Legalizing murder of abortionists | Page 4 | INFJ Forum

Legalizing murder of abortionists

Sali, do your views on abortion change if the fetus has a disease, maybe even a fatal one?

Cause it sounds to me that you mostly take offense to the idea that someone else in your birth mother's position may have chosen an abortion and from your personal perspective you obviously would have objected if you had a voice at that time, so you speak for others who don't. It's a noble pov, but not the only one to be considered.
My birth mother was not equipped to be a parent to me.

I think what anti-abortionists just don't seem to understand in many situations is that everyone who gets pregnant is different.

Some of them seem to think that having a child forced upon them would magically make them good parents while others just seem to think that some special angel will come along and take care of all the unwanted babies so it will all be ok and there will be dancing and singing in the streets and everyone will be happy.

They don't get that for the most part it would mean a huge stretch on social services for most countries, higher taxes in order to cover all the costs and so on.

I don't think people truely understand what making abortions illegal would do to a country as a whole. If they did understand, they wouldn't like it.

and I don't like the fact at all, but it's something I accept, and I understand that allowing abortions early on in pregnancy is the only way to prevent it.

There aren't even enough people who want to adopt, and with medical advances progressing, allowing people to have their own children, there are actually even less.
In some countries it is also a very difficult process to adopt - I believe Australia is one of those countries.
Sali, do your views on abortion change if the fetus has a disease, maybe even a fatal one?

Cause it sounds to me that you mostly take offense to the idea that someone else in your birth mother's position may have chosen an abortion and from your personal perspective you obviously would have objected if you had a voice at that time, so you speak for others who don't. It's a noble pov, but not the only one to be considered.

I would say yes my views do change if the fetus has a disease but only if it was a fatal one, or one where the child would live it's whole life in a comatose or brain dead state. However my views on all of this aren't views that I would feel compelled to fight for on this particular subject.
Absolutely it is. There's a big long waiting list too, and all kinds of requirements to make sure the kids is going to be growing up in a good environment.

most of this was all brought about because of the abuse that some adopted children suffered. they've pretty much almost done away with the foster care system in this country for the same reasons.

it is utterly disgusting that kids who had been taken away from their parents were abused in foster care situations.
To be honest with you, I didn't really care or not whether people were for or against abortion, we have a ton of threads about that, I was just shocked that people seriously consider killing health care providers as an option to prevent abortion.
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Exceedingly flawed logic. Merely a promotion of murderous vengeance as acceptable. Very dangerous law, especially if it starts to apply to other "offenses" too.

The issue comes down to whether it's seen as the murder of a baby or not, the government does regulate murders as far as I know, we don't live in Somalia after all.

The government regulates murder by imprisonment in most places, and where death sentence is applied, it's regulated and executed by the state, not whichever random person gets the first deathly strike at the convict.

No, Americans might not live in Somalia, but laws that promote savagery are apparently a-okay.
I saw the title, and I knew it was your slant.

If you ruled the world, what would it look like? New thread perhaps?
My thought is that it's none of my business if someone wants to have an abortion.
I saw the title, and I knew it was your slant.

If you ruled the world, what would it look like? New thread perhaps?

OOoh, requests, I like that.

Just to be frank here: if you want to talk about abortion and it's ethics, go to the abortion thread. I've seen some people already revive that up so I appreciate it. This thread has some relevancy to abortion but it's totally getting derailed and as the founder I don't care whether abortion in itself is right or wrong or whether you support it or not UNLESS it's relevant to this new bill of legislation that is being contemplated. If you don't like the video, don't like the video, I don't really care, that guy is awesome and I thought it would be fun to start the thread out with an opinion. I never said his opinion is 'fact' and admittedly, I gave a terrible terrible source article to inform you all of this, but now that you're aware I'm sure there are other sources that have published stuff on this that is more reliable. I just kind of slapped this thread together.
So stay on topic!
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you one upper, you!
OOoh, requests, I like that.

So stay on topic!

The reason people have strayed from the main topic is because that legislation doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of making it anywhere near a law.
The reason people have strayed from the main topic is because that legislation doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of making it anywhere near a law.

Well, I think everyone here would agree that legislation that makes it legal to kill doctors who perform abortions will never be passed and would be rioting it if even saw the floor of the House.
Legalizing Murders of Judges, of Jurors.

This is so incredibly disgusting.

even more disgusting than the fact that the spinach greens you ate last night could have been defecated upon before being packaged and shipped?

This is such an awkward bill.
agreed, it's just a touchy issue as well. I mean, people who agree with abortions are a pretty high number too. It's not like most of the population is going to be on the side of such legislation.
Any law that restricts a woman's right to get an abortion is one that I'm most likely going to be opposed to.

You don't like abortions? Sweet, don't have one.

Who the fuck are you to tell someone that they cannot do whatever they want with their body and the fetus growing within their body?

stop calling it a fetus. that is a baby and now one has the right to kill it. would you kill a three year old child and call it ok just because it reminded you of someone you hate(like if you were raped) or your tired of taking care of it? its the same thing.

and have you ever read how the procedures are done? its sick.
here are some examples:
"Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): Forceps with sharp metal jaws are used to grasp parts of the developing baby, which are then twisted and torn away. This continues until the child
btw I for one am extremely pro life.

However, if I had to vote on a ballot, I'd wince in pain and vote pro-choice. I am not a woman, so I am not about to vote for what women are going to do. and no I'm not an enfp.
stop calling it a fetus. that is a baby and now one has the right to kill it. would you kill a three year old child and call it ok just because it reminded you of someone you hate(like if you were raped) or your tired of taking care of it? its the same thing.
No I wouldn't, but that is because I 3 year old child is a human being, fully developed, well, for all intents and purposes.

do I like what abortions do? no, of course I don't. but do I like what the alternative to not having them? I like it much less.

It's a choice between 2 evils, like many things are, not that I think people who have abortions are evil.
But yes, the process is horrible and messy and it doesn't sound nice. but neither are executions, and I dislike them a lot more than abortions.

Like I said in another thread, the law should protect the person who is definitely undeniably a human being. not the one who might be depending on what your morals are.