit is your soul, personality, what makes you, you.

To do this, feel yourself.
I do not mean physically.

Close your eyes and think about yourself.
Who are you?

What do you think about when you think of you?

Step 3: Rising and Visualizing

What you are going to do is project your astral body, also known as your spirit, out of you.
Imagine a ghost of yourself.

Picture the ghost like a see-through view of you.
Now, imagine a fan below you, blowing air through your body.

Visualize the fan blowing the ghost gently and slowly out of your body.

Now, picture what it would look like to be floating a few inches above your live body from a first person point of view.
You will be looking at the ceiling if you are lying down.

With that picture of the floating ghost and feeling your spirit, let your spirit become the ghost and float slowly up.
Have your spirit float to that spot in the air, looking at the ceiling.

It is the closest feeling to levitating without actually doing it.
You may feel like you are in two places at once.

It will feel like you can feel your alive body and your ap body at the same time.
This is called bi locating.

This happens because your focus is divided.
This is ok and you should not be afraid.

Place your focus on A.P.’ing.

Step 4: Moving and Seeing

Although floating in the air is fun, it will get old quickly.
To get your feet on the ground, just float downward and at an angle to straighten your body up so you will be standing.

Take a moment to stop and look around.
Notice the details around you.

If the room is dark, what you should see is a dark room.
Some details may be less noticeable than when you are in your room awake.

Some details will stand out more.
Do not get worried if your eye sight isn’t there at first or isn’t very clear.

This problem will go away as you adjust to the astral plane.
You can still use and feel psi to help you move about.

Step 5: Walking

I have read in people’s experiences and articles that you have to teach yourself how to walk.
At first, I disagreed with this notion about having to learn how to walk, but after carefully A.P.’ing several times I realized what these people meant by walking.

When we walk to the kitchen we don’t think about picking up our feet and then placing it ahead of the other foot.
We just move with no conscious thought to it unless we trip or our balance is off.

Most of the time we are hardly aware of the movement involved with walking.
When we walk in our astral body we just think of where we want to go and just go there.

So for practice look for the door to your room and walk over to the door.
Practice walking around the house.

I promise you no one will see you or know that you are “out” of bed.

Other Things To Try:

Coming Out

Once you have master A.P.’ing while lying down you can experiment coming out of your body in different ways.
If you are sitting on the ground or in a chair you can practice aping standing up.

Just image what it would be like to stand up and ap to that view.

AP’ing With Change

If you want a more challenging place to project to, try a location with change.
What I mean by change is with things moving.

I would suggest outside in a place that is nearby and you know well.

Do steps 1-3.
Take a moment to notice the air and your surroundings.

Is it raining, snowing, thunder and lighting?
Is it very windy?

Are the trees, grass and flags moving?
Look for cars and people going by.

Please note only a well trained psion would have any idea you are there.

AP’ing To An Unknown Place:

I have heard from a lot of newbies that want to travel to a place they never have been to.
While it is possible to project to Antarctica, it will be very difficult.

It is hard, because you do not know what Antarctica looks like in real life.
It is not enough to look at the tv, books, and web cams.

Everything always looks different once you are there.
Also, you need to know the exact location you are going to project to.

The more you know about the area and the exact spot you are going to ap to the easier it will be.

Astral Projection can be hard because it demands experience with energy and you must be able to think in a certain way.
Not everyone can project and most beginners can’t.

Do not give up if you project the first time.
There are many ways to ap and this is mine.

Remember the old saying about practice makes perfect.
It is true for all psion skills.

Astral projection for most people can be the hardest skill in the psionic field.
There are many different methods to project and this particular method may not work for you.

If so, please go to other sites for different techniques and do not get discouraged if projecting takes you several weeks to several months.
Astral projection is a very personal type of skill and it may take you some time before you find the right way for you.

Keep trying and good luck on your trips.
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Harvard study shows meditation rebuilds brain's gray matter in 8 weeks

Eight weeks to a better brain.

Test subjects taking part in an 8-week program of mindfulness meditation showed results that astonished even the most experienced neuroscientists at Harvard University.

