INFJs sense of humor?

Lune Froide

Community Member
I had thought of this last night after a particular post and reply had me laughing out loud at my laptop but I was far too close to falling asleep that I couldn't bring myself to get a post up until now.

But my mind had began to explode with questions and is such with explode-y questions, some may be relevant to MBTI/INFJ and some may be highly individualized. I'm sure the folks around here can shine some light on this!

Now, it's been confirmed time and time again that black comedy is entirely acceptable. Do you find this to be the case for yourself?

Do you find some of your funniest material (in *your* opinion) tends not to be interpreted how you intend? Ergo, you endure a lot of awkward transitions in conversation? Of course I have found that this makes those couple friends I have that DO laugh as hard as I do or are able to understand my sense of humor so much more enticing. (Both gal pals are supposedly INFP (I believe it!), the best dude tested ENFJ)

What about your opinions on sarcasm? I recently had a stranger rant to me on the bus about people's use of sarcasm, I had remained tight lipped on the matter because her passion for the topic overwhelmed me a little.

But again, is all of this irrelevant to our types?

Tell me some of your experiences with your sense of humor, when it's worked for you and when it hasn't? I have found my observations of people's habits and rituals to either be perceived by others as critical or even bitter, maybe insignificant. But there are a few people that truly understand that the behaviors and well... world around us is great to chuckle over.

Thanks, guys and gals!
I don't understand what you are getting at...?

The world is quite a funny place. I do enjoy black comedy, satire, sarcasm ect ect very much.
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I don't think this is limited to type. While I do have a very odd sense of humor, I don't know many INFJ's who feel the same way.

Example of something I find "fall out of the chair" funny (the part when it breaks). While others find it funny. I find it so hilarious that when I did see it for the first time, I did quite literally fall out of my chair:

I tend to keep my humor to myself because it relies heavily on my own imagination. I'm often suppressing laughter when something happens and I know i can't really convey just how funny it is. I sometimes feel like a real dork when this happens. I would say overall my humor tends towards the silly and ironic.
I like many types of humor, but not all expressions of humor in each type. I like to be surprised. It's when a presentation takes a turn I didn't see coming that I burst out with delighted laughter.

The closest I get to expressing humorously is when I get into wild silly interactions where I let the craziest connections I can make be expressed with a smirking seriousness and see how long people will let me go and play along with me.
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I remembered an old test I'd taken on another forum and re-posted it here in case anyone is interested.
My sense of humor runs the gamut from black as hell, obscene, to light and absurd. Even broad humor. Life is too short and brutal, you gotta get all the laughs you can. I don't think people know when I'm joking though. I can be very dry and it comes off as obliviously bitchy. ::shrug:: What can you do?
Thanks for the link tovlo! :)
My sense of humour is too broad to define in a simplistic fashion. I LOVE sexual innuendoes and puns. I even enjoy the puns that most people deem "corny."

Sarcasm and irony are brilliant! Sarcasm can be difficult to convey through online messages, but it's fun in person.

Sometimes, I even find "stupid" humour in cartoons funny.

I don't think people getting injured is funny. Lots of my friends and relatives laugh when people fall off of ladders or get in the groin with a thrown object. How is that amusing? I mean, yeah, if they're an arsehole and they deserve it, then it's good, but random strangers getting hurt? I can't conceive the amusement.

I also don't like "toilet" humour. How is farting funny? I don't think it's disgusting or embarrassing; everyone does it. But that's just it...EVERYONE DOES IT, so where does the hilarity come from?

Anyway, I doubt there's a particular INFJ sense of humour. That's okay, though. As long as everybody has a reason to laugh, it's all good. ^_^
Interesting replies! And fantastic call on the violin video, IS, haha.

I like many types of humor, but not all expressions of humor in each type. I like to be surprised. It's when a presentation takes a turn I didn't see coming that I burst out with delighted laughter.

I thoroughly enjoyed how you worded this, tovlo! Also, yes, thank-you so much for that link, I will be heading there shortly.

minerva said:
I don't think people getting injured is funny. Lots of my friends and relatives laugh when people fall off of ladders or get in the groin with a thrown object. How is that amusing? I mean, yeah, if they're an arsehole and they deserve it, then it's good, but random strangers getting hurt? I can't conceive the amusement.

Eek! No, I would agree that laughing at another's expense is not healthy. Though, that isn't to say chuckling when you see someone (or yourself) maybe slip a bit on ice or bump their funny bone isn't acceptable. I like to think we are all here for each others entertainment and human being's sure can set themselves up for some awesome clumsy moments. This may just be my feeling on the matter though.
The fact I was born in such an absurd world makes my POV hilarious. Needless to say, I dig absurdist-comedy & irony the best.

I can often be found laughing my head off at something no one else sees the humor in...which makes it all the more funny. Happens all the time - in a crowded train, at a funeral, elevators. The other day, I'm casually walking down the street, and in that split second I round the corner, someone fell out of a store. For some reason, I replay that in my mind and there I go laughing again. It's not about the actual fall, it's about the timing and all the elements that made me turn the corner at the precise moment to catch that. I have no problem laughing, as I help the fallen get back up. After I find out they're okay, my laughter usually goes up a few more notches.

Sarcasm just seems like passive-aggression to me, so I'm not the biggest fan.
I think the thing I find the funniest is people's facial expressions when they're saying something emphatic. The words are important as well but if someone's face is animated that cracks me up :)
My preferred mode of humour are puns and other wordplay. The more they make people groan, the more amused I am! In fact my big grin when the puns come out usually get a few chuckles out of people eventually, no matter how groan worthy the puns are.

Not sure if that can be linked to being INFJ though.
I love cracking jokes and messing with people I knows heads. I can twist words around until your so utterly confused you just look at me with that confused look as I smile back.
It seems to me that the attitude and actions of I/E/NTJs make me burst into unstoppable laughter, or at the very least, a grin.
I tend to crack myself up quite often. :) I am very sarcastic and I think I have a sharp wit, but I'm also very silly and ridiculous.

I am not entirely interested in disgusting/bathroom humor. It's way too predictable and...I don't know, boring.