MBTI Career Test

Percentage breakdown of your results:
Introverted (I) 61% Extraverted (E) 39%
Intuitive (N) 73% Sensing (S) 27%
Thinking (T) 70%
Feeling (F) 30%
Perceiving (P) 59% Judging (J) 41%

INTP – Thinkers and Engineers​
Career relevant traits:
• Enjoy abstract ideas and theory
• Seek to understand things by analysing underlying structures and principles
• Value competence and knowledge above everything else
• Apply your own high standards for performance
• Original and independent, at times eccentric
• Value autonomy and work very well alone.
• No yearning to lead or follow
• Dislike the details of day to day mundane work.
• Not especially interested in the practical applications of your work
• Astute, intuitive and creative.
• Future-oriented
• Often wise and ingenius
• Have more trust in their own insights and knowledge than other’s
• Living primarily in their own minds they can seem at time sremoved from other people.

Being an INTP means you live in a world of theoretical possibilities. You constantly are thinking about how things can be improved or what it could be developed into. You live primarily inside your own mind, working to analyse problems, discover logical explanations and seek clarity in all things. Such is your drive to attain knowledge you can take on a personal responsibility to solve problems and help society attain a higher understanding.
You tackle issues logical reasoning and have little respect for personal subjectivity or emotion, and do not place importance on emotional considerations to decisions. Therefore you may not be in-tune with other’s feelings and not always equipped to meet the emotional needs of other people.
You are likely to be very independent, original and unconventional as you perceive different ways to achieve things. This can mean you put less importance on other traditional things, such as security or popularity. A complex individual who dislikes the tedious and mundane, you can be restless and temperamental. Strongly ingenious, your original thought patterns allow you see new paths, and consequently many scientific breakthroughs in the world have been achieved by the INTP.
Your ability to grasp of theories and complex abstract thoughts allows you to prove or disprove submitted concepts and ideas. You are a creative and insightful thinker using logic and reason to analyse problems and theories to find the truth about them.
Working independently with a desire to find the truth, more than a practical solution gives rise to the ideal career environment for an INTP.

Possible Career Paths for the INTP:
• Scientists particularly Physics and Chemistry
• Photographers
• Strategic Planners
• Journalists
• Mathematicians
• University Professors
• Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts, Computer Animation and Computer Specialists
• Technical Writers
• Engineers
• Lawyers or judges
• Forensic Researchers
• Forestry and Park Rangers
Percentage breakdown of your results:

Introverted (I) 68%
Extraverted (E) 32%
Intuitive (N) 86% Sensing (S) 14%
Feeling (F) 65% Thinking (T) 35%
Perceiving (P) 73% Judging (J) 27%

INFP – Idealists and Dreamers​
Career relevant traits:
• Devoted ad loyal
• Have strong values
• Warmly interested in others
• Service oriented, often putting the needs of others before theirs.
• Future and growth orientated, constantly wanting to grow in a positive direction
• Complex, creative, sensitive and inspirational
• Easy going and flexible, except when a ruling principle is violated
• Do not like working with details and routine work
• Original and individual - "thinking out of the box"
• Very good written communications
• Prefer working alone, possibly can have problems working in teams
• High value on authentic and deep relationships
• Want to be appreciated and seen for who you are

Interestingly, the majority of the world’s greatest authors have been INFPs.
Your career will be more important to you “just a job”, you will need to be doing something meaningful that suits your strong value systems. The INFP will be most happy in a career that has a direct or indirect goal of achieving something positive for all of humanity. You are highly focused on making the world a better place, and also for attaining the meaning of life. As an idealist and perfectionist you work hard on your quest for achieving the goals you have set yourself.
You are intuitive about people and also rely on your intuitions to guide you through life and search for value and meaning.
You hate conflict and take lengths to avoid it. If it must be faced, it is approached with the perspectives of other’s feelings in mind.
Thus you don’t really care who is right or wrong, but only how the conflict makes you feel. Other’s may see this as irrational behaviour during conflict situations. On the other hand, as an INFP you can make a very good mediator, and good at solving other’s conflicts because you intuitively understand each person’s feelings and perspectives and truly wish to help them.
You are easy going and flexible until someone breaks you of your values, to which you can aggressively defend, and fight for a just cause. Because of your high standards you can be hard on yourself, and even others in group or team situations because your ideals are higher. This can create problem of control, which may need to be a addressed in order to live in balance.

