Knowing when to chill


Are you there?
Alright - so I've got this coffee date tomorrow with a girl I met last weekend. Asked her out on Sunday and we decided on the time and location on Monday.

It has felt like an eternity just to get to Thursday morning and I won't even see her until tomorrow night. Aaagggghhhh.

I really want to initiate some sort of "Hey, how's your week going?" kinda text message thing but I don't want to be to clingy before we even have coffee once.

Should I chill out and just wait until tomorrow since I know I'm going to see her then? Or do you think she might wonder what's going on since she hasn't heard anything from me since Monday night?
*pinches cheeks*

You're too cute....

I say...text her...

"looking forward to coffee tomorrow. Hope your week has been well..."

Somewhere along those lines...

what do you think?
Chilling is overrated, I think.

Text her! Text her! Just to say hi and you're looking forward to the date!

A text message is not stalking or attaching yourself to her like velcro... I don't think it moves into the realm of clinginess.

(But you should probably also see what other people say too... Personally I am a bit clingy myself and try not to overdo it. Must be an INFJ thing.)
*pinches cheeks*

You're too cute....

I say...text her...

"looking forward to coffee tomorrow. Hope your week has been well..."

Somewhere along those lines...

what do you think?

This. I think it's a good combination of neither clingy nor too detached. Enjoy your date!
Don't be to clingy, it is not very attractive (in my opinion). when I have a date I don't like to get messages like "how is your day going". Just don't nag me untill the date. Unless I'm allready in love with you :-).

the only type of message I can tolerate before the date is to confirm that you are going to be there, or to arange something for the date. Isn't there anything you have to organize. Do you know exactly the time, place, ...
Thanks everyone :)

Don't be to clingy, it is not very attractive (in my opinion). when I have a date I don't like to get messages like "how is your day going". Just don't nag me untill the date. Unless I'm allready in love with you :-).

the only type of message I can tolerate before the date is to confirm that you are going to be there, or to arange something for the date. Isn't there anything you have to organize. Do you know exactly the time, place, ...

See.. ^that is what I don't want to do.

All the details have already been decided - both time and location. One of the last things we said was "See you Friday".. which to me, since I'm such a pessimist means, "the next time we'll talk is Friday".

Someone, please fast forward the time continuum!
I think WNW's idea is perfect. Don't ask questions, just let her know you are looking forward to it and let it be.
I think WNW's idea is perfect. Don't ask questions, just let her know you are looking forward to it and let it be.

*pinches cheeks*

You're too cute....

I say...text her...

"looking forward to coffee tomorrow. Hope your week has been well..."

Somewhere along those lines...

what do you think?

I second this (/fifth? sixth? I didn't count.). If you keep things short and simple, it won't seem clingy at all but will still give the impression that you're thinking of her, which is nice.
Yup, to tag along with everyone else. Just say something short and simple like "Looking forward to Friday." You don't have to have a conversation through texts, but let her know you haven't forgotten about it without being to overtly excited.
I don't really have any advice but I have to say you sound EXACTLY like I do when I am getting to know someone, I do internal backflips and feel like I am going to do the smallest thing wrong.

From what I have learned, if the person is legit into you, it's pretty hard to slip up :).
From what I have learned, if the person is legit into you, it's pretty hard to slip up :).

True true!

Thanks everyone :)
I sent her a "Looking forward to tomorrow! Hope your week is going well :)" text about two hours ago.
You never know what will happen. My boyfriend texted me two seconds after I met him and we're still going strong regardless of his clingyness. <.< >.> Don't tell him I said that.


I am dying to say I told you so... So I will!!! HAHAHAHA! Too much chilling is way overrated -- it's just cold. Have fun on your date!