I got to know a german girl at one point, via online chat and internet telephony and picture swaps, for close to a year. She eventually visited me (as part of a trip over here) and stayed with me a few days. She had become depressed and lonely while staying here in various backpackers,etc and called me about this. I said "come and stay here tomorrow if it will help you feel better" (ahead of the date we had agreed on). This was a mistake.
At the time a very close single male friend of mine was crashing at my place for a few days with no pre-agreed departure time. He's the kind of old loyal friend that I cannot exactly ask to leave if you catch my drift. Anyway to cut a long story short I experienced him flirting with her, and her flirting with him. I also witnessed another side of her personality come into play as she seemingly attempted to play him, in order to get the two of us to have a disagreement. This nearly worked, but said friend and myself nipped it in the bud before it could escalate, without letting on to her about it. She even said to me at one point when my friend wasnt around "If he is annoying you this much I think you should have a fight" in a totally serious tone of voice.
I later found out that she was an ISTJ if it means anything? The male friend of mine is an INFP. At one point I pretty much almost broke down with frustration at her, voicing something along the lines of "what do you want from me?" as she seemed to have launched into a foray of faultfinding about me, while maintaining an indifference about her bizzarre and IMHO illogical choices in life as if they didn't matter. We had one good moment together during a walk in the rain in a park, without my mate present. I put my arms around her for a while as the rain slowly soaked us, and we looked into the distance and talked about meaning in life,etc..That was the only good bit of the experience prettymuch. That occured before the flirting playoff slung the proverbial **** into the fan.
I found her behaviour to be completley unacceptable, and to a lesser degree that of my male friend. He maintained that he wasnt trying to score points with her, but simply being himself...Even if he had not been there, some other sequence of events would have ensued I am sure that would have resulted in the same revelation for me about her conflict focused mentality. So no more German women for me Ever. I will try French next time.

Actually she was a great deal less friendly and warm in person than most other German people I have met in the past. I guess we should have spent more time with videochat or something before meeting. Heres hoping that someone out there can relate to this tragic little tale...
(I would actually appreciate some insight or feedback regarding this, if anyone can be bothered)