MBTI on the Corporate World


The Romantic Scientist
Do you think it's alright for companies to rely on the MBTI to hire employees based on the results that prospective employees get?

I'm asking this because I remember when I was younger I used to type ENFP on the mbti and I got a job based on those results. The job was a call center. My other friend who typed as an ISTP didn't get the job. The interviewers never told us on what basis I was hired and he was not but I'm pretty sure that I got the job because of the results I got, we weren't even interviewed, they just told us to do a 100 questionaire.

At the end I had to quit because I was constantly being told by my managers that I lied on the test but apparantly they still liked how I worked but I wasn't happy with it so ended up quitting.

So what do you think?
I usually have to fake it.

No one wants to hire infps.
I saw somewhere that we're one of the lowest paid mbti types.
Lie, I know this is weird coming from me, but I'm going to fully endorse lying in these situations.
Jeez, I'm glad I've never encountered any jobs that ask for mbti.
Seems like discrimination to hire on such a thing.
I think it's stupid.
I'm not entirely like the mbti description, especially the part that states that INFPs "misuse logic in the heat of an argument." That's bunk for me. I'm not some wishy washy super emotional flighty rabidly moralistic hippie type. If you saw me at work, you'd probably think I'm ENTJ.
Jeez, I'm glad I've never encountered any jobs that ask for mbti.
Seems like discrimination to hire on such a thing.

I was thinking about the same thing, it seems like discrimination because like I said: I wasn't even interviewed, we just walked into the office and the receptionist gave us these packets that had the MBTI questions on it. Three days later I was asked to present to work and my friend got a "Thank you for applying" card. He was flustered.
I think it's dehumanizing to hire people using mbti type, actually. We are more than the sum of personality predictions.
A good early indicator of who not to work for.
I think it is a nice idea or employers to use MBTI for one tool to base people off hiring. It can be a good indicator to how someone is, but it isn't the end all be all pegger. I mean, one of my closest friends is ESFJ, and I largely hate that type. So it shows that it isn't fullproof. It's nice to just get an idea and picture.
I think I'd refuse one of the tests, or if I really wanted the job and knew the type they are looking for, I'd lie. Anyway, I don't need a test to know my type.
The Perfect Corporate Structure:

Management: ESTJ
Marketing/Advertising/Promotions: ESTP, ISFP
Accounts: ISTJ
Reception/Social Club: ESFP

Dishwasher/Janitor: _N__
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Problem is, that is the LAST thing any N would ever want to do.

Well come back in a month, I think there might be an opening in the mail room coming up... :m027:
Do you think it's alright for companies to rely on the MBTI to hire employees based on the results that prospective employees get?

Personality type discrimination. Its will be a new form of discrimination! MLKJ had a dream that we should judge a person not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Now, we should not judge them by the content of their character either!

Someone call the ACLU!!!