The study was led by a Harvard-affiliated team of researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital, and the team’s MRI scans documented for the very first time in medical history how meditation produced massive changes inside the brain’s gray matter.

“Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day,” says study senior author Sara Lazar of the MGH Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Program and a Harvard Medical School instructor in psychology.

“This study demonstrates that changes in brain structure may underlie some of these reported improvements and that people are not just feeling better because they are spending time relaxing.”

Sue McGreevey of MGH writes: “Previous studies from Lazar’s group and others found structural differences between the brains of experienced meditation practitioners and individuals with no history of meditation, observing thickening of the cerebral cortex in areas associated with attention and emotional integration.

But those investigations could not document that those differences were actually produced by meditation.”
Until now, that is.

The participants spent an average of 27 minutes per day practicing mindfulness exercises, and this is all it took to stimulate a major increase in gray matter density in the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with self-awareness, compassion, and introspection.

McGreevey adds: “Participant-reported reductions in stress also were correlated with decreased gray-matter density in the amygdala, which is known to play an important role in anxiety and stress. None of these changes were seen in the control group, indicating that they had not resulted merely from the passage of time.”

“It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life,” says Britta Hölzel, first author of the paper and a research fellow at MGH and Giessen University in Germany.
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Astral Properties

O.O.B.E. stands for out-of-body experience.
Many people get confused with the difference between O.O.B.E.’s and astral projection.

There is no real difference between O.O.B.E. and A.P. O.O.B.E. is considered to be the more scientific term, although science had barely touched the subject.

Astral projection is thought to be the more spiritual term, but both terms mean the same thing.
Under the category of out of body experiences there is near-death experiences, astral projection, bi- and triplication.

Although most O.O.B.E. happens when the person is asleep, or close to sleep, O.O.B.E.’s can be done when awake.
O.O.B.E.’s can be done consciously or unconsciously.

People do not need training to do an O.O.BE, but psions are likely to have an easier time doing an O.O.B.E. on command.
For people who unconsciously, but are awake, have an O.O.B.E., they describe the experience as seeing the room or environment with an unusual clarity and a different point of view, other than their own.

The people say that they feel like they have stepped out of their body for a minute and can see the world around them.


Projecting yourself and walking seems pretty fun and wild, but there is much more that can be done in the astral plane.
There are many properties of the astral plane and what be done while astral projecting. T

here first rule to remember is a hard one to remember.
The rule is anything is possible in the astral plane.

Only your mind will stop you.

On earth, we are bound to the laws of gravity.
In the astral plane, there is no gravity.

You can jump as far was you want.
You can throw a ball as far as you want.

You can be light or heavy as you want.
You can be as strong as you want.

You can run faster than you ever have and not get tired.
Many people find joy in flying around their home.

You can walk through anything you want to.
You can walk through wood, stone, fire, ice and so on.

Your astral body can not die and can not receive any long lasting damage.
You will not feel any pain to your astral body, but that does not stop your earth body to feel pain, heat or cold.

There is an interesting ability that can be done in the astral plane and it is called manifestation.
On earth, manifestation is possible, but hard to do.

Manifestation is the ability, through hard and constant concentration, to make certain events happen.
In the astral plane, manifestation takes a more literal meaning.

You can just think of an object and it will appear.
If you want a cup of water, just think of the exact cup of water you want and it will appear.

You can create anything you want through thought.

The astral plane also contains psi.
For a psion this means you can safely and privately practice anything from meditation to telekinesis.

It is said that transferring skills from what you learned in the astral plane to real life is not as hard as one would think.
A psion can also affect their body in a positive way in the astral plane.

You can practice healing your body in the astral plane, or have someone, project and heal your astral body, which will heal your physical body.

Bilocation and Trilocation:

There are two ideas of what bilocation is.
The first idea is bi location means you are being at two places at once.

This type of bilocation is the documented witness of a teacher’s double, though not a twin, being spotted in a school.
Students would spot an exact version of her in another part of the school.

