INFJs - what makes you cry?

Do you cry?

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Are you there?
If you cry, when, and what makes you cry?

Fighting with someone? :m144:

Frustration at work? :m133:

People pick on you? :m095:

I usually cry when I see a movie that just makes me sad. Someone dies... or the lovers can't get together...

More often then not it's been anime or certain parts in *coughvideogamescough* that make me cry.

Almost forgot - I watch J-drama a lot. THOSE suckers get me blubbering pretty quick.
I don't usually cry.

But when my mother used to constantly yell at me for anything that I did, at some point I would break down and cry. Then I moved out.

The last time I cried was because of a lot of neglect on my part, ignoring problems in my life because I couldn't rationally solve them. Anyway, I cried about it and accepted those things, and now I don't need to cry anymore :)


I really don't like crying. It's a last last last last last last resort for me, since I handle stress in other more self-contained ways.
Songs (not just sad ones) make me cry
When someone else is hurting or crying
When I get made fun of
When somebody dies
I cry when I'm really happy or when someone makes me feel special

SHHHH don't tell anyone though. :)
Alright then. So we've got some crybabies in here.

If you can, share with us your most memorable moment of you crying.

For me, it was when I was playing FFVII and Sephiroth killed Aeris. Holy
crap I was pissed off!!

Alright then. So we've got some crybabies in here.

If you can, share with us your most memorable moment of you crying.

After my mother beat the crap out of me once when I was a kid (this happened several times a week), I was crying and she threatened to send me to an orphanage if I didn't stop crying. She picked up the phone and pretended to talk to someone and ask if they had room for me and told them she was on her way to drop me off.

Since then, I can't cry for myself, only for others.

But, cartoons and animals get me misty at the drop of a hat.
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emotions be revisited
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After my mother beat the crap out of me once when I was a kid (this happened several times a week), I was crying and she threatened to send me to an orphanage if I didn't stop crying. She picked up the phone and pretended to talk to someone and ask if they had room for me and told them she was on her way to drop me off.

Since then, I can't cry for myself, only for others.

:( Here's a ginormous hug for you. :hug:
After my mother beat the crap out of me once when I was a kid (this happened several times a week), I was crying and she threatened to send me to an orphanage if I didn't stop crying. She picked up the phone and pretended to talk to someone and ask if they had room for me and told them she was on her way to drop me off.

Since then, I can't cry for myself, only for others.

But, cartoons and animals get me misty at the drop of a hat.

Thats horrible *hugs* :m035:
I don't know a few weeks ago I balled to my best friend about my sexuality and not being accepted by the majority of society and not being able to do anything about it and thinking that crying is pointless so why am I doing it, I'm out of control, shit kill me.

That type of thing.
When I was a child I would cry when I was yelled at or punished in pretty much any way.

Now, I really only cry when I am upset with something within myself. Other people really don't push me to that point (it takes a lot of pressure for me to cry). I also don't cry in front of anyone, ever.
I don't know a few weeks ago I balled to my best friend about my sexuality and not being accepted by the majority of society and not being able to do anything about it and thinking that crying is pointless so why am I doing it, I'm out of control, shit kill me.

That type of thing.

Your not out of control. Your feeling sad thats ok and normal.
The most memorable time I cried was when I found out that the one and only guy I ever loved cheated on me and why he did it. That really sucked!
But there's a difference about feeling sad and doing something about it then feeling sad and doing nothing about it.

Crying was doing nothing about it. But even thinking about it I couldn't find a solution, which created frustration.
Hmmm some of the more 'real' crying times for me...:

- When I broke up with my first girfriend. I cried. She was mad at me because she couldn't cry if I was crying. I was 21.

- When my next girlfriend of only a few weeks told me over text message that she was through with me and didn't care about me anymore.

- Last time I cried was a few months ago when I said goodbye to my sister. She had come back for a visit and was flying back home to Scotland where she lives with her husband. I cried for about 30 minutes by myself while I drove away.

I never cry in front of other people either. Whenever I do cry, it's because someone else is involved.
When I cry there has typically been something physically taxing involved like PMS, lack of sleep, headache, etc. Then when something disappointing happens it just all adds up. I don't think crying is a big deal. I wouldn't say I cry easily, but it doesn't bother me when I do.
Crying is what made me join this forum. I was so overwhelmed with my feelings I just broke down. I think bottling up powerful emotions makes me cry. This place lets me vent it all and obviously discuss feelings with other people. And I NEVER cry, so when I do it means things are getting really heavy.
I almost never cry. I've suppressed it. There are a lot of stressful events that I suppose would make me cry like fighting with someone, being put down, maybe being rejected, failing a course, but most of these are very unlikely. I occasionally cry just from stress.