Possible Career Paths for the INFP:
• Writers
• Musicians
• Consultants
• Fine art teachers
• English teachers
• Editors
• Education consultants
• Journalists
• Social scientists
• Counselors and Social Workers
• Teacher or Professor
• Psychiatrists and psychologists
• Religious Workers
• Television Reporter
• Systems Analyst, Computer specialist/programmer
• Scientist
• Writer or Journalist

• Engineer

Professions I have considered in bold.
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Introverted (I) 86% Extraverted (E) 14%
Intuitive (N) 64% Sensing (S) 36%
Feeling (F) 60% Thinking (T) 40%
Judging (J) 86%
Perceiving (P) 14%

INFJ – Protectors and Confidants​
Career relevant traits:
• Have intuition to understand situations and people
• Strong ideals and principles
• Profound and complex
• Natural leaders
• Sensitive and compassionate towards others
• Service and future orientated.
• Place value on deep authentic relationships
• Are reserved about showing their true selves
• Only like dealing with details when they enhance or promote your goals.
• Always looking for the meaning and purpose in everything
• Visionary and creative
• Intense and highly strung
• Can work with logic and ration. INFJs use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards achieving it.

Being an INFJ means you have a quest to live a life of meaning and purpose, and therefore your career needs to be more than a job, but has to be something that can live up to your principles and feel right. As an INFJ, your intuition is mixed with your strong values, you have a sense of knowing and therefore are natural and comfortable as leaders and work well as such, although you can work as a follower if you are taking directions from someone you fully support, otherwise you will not be happy in your situation.
In the outside world, you place a great deal of importance in having things in order, and having the best system for getting things done, whilst always reevaluating the priorities in your life. On the other hand you can operate internally with spontaneity. Your intuition gives you great insight into things, and you are often right about something, even with little background information.
Your penetrating insight into other people and issues, and the internal way you deal with this, means you don’t easily share what information you obtain about others unless you choose to share it. You are deep and complex, usually private and therefore difficult to understand.
However, as an INFJ you are genuinely warm as you are complex, and you have a special place in your heart for those close to you, for which you can see and feel the depth of your caring. In tune to other’s emotions you avoid hurting other’s feelings. Often the perfectionist, you may wrestle with finding peace as you feel that there is more to improve your world and the lives of others around you. Your high expectations means you strive to exist in a state of continual growth and you easily overlook your own accomplishments.
Like other INFJs, your workplace should be one of creatively and independence. You most likely have a natural affinity for art and the sciences, as well as being found in service orientated positions. You should avoid working with very detailed tasks, or else you be in the other extreme, where you are working so meticulously you cannot see the big picture and can be highly critical of others who are not being as meticulous.

Possible Career Paths for the INFJ:
• Religious worker
• Teacher
• Writer
• Education consultants
• Marketeers
• Scientists
• Doctors and dentists
• Health Care Specialists, such as Chiropractors, Reflexologists, etc.
• Psychologists and psychiatrists
• Counselors and Social Workers
• Musicians and Artists
• Photographers
• Child Care or early childhood development

Interesting. All the "Fe" questions weren't "Are you accommodating" and such, and I scored INFJ. Hmm.
Introverted (I) 100% Extraverted (E) 0%
Intuitive (N) 73% Sensing (S) 27%
Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45%
Judging (J) 82% Perceiving (P) 18%
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Percentage breakdown of your results:
Introverted (I) 82% - Extraverted (E) 18%
Intuitive (N) 82% - Sensing (S) 18%
Thinking (T) 50% - Feeling (F) 50%
Judging (J) 59% - Perceiving (P) 41%

