If you laugh you're evil...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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I laughed. That's totally absurd and yet brilliant. The kid and the mom both deserved it. Who lets their children go around biting strangers?
I have to say...I really laughed. Hard. Mind you, if it had been me, I would've had to 'fess up so I didn't cause an international incident or something. But I'm sure that kid won't do that anymore. Or anything close to it.

You do know, it can take several months for the test results? That family's in for a very long couple of months. Not to say that the kid didn't deserve it, but...yeah.:m107:

I also see it as doing them a favor. For a kid to bite people that often and randomly, it is only a matter of time before he does bite someone HIV positive.

That is pretty extreme behavior from the kid and parent. I would think that legally the parent should be responsible for any physical damage their kid inflicts on someone. I think people are legally responsible if their dog bites someone and it should be true of children.

edit: Apologies for not wording my post well. Who wants to do them a favor? Hopefully my point was still there.
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I grinned. I love poetic justice. What's more, it will likely prevent that kid from continuing the behavior, so you just did something to improve society.
Is the story true, by the way?
What a psycho kid!! You handled that brilliantly!
I hope you're leg feels better soon. :(

Your story reminded me of this commercial
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/GE7EKwZoQow&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GE7EKwZoQow&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
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I'm not THAT evil...but I do wish you could've snapped a picture on your camera phone of the mother and child's face just so I can laugh even harder. This reminds me of that little freak form Cabin Fever who bit the infected dude. PANCAKES!

I have to say...I really laughed. Hard. Mind you, if it had been me, I would've had to 'fess up so I didn't cause an international incident or something. But I'm sure that kid won't do that anymore. Or anything close to it.

You do know, it can take several months for the test results? That family's in for a very long couple of months. Not to say that the kid didn't deserve it, but...yeah.:m107:

^^thought and did the same.
I smiled. I don't laugh unless I'm nervous or upset. There are probably other occasions where I laugh, but I will tell you that laughter isn't the result of a funny incident. Now that I think about it, I most of my emotions are inappropriate and I laugh at the most inconceivable things.

I like to tell my sister false things to see if she believes them. We share many common friends because, she happens to be an ENFP and most of my friends for some reason are ENFPs, 'borrows' them. Rachelle is one of these. Lately this one seems to be having sex with a lot of random dudes and getting into the 'party' scene. She swears she doesn't use, though I do know she's smoked weed before. I was in the middle of a conversation with my sister a few months ago when I decided I was going to convince my sister that Rachelle was using Cocaine.

I began to talk about how a lot of people at my school use cocaine, and other people are doing it too, like Rachelle, and then I froze in my conversation and smiled. She at first thought that I was lying, and then I told her I was and suddenly she became suspicious. "I was just kidding, Rachelle isn't using, I was kidding." She didn't believe me. This was all part of the tactics.

Yesterday I was talking to my friend Rachelle who mentioned my sister was mad at her because she was doing Cocaine. I told her that was my fault, I told my sister that. Apparently it had started a rumor at her school and things had turned sour for her because of it. I'm amused at how much power one remark can make if you gossip it to an ENFP.
I didn't smile or anything really. I feel bad for both sides. While what the kid did was very bad, what you said was pretty cruel as well. Nevertheless, I think it will get into his head now that biting is bad.
My joke is from Sickipedia, one of the top jokes for the month.

Slant: Yeah, that's why I don't like ENFPs, and extroverted girls in the main. I know quite a few of them who will gossip anything to anyone as long as they only "heard it".
ENFP's are sensationalists in alot of ways, and what slant said adds proof to that. Anything that is out of the ordinary, particularry if it deals with people, will be quickly eaten up and be passed around for them to use. I think this appeals to there Ne, which is why they get like that, and will seem to believe nearly anything.
You mean you didn't do this? ::gasp::
I am so gullible..
Aw, you didn't do it? Here I was all ready to be impressed that you and your friend "Tom" are so mentally in sync! I might do something like that (minus the swear words) but I'd have to confess the truth before I left the store.
I must be pure evil, because I cracked up. The look on their faces would have been priceless!
I would do this and no I would not confess. First of all a bite from anybody is more likely to get infected then a dog bite, secondly it can be illegal to falsely say you are infected with HIV when you are not. I think if this happened the parent deserves to worry, and also needs to learn to keep her kid in order. I hate this no discipline parenting style. I know my kids would never do this.
And yes, I smiled a nice, slow smirk.
Yeah, that's why I don't like ENFPs, and extroverted girls in the main. I know quite a few of them who will gossip anything to anyone as long as they only "heard it".

For sure. Girls being gossipy is probably one of the reasons why I don't socialize anymore.
I would do this and no I would not confess. First of all a bite from anybody is more likely to get infected then a dog bite, secondly it can be illegal to falsely say you are infected with HIV when you are not. I think if this happened the parent deserves to worry, and also needs to learn to keep her kid in order. I hate this no discipline parenting style. I know my kids would never do this.
And yes, I smiled a nice, slow smirk.
