

Right the First Time!
What are meds?
Medicine/medication - often used for folks who are mentally troubled and need medications for a balanced lifestyle.
Is it a nicer word for drugs? I've never heard it here in NZ.
Mmm...not necessarily nicer. It's more of a slang term, and I think the kids use it more often than adults ("kids" meaning under-30 year olds). Folks play around with the terminology, too. Sometimes you hear "I need to take my meds" and they're talking about headache medicine.

Or, occasionally, they mean regular street drugs. But I hear it used more as a lighthearted slang term for regular medications that people are (sometimes) embarrassed to take...or for allergies.
Or if you happen to be on a prescription at the time.

I'm the lazy type and would rather say 'meds' than 'medicine' or 'medication'.
Meds is just short for medication. That could mean any kind of medication, whether it be; anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, anti-anxiety, pain-killers, anti-bodies, etc. etc. etc.
Meds are any medical medicine adressed to a specific issue, either psychological or physical :) Doses are only as needed (low) and not high as with drugs. However meds can be abused to the point where it becomes a drug :)

So if a doctor prescribed a low dose of something it would be called meds but if it was a high dose it would be drugs?

Do you guys think the definition of drug is interesting, do you consider medicine, alcohol and caffiene as drugs?
Caffeine first thing upon waking is definitely a med!!
For me, it's the only way to go from here :m093: to here :m038: to here :m082: to here :m180:
Do you think it's strange how so many people depend on that stimulant to get them through the day?
So if a doctor prescribed a low dose of something it would be called meds but if it was a high dose it would be drugs?

Do you guys think the definition of drug is interesting, do you consider medicine, alcohol and caffiene as drugs?

Alcohol is a depressant and caffeine is a stimulant.

The thing with medication is that it has a medical purpose - treatment -however when it is abused in higher quantities so that it has more than a theraputic effect then it becomes a drug. This is why both Alcohol and caffeine are interesting because they are approved in any quantities.
An artificial lifestyle implies artificial means of supporting this lifestyle. Biologically, we all have different rhythms, but to coincide with each other and interact, or to maintain the civilizations we have constructed, artificial stimuli are needed to disrupt an individuals natural rhythm. Most of these stimuli are addictive, such as caffeine, so our psyche and our bodies begin to rely on them.
It's sad that we must mould to the system, rather than the other way round.
True, and some meds, such as Ritalin, are abused by proponents of systems in order to have others conform to their structures, whether these structures have current relevance or not.
I am on meds I am over qualified to answer this question.

One day a long time a go, lets say in the 70's 80's era the tooth fairy got sick and tired of taking the teeth of little childrens. Frustrated she asked the easter bunny how she could get out of doing her job. Easter bunny says "go forth and find a way that childrens should never grow up, that way they will never loose their teeth." The tooth fairy thought that was just a great idea, so she thought, and she thought, and she thought. Eventually she invented a magical medicine that prevented little children from confronting their problems, there for ever growing up. Now she is the CEO of a fortune 500 pharm. company.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

Except for those who were medicated for diseases they didn't really have, and the over health care system of the United States.

But the tooth Fairy is ok and thats all that counts. :m200:
Do you guys think the definition of drug is interesting, do you consider medicine, alcohol and caffiene as drugs?

I say that anything that causes an altered phsycological state is a drug.

That includes food

Dammit I Cannot speLL!
I am on anti-depressant meds. Yum yum. And, as much as I wish it were not true, I am entirely dependent on them because they have a nasty withdrawal if I don't take them regularly. But, on the plus side, I don't feel I am being controlled by them or whatever, because they have seriously changed my life for the better.

So - since I am already dependent on something that I can't change, I try to limit my dependancies on other drugs / meds because I don't want to be a walking pharmacy. So, I try and limit my caffeine, alcohol, etc intake. The only thing I sometimes indulge is sleep medication when I really need it.
Lucifer, you have ADHD? :/

Also It should be mentioned, CoffeeDiva - that Antidepressants are not even addictive haha so you definetly do not have a physical dependence!!However perhaps you need them as a mean of security and safety like a baby needs their fuzzy blanket to feel safe.