To start, I think there are many many different forms of love. I've felt amazing love and connection with my family and friends, I've never felt love from a higher being but rather complete acceptance from nature, and I'm constantly searching for that idealized romantic love (which is what I'm going to talk about)
For me, one doesn't feel romantic love. Sure, I've "fallen" in love with a number of women, but I can't honestly say that I've ever loved them in the romantic, undying, forever sense. I think that type of love takes a long time to build, and I believe that it is a choice. I know that I could love countless people on this Earth, and I expect that from my partner, but what makes love so special to me, is that we would consciously choose to be with each other. We see all the other "fish", but decide that what we have is what we want.
When talking about love as if it's some feeling that we simply can't escape, it doesn't sound that great to me. Sure, it might feel amazing, but I'd also feel trapped. When I have the freedom to choose who I love, and decide to devote all of that to one person, well that's something really special. That is real romantic love.