INTJ – Scientists and Strategists
Career relevant traits:
• Can absorb highly complex theories and material
• Strive to create structure from theoretical abstractions
• Brilliant strategists
• Strong insights and intuitions, which are trusted implicitly
• Enjoy difficult theoretical challenges
• Bored with mundane routine tasks
• Calm, collected and analytical
• Very logical and rational
• Original, creative, independent, ingenious and resourceful
• Natural leader, but will follow if you can fully support the person and plans
• Prefer to work alone and better at doing so.

More than the other personality types, you are brilliant at grasping complex concepts and applying them to problems to create with long-term strategies. Since this type of "strategizing" is your central focus and drive, there is a good match between desire and ability. Being an INTJ you will be happy and most effective in careers which allow this type of processing, and which promote an environment in which you are given a lot of autonomy over your work and life.
You dislike messiness and inefficiency, and anything that is muddled or unclear. You value clarity and efficiency, and will put enormous amounts of energy and time into consolidating your insights into structured patterns.
Other people may find you reserved and at times detached. It is not that you are without caring, but just that you don’t need, or have the desire to express it, or receive it as much as other personalty types. People may incorrectly believe you are rigid or set in your ways, but this is far from the truth, as you seek ways to implement the best strategies for your ideas and are quite open to hearing an alternative way of doing something.
As an INTJ, you are an ambitious, self-confident, deliberate, long-range thinker. Like other INTJs you could well end up in engineering or scientific pursuits, although some find enough challenge within the business world in areas which involve organizing and strategic planning.

Possible Career Paths for the INTJ:
• Scientists
• Research department managers
• University instructors
• Engineers
• Professors and Teachers
• Medical Doctors or Dentists
• Psychologists
• Corporate Strategists and Organization Builders
• Business Administrators and Managers
• Military Leaders
• Lawyers
• Judges
• Computer programmers/specialists, or Systems Analysts
Introverted (I) 82% Extraverted (E) 18% Intuitive (N) 86% Sensing (S) 14% Feeling (F) 55% Thinking (T) 45% Judging (J) 55% Perceiving (P) 45%
Percentage breakdown of your results:

Introverted (I) 86% Extraverted (E) 14%
Intuitive (N) 68% Sensing (S) 32%
Thinking (T) 55% Feeling (F) 45%
Judging (J) 50% Perceiving (P) 50%

Introverted (I) 100% Extraverted (E) 0%
Intuitive (N) 91% Sensing (S) 9%
Thinking (T) 85% Feeling (F) 15%
Perceiving (P) 95% Judging (J) 5%

INTP – Thinkers and Engineers

Career relevant traits:
• Enjoy abstract ideas and theory
• Seek to understand things by analysing underlying structures and principles
• Value competence and knowledge above everything else
• Apply your own high standards for performance
• Original and independent, at times eccentric
• Value autonomy and work very well alone.
• No yearning to lead or follow
• Dislike the details of day to day mundane work.
• Not especially interested in the practical applications of your work
• Astute, intuitive and creative.
• Future-oriented
• Often wise and ingenius
• Have more trust in their own insights and knowledge than other’s
• Living primarily in their own minds they can seem at time sremoved from other people.

Being an INTP means you live in a world of theoretical possibilities. You constantly are thinking about how things can be improved or what it could be developed into. You live primarily inside your own mind, working to analyse problems, discover logical explanations and seek clarity in all things. Such is your drive to attain knowledge you can take on a personal responsibility to solve problems and help society attain a higher understanding.

You tackle issues logical reasoning and have little respect for personal subjectivity or emotion, and do not place importance on emotional considerations to decisions. Therefore you may not be in-tune with other’s feelings and not always equipped to meet the emotional needs of other people.