It turns out that the teacher was astral projecting herself in a way that could be seen.

The second idea of what bilocation is, is the idea of being aware of your astral body being in the astral plane and being aware of your physical body.
This ability serves no purpose other than to increase your awareness, learning to strengthen your projecting skills and to increase focus and concentration skills.

Both methods are hard to achieve and take practice.

Trilocation is a bit more complex an idea, taking off from the second bilocation definition.
You can have more than one astral body in the astral plane, but it is hard to see through two different points of view at once.

This skill allows you to be able to view your astral body or what is behind you.
Trilocation is when you are aware of your physical body, your astral body, and then another astral body that you project near you.

This is extremely hard to do and your focus on each part of you will not be crystal clear.
The Myths of Astral Projection

There are two common reasons why people can not astral project and the reasons are falling asleep while trying to project and fear of the astral plane. Falling asleep is an easy problem to fix.

Some solutions are to keep your self a bit cold, keep yourself a bit hungry.
Drink something sugary, but be careful with caffeine.

Caffeine can help some stay awake and increase their concentration, or it can distract and make others lose focus.
It is advised not to try to project when you go to bed, or you will be tempted to fall asleep.

If you are still having trouble staying awake, remove any blankets on you, to keep yourself a bit uncomfortable.
Try sitting up, rather than lying down.

You will want your body to relax until the body falls asleep, but the mind should be awake and alert.
Fear, being the other factor for not being able to project, is a much harder and more complex problem to solve.

As human beings, we tend to fear the unknown and what we do not understand.
Since there is little known about the astral plane, we naturally fear it.

The fear is escalated by the fact the few dangers of the astral plane are over hyped.
There is very little danger to projecting and the danger is highly unlikely to happen to you on your first few visits.

Although no information can be verified with science, and many definitions are argued, this article will present some of the sides and ideas.
To deal with this fear, one must recognize it, understand it, and face the fear.

So let’s go into the various fears.

Some people are scared of what they may see the first time they project.
These people are scared of seeing a ghost or a demon.

There are many ideas of what a demon is, but the generally accepted definition is an astral being, who tend to be self centered, cunning, and seductive to others.

This personality leads people into thinking that a demon is purely evil, looking to attack and or/kill innocent beings, but is rarely true.

Through some research, it is found that most people believe in demons due to their religion has taught the people to beware of demons.
Some of these religions have made the image of a demon seem like a monstrous creature or spirit, also known as an entity, who wants to harm others.

Our society had helped popularize demons in books, television, and in movies.
Some people believed that you mostly attract negative entities if your own personality is evil and corrupt, or you are actively looking for trouble.

So, needless to say, do not go searching for demons and chances are, though not guaranteed you will not find any.

Although I am not religious, and do not believe in monstrous creatures, I have encountered one entity in the last three years.
He was a human and did mean harm me for self gain.

It is my opinion, that demons do not exist, (I am aware that many others disagree) but there are spirits, dead humans, whose living, violent personality transferred with the spirit when the person died.

I believe that belief (or not) of demons is not necessary to encounter such an astral being.

A frequent question many new psions ask: Is it possible to get lost in the astral plane?
The also asked if a person can lose their real body while astral projecting and be trapped in the astral plane.

The short, simple answer to both questions is no, neither are possible.
The reason for this is when you open your eyes, or consciously stop projecting, you astral body instantly returns to your real body.

If you are wondering where your body is, just think about your real body and you will feel the link between the astral and real body.
Some people believe there is a silver cord, an ethereal cord made of energy, connecting the astral to the real body, but this is much debated.

So, if you were to project to the Amazon and did not know where you were, you could just open your eyes and find yourself back in your room.

Of course, this answer leads to another common question: can someone get stuck outside their body?
Once again the answer is no, but with one slight exception.

There is a type of astral projection called a near death experience (NDE).
The person will find them selves temporally trapped and unable to enter the body.

There is one more fear of a spirit, good or bad, entering, and controlling the body, while your spirit is out.
Some people believe this to impossible due to the fact you only have control over your own body.

