Why is the search for objective truth noble (morally good)?
Perhaps being at ease and comfortable is healthier than being forever on edge and uncertain?
Psychological Reasons
When you stop the search for truth, all you're doing is making yourself comfortable with your present worldview. Your understanding of yourself and your world stagnates and confines itself. By definition, personal development and even social progress come through change. As a person you have to constantly change and evolve to be better. The worst you can do is try to make your world a constant "same" as that, by definition implies not changing and therefore not growing.
Now, it is still possible to be forced to grow, but you have no concern or control over the direction or speed of that growth if you don't attempt to realize truth for what it is. When you realize truth, you are free to make profound realizations about yourself and the world. You are free to synthesize your learning experiences...with a river of new information always incoming. Stopping the flow of learning brings that river down to a drip...and your mind has little material to draw new realizations from.
Plus, comfort itself retards growth. Growth happens when you're in discomfort...when you're pushing outside your box. So, not only is the flow of information stopping, but your box becomes narrow and confining. The mind must have freedom and some discomfort in order to expand.
Social Reasons
If you have a bunch of people running around saying that their own subjective worldview is correct, then you get, well...just look at the middle ages. There are plenty of examples of this. If there is an objective truth, I think the
vast majority of people would be totally on board with it. The problem is that people don't agree on how objective truth is obtained...not if we should believe it or not.
Science itself is something most everyone believes in. Superstition is something that most everyone believes is to be avoided. Science is good, superstition is bad. What people don't agree on is what
is superstition and what
is science. The distinction is where the disagreement lies.
So objective truth is a potential uniting force...maybe the strongest there is. Seems like nothing brings people together then overcoming a common challenge...and the best way to conquer a problem is to know the facts...you can't have a deliberate solution without knowing the facts.
Philosophical Reasons
Plus, at worst you can only honestly
doubt the existence of objective truth, but not deny it completely. If you say, "Objective truth does not exist," then you're trying to introduce an objective fact: that objective truths don't exist. You're contradicting yourself.
Although it's not absolutely certain that there is any sort of abundance of objective truth, it most certain is out there. At least, it's objective to the point that our minds would find it absolutely impossible to comprehend anything at all without believing some axioms...all of those axioms being those of logic or mathematics. Such simplicities as "anything is itself" and "something exists" seem so beyond doubt that you reach the land of complete absurdity to deny them. They prove that at least
some objective truth exists. If you want a classic example, look no further then Descartes: "I think, therefore I am." In the very attempt to deny that you think or that you exist, you must think in order to come up with a denial. And to think, one must exist at least somewhere.
So in conclusion, I posit for you that the search for truth is a psychologically healthy one as it is vital to the growth process. Further, I assert that there are at least some objective, undeniable truths. To say, "all truth is subjective" or some variation of such is just...well...objectively wrong!