You are likely to be very independent, original and unconventional as you perceive different ways to achieve things. This can mean you put less importance on other traditional things, such as security or popularity. A complex individual who dislikes the tedious and mundane, you can be restless and temperamental. Strongly ingenious, your original thought patterns allow you see new paths, and consequently many scientific breakthroughs in the world have been achieved by the INTP.

Your ability to grasp of theories and complex abstract thoughts allows you to prove or disprove submitted concepts and ideas. You are a creative and insightful thinker using logic and reason to analyse problems and theories to find the truth about them.

Working independently with a desire to find the truth, more than a practical solution gives rise to the ideal career environment for an INTP.

Possible Career Paths for the INTP:
• Scientists particularly Physics and Chemistry
• Photographers
• Strategic Planners
• Journalists
• Mathematicians
• University Professors
• Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts, Computer Animation and Computer Specialists
• Technical Writers
• Engineers
• Lawyers or judges
• Forensic Researchers
• Forestry and Park Rangers
Introverted (I) 79%Extraverted (E) 21%Intuitive (N) 86%Sensing (S) 14%Feeling (F) 55%Thinking (T) 45%Perceiving (P) 82%Judging (J) 18%

Career relevant traits:
• Devoted ad loyal
• Have strong values
• Warmly interested in others
• Service oriented, often putting the needs of others before theirs.
• Future and growth orientated, constantly wanting to grow in a positive direction
• Complex, creative, sensitive and inspirational
• Easy going and flexible, except when a ruling principle is violated
• Do not like working with details and routine work
• Original and individual - "thinking out of the box"
• Very good written communications
• Prefer working alone, possibly can have problems working in teams
• High value on authentic and deep relationships
• Want to be appreciated and seen for who you are

Interestingly, the majority of the world’s greatest authors have been INFPs.
Your career will be more important to you “just a job”, you will need to be doing something meaningful that suits your strong value systems. The INFP will be most happy in a career that has a direct or indirect goal of achieving something positive for all of humanity. You are highly focused on making the world a better place, and also for attaining the meaning of life. As an idealist and perfectionist you work hard on your quest for achieving the goals you have set yourself.
You are intuitive about people and also rely on your intuitions to guide you through life and search for value and meaning.
You hate conflict and take lengths to avoid it. If it must be faced, it is approached with the perspectives of other’s feelings in mind.
Thus you don’t really care who is right or wrong, but only how the conflict makes you feel. Other’s may see this as irrational behaviour during conflict situations. On the other hand, as an INFP you can make a very good mediator, and good at solving other’s conflicts because you intuitively understand each person’s feelings and perspectives and truly wish to help them.
You are easy going and flexible until someone breaks you of your values, to which you can aggressively defend, and fight for a just cause. Because of your high standards you can be hard on yourself, and even others in group or team situations because your ideals are higher. This can create problem of control, which may need to be a addressed in order to live in balance.

Possible Career Paths for the INFP:
• Writers
• Musicians
• Consultants
• Fine art teachers
• English teachers
• Editors
• Education consultants
• Journalists
• Social scientists
• Counselors and Social Workers
• Teacher or Professor
• Psychiatrists and psychologists
• Religious Workers
• Television Reporter
• Systems Analyst, Computer specialist/programmer
• Scientist
• Writer or Journalist
• Engineer

Please enter the forum to write a brief note about your profession and how it does or doesn​
Introverted (I) 82% Extraverted (E) 18%
Intuitive (N) 59% Sensing (S) 41%
Feeling (F) 60% Thinking (T) 40%
Perceiving (P) 77% Judging (J) 23%

INFP - Idealists and Dreamers

Career relevant traits:
  • Devoted and loyal
  • Have strong values
  • Warmly interested in others
  • Service oriented, often putting the needs of others before theirs
  • Future and growth oriented, constantly wanting to grow in a positive direction
  • Complex, creative, sensitive and inspirational
  • Easy going and flexible, except when a ruling principle is violated
  • Do not like working with details and routine work
  • Original and individual - "thinking out of the box"
  • Very good written communications
  • Prefer working alone, possibly can have problems working in teams
  • High value on authentic and deep relationships
  • Want to be appreciated and seen for who you are