Going back to the fear of seeing entities, some people fear being attacked by a ghost, demon, or a spirit guide.
The chance of being attacked is low and especially small during the first few projections.

Most people who do get attacked, as rare as that is, were looking for a fight or letting their imagination run wild.
If you are getting attacked, there is a very easy way to escape.

Just open your eyes and the projection will stop.
The attacker can not cause physical harm to you at any time, astral projecting or not.

If you feel that you must fight this entity, all fighting methods are available along with psionics.
If you think a spirit guide is the attacker, and then know this is not your spirit guide.

Guides are thoroughly taught and tested to make sure they only guide and not harm you.

Some people are scared about dying in the astral plane.
To clear this myth up, know that you can not die on the astral plane.

A person can get hurt to the point they should have died, but they will not die.
A person could be attacked, had their limbs ripped apart and yet still be alive in real life and be able to project again, and with the astral body fully repaired.

Other people think if you die in the astral plane, you die in real life.
This is an extremely rare occurrence and usually a person would withdraw back to their body.

It is possible to be attacked on the plane and feel physical pain in the real world.

Another fear is about coming back to the real body.
Many people experience an unpleasant whoosh feeling as the astral body merges with the real body.

The return of the astral body can make a person dizzy, disoriented, or weak.
The feeling will stop after a few seconds.

Returning to the body does not cause harm, like a heart attack, to the real body, but it is advised to not stand up for a few minutes.

Manifestation is an ability that can be done on the astral plane to create anything. It is done by thinking of the object.
An example, is you project and wanting an apple.

To manifest an apple, all you do is think of the apple, in good detail, in your hand and the apple will appear.
The trouble with manifestation is it will manifest your fears or desires without you being aware of it happening.

So, if you strongly fear meeting a demon, your mind will manifest this demon.
The demon is not real, but your fear has made it real.

It is important to recognize your fears, take a deep breath, and calm them down before you project.
Your trips will be more real and fun.

The last fear that is common is the fear of being pulled out of your body against your will.
Let it be known that you can not be pulled out of your body, by anyone, if you do not want to.

This means no friend, stranger, guide, or other spirit can pull your out with out you allowing them to.
You have ultimate control over yourself and what you do.

Hopefully, many of your problems with astral projection have been solved now that you know the common problems people have.
You know how to combat the temptation of sleep and what fears there, why we fear them, and what to do about them.

Hopefully, you will fear no more, find no mental barriers, and can now astral project for the first, experience full time.

Scientists create 'impossible' new form of matter with fourth dimension

A new kind of matter – dubbed a “time crystal” – has been created by two teams of scientists in a feat once considered theoretically impossible, and could lead to quantum computer breakthrough.

Normal crystals, anything from diamonds to snowflakes, have atoms arranged in a repeating three-dimensional lattice.

However the atoms in time crystals – the existence of which was first suggested in 2012 – repeat a pattern across the fourth dimension, time.

This essentially means they should oscillate forever without any external influence.

Before their apparent creation, some researchers had expressed doubt that time crystals could be made as perpetual motion contradicts the laws of physics.

But it is thought to be possible partly because of the strange way matter behaves at the quantum level.

A time crystal seems to be a closed system, so no energy is lost to the outside world.
And it also appears to have properties similar to superconductors so electrons can move without any resistance.

This allows the observed motion to continue, theoretically at least, for all time.

The practical applications are thought to be far off, but it is believed the crystals’ unique properties could help make quantum computing a reality.

Prototype quantum computers exist, but need to be heavily shielded from the slightest interference from the outside world.
The crystals could help protect the stored information, overcoming one of the greatest obstacles to the widespread use of computers many millions of times faster than the ones used today.

One of the teams, led by researchers at Maryland University, created the first time crystal from electrically charged atoms of the element ytterbium.

They used an electric field to levitate 10 of these atoms above a surface, then repeatedly hit them with a pulse from a laser.

