If I could, I would...


life is good
What would you choose if you could do, be, or say anything without any undesirable consequences? YOU choose the rules; no limitations, no impositions.
If could...I would...

gain the abilitie to teleport and Go back and meet Jesus Christ and try to bring him to the future or at least get ALOT of answer.

and if he didnt exist?...

i would take ALOT OF time proving to people that he wasnt!!!

(sigh)...It would be a long term thing lol:m175:

i have more of these but i will be posting more soon. i wanna let everbody else take turns first.

(flys away):mfly:
I'd live in a house made out of a giant mushroom, wear an elf costume in daily life, and hand out sweets to children.
Id rule the world... muahahahahahahaha

then hypnotize Helpful Elf to marry me
(poor Elfy)

I would live a life of eating candy in giant amounts and marzipan potatos while keeping up the mushroom hut lol
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Id rule the world... muahahahahahahaha

then hypnotize Helpful Elf to marry me
(poor Elfy)

I would live a life of eating candy in giant amounts and marzipan potatos while keeping up the mushroom hut lol


who R you!?!

lol never seen that side of ya
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i'd travel overseas, search the countrysides and find a quiet place to live not too far from town but far enough from the business of the city.
I would travel all over the world I would see everything. When i had seen the whole world, I would she the oceans...when I had all that done...i would settle in the most beautiful places of my travels and be a shut in recluse writer.
I would go check out the edge of the universe and travel around out there.
I'd be a psychiatrist and give my dad a therapy session. I would tell him everything that I've been dying to tell him in the last 18 years. Oh, I guess I'd include my mom too.

And then I would somehow gain so much money I would never have to work.
I'd go somewhere quiet, preferably a countryside, and just write. <3
If i could, I would...

Have an income such that
my family would never want...
and I could help anyone who needed it, without ever being taken advantage of, helping those truly in need.
I would end all suffering for children everywhere and bless their lives with true innocence. And animals too.
I would also eliminate mosquitoes, nasty spiders, pesky flies, and wasps.
Finally, I would get a massage everyday.
If I could, I would travel to all of the places I've longed to see.
I'd find a way to help everyone I found needing help, so long as it didn't violate the happiness of another.
I'd fly through the sky and see the world from above.
I'd give my kid sister a trip to london and tickets to any show anywhere in the world she wanted to see.

Oh, and ballpit couch would happen. That might still happen at some point soon. I just need a good sized enclosure.
If I could, I would...

Do- I'd travel to Atlantis via swimming through a network of waterfalls and underwater caves in a heavenly, exotic locate. The Atlantisians would welcome me with open arms and teach me their infinite knowledge.

I'd also own a progressive, international real estate company, with apartments/condos/and homes on every continent, so that whenever I wanted to live overseas, I'd have a home away from home.

Be- I'd be a psychic medium expertly channeling the most evolved, direct and clear guidance from 'beyond', which I would use to help myself and others live deliriously happy lives.

Say- I would always say exactly how I feel, in any given moment, such as: I love you! I fuc*ing hate you! or You bore me, etc.
I would travel all over the world, taking photos and writing about my experiences... and I'd get someone to pay me lots to do it so I'd never have to work a boring job again. :)
If I could cast a spell on everybody I would make everyone peaceful, kind, generous, helping and loving!!!:m045: then everybody will love and be loved!!!!!


oh.. and if not that.. hhihihi :) :) I would care about everybody and give them comfort and love and care without feeling hurt even if i get rejected..that way I wouldn't be bothered giving love :) :) :)
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no undesirable consequences? what a concept. the easier question would be, what wouldn't I do? :P first thing I'd do is create a rocket and travel all around space, see what else is out there in this universe to see. travel back in time and tweak a few events to my benefit, and also witness the coming of several iconic inventions. i'd genetically engineer myself and the human race to never want for food again, and discover enough resources so that wars would become a laughable prospect. i'd also find a way to contact God, or at least confirm that we're alone in the universe. that would be the beginning. there would be no end!
I will choose for limitless choices in life, and yes i am going to do it. NO limit in my life of love, i will love my friends. I think this is best for me. It is win-win choice within itself.

I am delighted.
I would go back into 4 years into the past and relive my life differently. I have done things that have hurt myself and others. I wish I could take all back....
What would you choose if you could do, be, or say anything without any undesirable consequences? YOU choose the rules; no limitations, no impositions.

Excellent question. I think I figured something out from it. It triggered a certain meta-analysis of our existence.

First I considered removing the reproductive ability of all people, or somehow gently causing the extinction of our species, and eventually all living things. This would be on the basis that our existence is meaningless anyways. Then I saw that this wasn't what I wanted because there is a certain beauty in us... All I would do is all I've wanted to do, in theory, all this time. Put a lower bound on human suffering.

HA... BUT... if I was to get REALLY clever about this... I would give myself unlimited knowledge and unlimited power. I would be God. I would then have the intellectual capacity and knowledge to make perfect decisions to do what would be best for all.

Which leads me to question well.. if there IS a God, then our world must be perfect even though we cannot see that it is. If we believe that our world is not perfect, then there must be no God... Or MAYBE, there is just no natural polarity between good and evil, and its been conjured by us... but God would know that we are limited, so why put us through all this? I don't think there is one, based on my reasoning here. This simply CANNOT be perfect.
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