Interestingly, the majority of the world's greatest authors have been INFPs.
Your career will be more important to you than "just a job," you will need to be doing something meaningful that suits your strong value systems. The INFP will be most happy in a career that has a direct or indirect goal of achieving something positive for all of humanity. You are highly focused on making the world a better place, and also for attaining the meaning of life. As an idealist and perfectionist you work hard on your quest for achieving the goals you have set yourself.
You are intuitive about people and also rely on your intuitions to guide you through life and search for value and meaning.
You hate conflict and take lengths to avoid it. If it must be faced, it is approached with the perspectives of other
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Introverted (I) 100%Extraverted (E) 0%Intuitive (N) 68%Sensing (S) 32%Feeling (F) 70%Thinking (T) 30%Perceiving (P) 59%Judging (J) 41%

Percentage breakdown of your results:
Introverted (I) 82% Extraverted (E) 18% Sensing (S) 59% Intuitive (N) 41% Feeling (F) 70% Thinking (T) 30% Judging (J) 91% Perceiving (P) 9%

Percentage breakdown of your results:

Introverted (I) 96% Extraverted (E) 4%
Intuitive (N) 68% Sensing (S) 32%
Feeling (F) 65% Thinking (T) 35%
Judging (J) 64% Perceiving (P) 36%

Percentage breakdown of your results:
Extraverted (E) 54% Introverted (I) 46% Intuitive (N) 86% Sensing (S) 14% Thinking (T) 70% Feeling (F) 30% Perceiving (P) 91% Judging (J) 9%

ENTP – Visionaries and Inventors​
Career relevant traits:
• Project and future oriented
• Excellent communication skills
• Natural leaders
• Able to grasp difficult concepts and theories
• Do not like confined schedules, routines or detailed tasks
• Creative, ingenious, bright and capable

As an ENTP you are less interested in developing plans of actions than you are in generating ideas. You are an ideas person, and see opportunities and possibilities everywhere, making you resourceful in problem solving. However, following through on the implementation of an idea is usually a chore to any ENTP, this is because of the dislike of the tedious details required. For some ENTPs, this results in the habit of never finishing what they start.
The ability to intuitively understand people and situations gives you a definite advantage as you quickly grasp concepts and situations with great depth. This flexibility means you can adapt to a variety of different skills and tasks, and will inevitability be quite adapt at almost anything that is of interest to you.
Being an ENTP means you are a fluent conversationalists, mentally quick, and enjoy verbal sparring with others. The ENTP personality type is also sometimes referred to the "Lawyer" type. The ENTP "lawyer" quickly and accurately understands a situation, and objectively and logically acts upon the situation.

Possible Career Paths for the ENTP:
• Lawyers
• Inventors
• Entrepreneurs
• Investigators
• Technical writing
• Psychologists
• Photographers
• Journalists
• Designers
• Consultants
• Engineers
• Scientists
• Actors
• Sales Representatives
• Marketing
• Public relations
• Computer specialist/programmer or systems analyst
• Musicians
• Politicianst
this is the second time i get an INFP on MBTI test, something's definitely change...

