INFJ's and their bodys


Community Member
i was wndering how INFJ's feel in their bodys.
do you feel horrible and hate looking at yourself
do you love what you have
think you could be better?
sorry if too private just wondered how others veiw themselfes.
When I think of my body, considering how others might see me, I don't care for it. I wish I was broader here, narrower there, etc. etc.

On my own, however, I neither like nor dislike my body, I just find it interesting.

There is a parrallel between how I consider my temperament and how I consider my body. In group situations, I get frustrated with my type/temperament, but on my own, I like being an INFJ; the same goes for my body. At times I don't like being as tall as I am (not tall actually, 6'1), because most of the people I talk to are shorter than me, but otherwise I don't think about it.
This is similar to the body image thread...

I have a big nose, acne, a few extra pounds, hair where I don't want it, etc. There isn't much I can do about it aside form good hygiene, exercise, and eating well. I just have to be happy with who I am.
I realised a few years ago that I look at things under the microscope when it comes to me personally. This is sort of conforting in the fact that when I back off from the microscope, I realise the facality in me doing so. At that point I won't look back at the microscope, and feel alot better.
Urgh, my body. :( It would be nice if I was more handsome, but unfortunately I have many scars and my face isn't that attractive. It's ironic though, the one part of my body that I like (my long hair), most people hate. :tsk:

In group situations, I get frustrated with my type/temperament, but on my own, I like being an INFJ; the same goes for my body.

I feel the same as Flavus Aquila. When I'm around people I hate being INFJ and especially my shyness. When I'm in social situations I often wish I was extroverted. However, when I'm by myself I like being an INFJ (being the rarest personality type makes me feel like I'm special). :m170:

As for temperament... I hate being melancholy. I envy sanguine people.:(

Wow, it felt good to get that off my chest.
I used to absolutely hate myself. But I think over-time I have learned to accept who I am and what I look like. I suppose I grew up somewhere?

I will always wish I were thinner or prettier, or whatever... but, I think I'm starting to like who I am, which makes a big difference.
I used to absolutely hate myself. But I think over-time I have learned to accept who I am and what I look like. I suppose I grew up somewhere?

I will always wish I were thinner or prettier, or whatever... but, I think I'm starting to like who I am, which makes a big difference.

I've seen your picture CoffeeShopDiva - and the first thing I thought was "oh wow, she's pretty!".
I've seen your picture CoffeeShopDiva - and the first thing I thought was "oh wow, she's pretty!".

aww... thank you... you might have just made my day. :)
o.O..... err..?

Anyway, I don't do anything to augment my make up, nothing. I'm still uncomfortable in the way that I'd rather be an invisible observer until necessary. I don't usually think about what I look like in a negative or positive way; I'm not the one who has to see myself, ha! Though, I guess I feel like a major dork if my hair dries funny and sticks out, yes!! :m027:
I think most people tend to have things they want to change, and that's true for me as well. But thinking that maybe everyone has felt that way once when looking in a mirror.. it's not such an important thing, is it?
i was wndering how INFJ's feel in their bodys.
do you feel horrible and hate looking at yourself
do you love what you have
think you could be better?
sorry if too private just wondered how others veiw themselfes.

i wonder if you're referring to body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)?
I remember when I lived in Mexico and I would in my head criticize everyone somehow. Too chubby, skinny, ugly, etc. I couldn't stop myself. Then one day I really looked in the mirror and I found myself doing the same thing. I was so dissatisfied with myself. I am short and chubby and ugly.... I was saying the same thing to my self. I started looking at people differently. The wonderful thing is we are all different. I decided to find the beauty in everyone and I found it quicker then I though I would. It was amazing. I didn't look in the mirror for a month, it didn't occur to me really. When I did I saw a young woman. I really haven't been able to associate my reflection with myself and I am okay with that. I have a physical body and yes I find it comfortable and I have a reflection that is also equally as wonderful.

I am having a hard time really explaining what I mean. I am fine with my body and how I look. I don't think changing how I look is necessary.
I can't help but criticize myself, I want to lose weight- I know I'm not fat, and I have lost a lot of weight about a year ago when I was actually quite fat; but I'm still not satisfied. I don't think I ever will be.

I don't dislike everything about myself, but i do dislike a lot and am terribly self conscious because of it.

I'm much better than I used to be, a lot more happy with who I am, but I still worry about my appearance and likely always will; it's part of me I suppose, neurotic, paranoid and self conscious . . . it's just who I am.

Plus I was picked on a lot and still am to an extent, especially when I was younger- I think hearing people say negative things about a lot has slowly chipped away at my confidence and caused me to have a bad opinion of myself, even when I know in the back of my head it's not true . . . it certainly has made me more concerned about my body than I should be.
I feel many things about my body. Sometimes, I think I have a great and amazing body, and other times I feel like I am horribly ugly. Most of the time, I don't really like my body and I am very self-conscious and uncomfortable with it.
When I think of my body, considering how others might see me, I don't care for it. I wish I was broader here, narrower there, etc. etc.

On my own, however, I neither like nor dislike my body, I just find it interesting.

Flavus, you are always laying down my brain wave length long before i've gotten a chance to even introduce myself to it! It's going to take some getting used to this, haha.

But yes, truthfully, I have a hard time finding motivation to change physically for only myself. Of course my motivation is always there to adjust mentally, though.
extroverted sensing is our inferior function, it's the weakest and the most negative of the four.
I've read somewhere that infj's get easily obsessed about things and details in external world because of this.
I've also always felt insecure about my appearance, but I'm slowly getting over it.
I want to snuggle with a pretty INFJ girl from an Ohio University.

And her cat.