The atoms began to flip in a regular pattern by themselves, but they did so in an odd way.
Rather than moving at the same rate as the laser pulses, they flipped at half the pace.

The researchers compared this to hitting a piano key twice, but just getting one note, or squeezing a sponge regularly but seeing it rebound only once every second squeeze.

This, apparently, is the tell-tale sign of a time crystal.
The purported breakthrough was revealed in October last year, but the scientific world has been waiting to see the full details in a peer-reviewed journal.

The Maryland team and another led by experts at Harvard University have now published separate papers in Nature, one of the world’s leading journals.

Professor Andrew Potter, of Texas University at Austin, who was part of the Maryland-led team, said: “This opens the door to a whole new world of non-equilibrium phases.

“We’ve taken these theoretical ideas that we’ve been poking around for the last couple of years and actually built it in the laboratory.

“Hopefully, this is just the first example of these, with many more to come.”

However, in a commentary published by Nature, one leading expert in the field suggested more research was needed to prove without doubt that time crystals truly exist.

Professor Chetan Nayak, of University of California, Santa Barbara, wrote that based on our current knowledge it had been natural to see if it was possible to “spontaneously break the time-translational symmetry of the laws of physics”.

But he said it was possible that the unusual flipping motion seen in the purported time crystals might not last forever.

“Both groups present evidence of a time crystal,” Professor Nayak said, “but their combined results point to the need for experiments that truly show that the oscillations remain in phase over extended times and are not washed out by the inevitable fluctuations.”
It seems an awfully short test to determine such things....but whatever, it’s interesting nonetheless, maybe @ImaginaryBloke or @Sandie33 can fill me in a bit...from what I’ve read, I’m just not a personal fan of the Michael Teachings.
So if I got a nearly 4 way tie like I did, what does that mean?
I think there are things to glean from it worth learning about, but it nearly mirrors the ladder process of Scientology which I can’t help but think is a bunch of crap, and believe it or not I see elements of the Mormon church which I was raised maybe that is what turns me off...idk.

@Skarekrow @Sandie33
I think it's at least interesting to note the different sort of modalities and consider which ones you identify with more strongly/frequently. The Server and Priest resonated with me more strongly, followed by Artisan and Scholar.
I think everyone shares a bit of all of them at times.

The Michael Teachings are a bit complicated.

(1) The MT is a bunch of channelings starting in the 1970s to the present. They are complicated to read, it is basically Te language that requires some deciphering. Any interpretation is an individual enterprise.
(2) Two books were written in 1979 and 1986 by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. There is more individual material that was published on the Internet in the 90's and noughties. This fragmentation means that you have to access all material to get the full picture.
(3) The MT claims to be at most 80 percent accurate. It is the experience of a Soul Group named Michael, whose members have lived many incarnations on Earth. Like all humans, they commit mistakes that they should to learn from. I reckon that they are late cycle Old Souls on average and that reflects their experience. Some details are wrong and other things are unknown. Astrology can make up for the unknown bits. But astrology is not a complete science either. The advantage of the MT is the scope. It covers the galaxy while astrology only covers planet Earth.
(4) The Roles (Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest and King) and the Soul Age (Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old) that the MT describes are two most obvious pieces of a puzzle that make up who you are. The Role is permanent throughout a Grand Cycle (you go up and down across dimensions many times, and each such cycle is a Grand Cycle).

The "obvious" (discernible) details are the Overleaves, the Body Type, the Essence Twin, the Task Companion and the Cast, which shape your subpersonality and of which there are many flavors. If the Overleaves are selected from many Roles, then you are balanced amongst many roles. The Overleaves and Body Type change with each incarnation and may or may not repeat. The other details are permanent during a Grand Cycle.

Other details are Cadre, Entity, Male/Female energy, Frequency, Needs, Side, Karmic Sequence, Quadrant, Cadence, Greater Cadence.

This list is complete or nearly complete.

(5) The MT is not a faux religion in my view, Skare. :m027:
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David Wilcock | Corey Goode: The Antarctic Atlantis [MUST SEE LIVE DISCLOSURE!]
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