Percentage breakdown of your results:
Introverted (I) 89%Extraverted (E) 11%Intuitive (N) 68%Sensing (S) 32%Feeling (F) 80%Thinking (T) 20%Perceiving (P) 68%Judging (J) 32%

INFP – Idealists and Dreamers
Career relevant traits:
• Devoted ad loyal
• Have strong values
• Warmly interested in others
• Service oriented, often putting the needs of others before theirs.
• Future and growth orientated, constantly wanting to grow in a positive direction
• Complex, creative, sensitive and inspirational
• Easy going and flexible, except when a ruling principle is violated
• Do not like working with details and routine work
• Original and individual - "thinking out of the box"
• Very good written communications
• Prefer working alone, possibly can have problems working in teams
• High value on authentic and deep relationships
• Want to be appreciated and seen for who you are

Interestingly, the majority of the world’s greatest authors have been INFPs.
Your career will be more important to you “just a job”, you will need to be doing something meaningful that suits your strong value systems. The INFP will be most happy in a career that has a direct or indirect goal of achieving something positive for all of humanity. You are highly focused on making the world a better place, and also for attaining the meaning of life. As an idealist and perfectionist you work hard on your quest for achieving the goals you have set yourself.
You are intuitive about people and also rely on your intuitions to guide you through life and search for value and meaning.
You hate conflict and take lengths to avoid it. If it must be faced, it is approached with the perspectives of other’s feelings in mind.
Thus you don’t really care who is right or wrong, but only how the conflict makes you feel. Other’s may see this as irrational behaviour during conflict situations. On the other hand, as an INFP you can make a very good mediator, and good at solving other’s conflicts because you intuitively understand each person’s feelings and perspectives and truly wish to help them.
You are easy going and flexible until someone breaks you of your values, to which you can aggressively defend, and fight for a just cause. Because of your high standards you can be hard on yourself, and even others in group or team situations because your ideals are higher. This can create problem of control, which may need to be a addressed in order to live in balance.

Possible Career Paths for the INFP:
• Writers
• Musicians
• Consultants
• Fine art teachers
• English teachers
• Editors
• Education consultants
• Journalists
• Social scientists
• Counselors and Social Workers
• Teacher or Professor
• Psychiatrists and psychologists
• Religious Workers
• Television Reporter
• Systems Analyst, Computer specialist/programmer
• Scientist
• Writer or Journalist
• Engineer
Percentage breakdown of your results:

Extraverted (E) 64% Introverted (I) 36%
Intuitive (N) 86% Sensing (S) 14%
Thinking (T) 65% Feeling (F) 35%
Perceiving (P) 100%
Judging (J) 0%

ENTP – Visionaries and Inventors

Career relevant traits:
• Project and future oriented
• Excellent communication skills
• Natural leaders
• Able to grasp difficult concepts and theories
• Do not like confined schedules, routines or detailed tasks
• Creative, ingenious, bright and capable

As an ENTP you are less interested in developing plans of actions than you are in generating ideas. You are an ideas person, and see opportunities and possibilities everywhere, making you resourceful in problem solving. However, following through on the implementation of an idea is usually a chore to any ENTP, this is because of the dislike of the tedious details required. For some ENTPs, this results in the habit of never finishing what they start.

The ability to intuitively understand people and situations gives you a definite advantage as you quickly grasp concepts and situations with great depth. This flexibility means you can adapt to a variety of different skills and tasks, and will inevitability be quite adapt at almost anything that is of interest to you.

Being an ENTP means you are a fluent conversationalists, mentally quick, and enjoy verbal sparring with others. The ENTP personality type is also sometimes referred to the "Lawyer" type. The ENTP "lawyer" quickly and accurately understands a situation, and objectively and logically acts upon the situation.

Possible Career Paths for the ENTP:
• Lawyers
• Inventors
• Entrepreneurs
• Investigators
• Technical writing
• Psychologists
• Photographers
• Journalists
• Designers
• Consultants
• Engineers
• Scientists
• Actors
• Sales Representatives
• Marketing
• Public relations
• Computer specialist/programmer or systems analyst
• Musicians
• Politicians


Politics, law, and computer programming can stuff it, but I do like all of the other things on the list. I'd especially like something that let me interact with lots of different people every day for short periods of time.
Introverted (I) 96% Extraverted (E) 4%
Intuitive (N) 55% Sensing (S) 45%
Thinking (T) 60% Feeling (F) 40%
Judging (J) 50% Perceiving (P) 50%
